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Topic: TV we've been watching lately  (Read 170802 times)


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TV we've been watching lately #45
Naw, man, McCoy is where it's at. He might've had some of the worst effects budget and least attentive showrunners but I feel like he had some of the best premises and companions in the history of the show even if the former occasionally fell down in execution. (See also Rememberance of the Daleks and Battlefield, which have definite flaws but which are some of my very favorite episodes of all time.)

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TV we've been watching lately #46
My favorite Doctor is all of them, though I have a soft spot for Colin Baker. Partly because Trial of a Time Lord is some of the most hilarious television ever produced.

I also appear to be the only person on ballpit who's legitimately enjoying Sherlock, which makes me feel like an asshole, but Benedict Cumberbatch got punched in the face three times, so I got what I came for.


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TV we've been watching lately #47
Naw, man, McCoy is where it's at. He might've had some of the worst effects budget and least attentive showrunners but I feel like he had some of the best premises and companions in the history of the show even if the former occasionally fell down in execution. (See also Rememberance of the Daleks and Battlefield, which have definite flaws but which are some of my very favorite episodes of all time.)
TheCrawlingChaos, January 07, 2014, 05:31:52 pm

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TV we've been watching lately #48


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TV we've been watching lately #49
The full thing is pretty great. Thanks!

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TV we've been watching lately #50
Fun fact: Tom Baker's voicemail was recorded by a guy named Jon Culshaw. Culshaw has pranked both Tom and Colin Baker by calling them up in-character as the Fourth Doctor.

Tom Baker rolled with it and immediately started improvising. Colin Baker's response to a call from the Doctor was "Tom, are you drunk again?"


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TV we've been watching lately #51
Almost Human: Future-Vancouver has blackouts because of solar flares. Hobos spray your digital windshields with digital water to clean the dirty bits off your digiscreen. Career criminals use bitcoins to move money without leaving a trace, banks can just straight up load money into Bitcoin wallets in a robbery. Florists use 3D printers to make custom-colored flowers.
Its dumb and it makes me miss the short lived and cheesy-in-a-better-way "Total Recall 2070". That one at least had R. Daneel Olivaw under a different name.

Update: New Almost Human episode. What was that? This one had a better Sci-Fi story with a Russian tracking bullet that used the systems in targeted advertisement machines to find its victim. How the bullet was able to zig zag in the air for a mile without any clear mention of a propulsion system and only navigation systems was a point against the story but it could be explained with a electromagnetic propulsion system.
Its not hard sci-fi but the tone, quality and understanding of actual emerging technologies was completely different. They still mentioned bitcoins but that was the most foolish technobabble in the episode and that says something.

Helix: Corporate research station in the pole asks for the help of the CDC concerning the sudden outbreak of a dangerous pathogen in one of their labs. It is a mystery-horror-scifi show but if is going well so far even if the cast is generic. The way things are shaping up the lab may be affiliated with Umbrella Corp.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 05:50:51 pm by Odd »


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TV we've been watching lately #52
Luckily the focus of the second season has shifted off of racism.  Unfortunately it now falls instead on homophobia in a lesbian-victims sort of sense.  That is to say homophobia, Catholicism, rape, child abuse, and Nazi war crimes.  I think maybe the writers don't actually know what horror is, so they're just putting in as many uncomfortable things as possible.  Plus, due to it trying to be darker, the second season is more shitty Saw-ripoff and less hilariously dumb.
EYE OF ZA, December 28, 2013, 05:39:45 pm

Wait, the Nazi doctor's name is Hans Gruber? What is this I do not even.


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TV we've been watching lately #53
Hans Gruper, but close enough.

The person who breaks the revelation that the guy is a Nazi is Anne Frank.

Except she isn't Anne Frank but she's still right about the Nazi stuff because of narrative convenience.

This show won awards.


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TV we've been watching lately #54
Finally got around to watching Orange is the New Black. I'm mostly done with season 1, just in time for season 2 to drop. I definitely prefer the stories which don't focus on the main character, although later on she actually gets knocked around enough to ALMOST learn an important lesson and ALMOST become someone worth paying attention to.


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TV we've been watching lately #55
Hans Gruper, but close enough.

The person who breaks the revelation that the guy is a Nazi is Anne Frank.

Except she isn't Anne Frank but she's still right about the Nazi stuff because of narrative convenience.

This show won awards.
EYE OF ZA, January 15, 2014, 03:24:13 pm

:\ The angel of Death's just shown up and I admit I'm rather digging her as a character but everything else continues to be intensely stupid and not particularly scary. Lana's little adventure with Doctor Sylar was less frightening than it was predictably uncomfortable, f'rex. Blah blah blah serial killers with mother and gender identity issues, heard it before and better.

ETA: oh, yes, of course she has issues because her husband left her for her infertility. Eat a dick, show.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 12:23:04 am by TheCrawlingChaos »


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TV we've been watching lately #56
Space Dandy is pretty awesome despite containing a slightly uncomfortable amount of anime boobies. The most recent episode with the zombies was probably the best zombie-related thing ever made.

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TV we've been watching lately #57
True Detective is fucking amazing.

Also, The Following is pretty alright.

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TV we've been watching lately #58
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is very funny and has Andre Braugher in it.


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TV we've been watching lately #59
ahahhaha House of Cards rofl