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June 02, 2024, 03:56:30 am

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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 503888 times)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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CTRL+V and post it #1200
Diagnostic : Hypertension since childhood. She has been regularly overweight for many years. Currently, she still has amalgam fillings in her mouth, but no devitalized teeth. The patient has suffered from insomnia for years and wakes up several times during the night. She is therefore inevitably tired during the day. Her biggest problem is restless legs syndrome. She suffered more and more and the pain intensified. The patient follows a vegetarian diet.

Kirlian's first photo (Fig. 1) shows typical symptoms in this patient. Weak right foot, resulting in deficits in brain and emotional recovery during sleep. Equally noteworthy is the big toe on the right, which is weakly irradiating and degenerative at 12 o'clock. We can clearly see the overload of the liver, both emotionally and physically. The two indexes at 12 o'clock show a permanent functional strain on the medulla oblongata, which is responsible for 24 hours of stress and can also have a negative influence on the regulation of blood pressure. Both ring fingers have cramps at 6 p.m. This area belongs to the abdomen. On request, the patient has not been to a gynecologist for years.

In the control image (Fig. 2), the polarity (hands / feet) is balanced. Spinal cord load is now particularly evident on the left side, almost all fingers are now cramping at 6 p.m. which may indicate conflict and implied injury Both thumbs remain relatively small indicating some stiffness in the reaction and also indicates a necessary detoxification. The little finger on the right becomes remarkably small, indicating a repressed and unfree personality and repeatedly straining the heart and small intestine through emotions.

A month later, the picture cleared up. The liver is a little better, the two 2nd toes still show the patient's hyperacidity and stress. The thumbs show a tendency to open, which improves detoxification. In the implied piece (the fingers at 6 o'clock) we still see territorial stress, anxiety, and cramps, especially middle and ring fingers. His personality still suffers, development and "being free" is not yet possible (little finger on the right).
chai tea latte

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #1201
Reality flows in rolling waves which crash against the shore and disappear into nothing no tide ever lasts forever no mood is ever constant everything comes and goes. If you let such ephemeral phenomenon deter you then you'll never arrive at a kinder place for you or anyone else can feel safe to transition and live in peace. If your true identity is so easily repressed you'll disappear into the abyss without ever having really lived just a wasted life full of regret. Reality is perpetual war there's no undifficult irreversable progress there's a conflict raging between the future and the past if you do not kill it then it will not die. You will not find the conscientious objector status you're looking for there's no abstaining from participating in this struggle there's only surrender or resistance. If you are not an actor who shapes reality you are an object shaped by the forces of reality don't let yourself be malleable clay in others hands be a stalwart rock that endures. If we are all cowards in the face of bigotry so much more pathetic than our predecessors resisted then a brighter tomorrow is already lost. The mainstream opinions are not inalterable forces you must succumb to they're the product of the choices of people who can be defeated by a countering force of transformation. We did not actually accomplish so much before these bigots have always remained around they're a retaliation to our major victories during the past decade. When inertial stasis is disturbed it exerts a restoring force from those repulsed by change which can only be overcome by an even greater transforming impulse. Nothing much has changed just your perception of which way the wind blows forgetting you too can blow the wind and alter its course you want nice gentle weather but can't find the courage to ride the rough storm.
Macho Masc Sangy Savage

Shell Game

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CTRL+V and post it #1202
I can only assume that my son hated that I put him through that challenge. It soured the enjoyment of his leisurely web swinging and cool no-stakes action scenes so much that he needed to wipe the slate clean and start over. He didn’t mean to break my heart, but here we are.
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex xX_sp00ks_Xx


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CTRL+V and post it #1203
Great Joe Macho Masc Sangy Savage RoeCocoa

Salubrious Rex

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CTRL+V and post it #1204
riff/rift , sherriff/sheriff , beans and Benjamin... look what the wolf drug in

Salubrious Rex

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CTRL+V and post it #1205
I remember The first time I used a plasma rifle, I was at mariposa and just picked it off one of the super mutants, first shot I fired went wide and critically hit dogmeat for 112 damage, liquifying him instantly.

Salubrious Rex

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CTRL+V and post it #1206
Your fists are not a normal weapon, and will do full damage to undead and werewolves.
Shell Game chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug Frank West


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CTRL+V and post it #1207
Smith, C.U.M. 1976. The Problem of Life: An Essay in the Origin of Biological Thought. New York Halsted Press (Wiley).
chai tea latte Antivehicular

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #1208
WOMAN: [tries not to smile] When I was trying to park earlier—and you got out to move the shopping cart—when you did that, I had to try really hard not to press the gas down and run you over.  I thought about how heavy the car would be on your body.  It felt amazing thinking about how heavy the car would be on your body.

MAN: [scratches cheek, nods] Probably too heavy.

WOMAN: Yes.  So effective [touching his arm] Sometimes when we are together, like right now for instance, I think about being your mom right after she had you and I’m holding you and you can’t tell me you don’t want it anymore.  Thinking about being your mother on the day of your birth and thinking about running you over with a car are the two things I love the most.  You know?

Salubrious Rex Shell Game jim and the mammograms Dr. Buttplug

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #1209
CAESAR in diversoriam intram.
dice ad COPO: da me is martinus.
respondit COPO: CAESAR, dici te "martini"?
ululat CAESAR: si volo bini, diceremus!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you
this is one of two jokes i can tell in Latin
here is the other one
rana librum legit.
gallus videt.
ad rana dicit gallus: librum legit te?
respondit rana: scribit, scribit.
thank you
copy pasted from elsewhere
but you deserve to hear my good as hell Latin jokes
I also have an english-language joke about studying latin. It goes thusly:
You're in Latin class, and the teacher is going around the room making people conjugate verbs. The kid next to you gets your attention and goes, psst, what's my one gonna be. help me out. whats my verb.
and you go, uh, damn if i know.
and then the teacher calls on that kid and they go, uh
damnifikno, damnifinem,
thank you


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CTRL+V and post it #1211
According to Peterson’s, an educational services company, the average cost of a master’s degree at a public school is almost $30,000 annually, just for tuition and fees.


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CTRL+V and post it #1212
Anyways, I put dry macaroni noodles in my mouth and then proceeded to engulf my partner’s jewels. The rattling, tickling, and differentiation of pressure from the noodles make for a highly sensational scrotum massage. If you want my personal opinion, stay away from the bow tie noodles, the penne, and anything with a seriously sharp edge. Macaroni, and gnocchi are my favorite.
xX_sp00ks_Xx Salubrious Rex chai tea latte A Meat Frank West


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CTRL+V and post it #1213
During the trip, the reader begins to learn what drove Cirocco to her alcoholism. As the price for the discontinuation of the Angel/Titanide War, Gaea has made the Titanides dependent on Cirocco to have children. Only her saliva can activate the eggs they produce, so that they can be implanted in a host mother to grow. The responsibility for an entire race's survival is more than Cirocco can bear; with resignation from her position as Wizard impossible and suicide ruled out by her love for the Titanides, her only release is alcohol-fueled oblivion

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #1214
GirlKisser420 xX_sp00ks_Xx Frank West Dr. Buttplug Penultimatum