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Topic: Time for a generic question  (Read 72443 times)


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Re: Time for a generic question
planet moneygrubber.

gamer's hip clip gets me (and everyone i share it with) every time.


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Re: Time for a generic question
So, I laugh the loudest at most ridiculous fan-fiction, but in my exhaustive re-listening those age the worst.  Once you know what twists are coming they just don't have the same punch.

On the other hand, episodes that involve a larger number of shorter clips I'm always a little excited to get back to.  The "Is it Legal" and "Rob  The Parrot" episodes are two of my favorite examples of this.

My favorite parts of every episode are the ones where Lemon gets excited about something, but like Portaxx, I love all the readers too.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Pokegirls, largely because I had friends who reacted much like Portaxx did when I exposed them to it.  SissyKiss and Unschooling get honorable mentions.

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Re: Time for a generic question
I've re-listened to past episodes countless times, some more than others.

- The Gargantua and James Joyce episode. The extremely French-Canadian-sounding Acier reading the story and Lemon cracking up at certain lines: gold. "I DON'T have your letters!"
- Allrecipes.com. "It looks like poo-poo!"
- The fat activism episode. Not just because it was the first time my submissions got read. It was a really solid episode all the way through. "Fat the power." (Can you tell I really love Portaxx?)
- A Lonely Life. That whole thing is a great example of how the way something is read can make things instantly funnier. I was laughing so hard during big head guy I couldn't breathe.
- Roy Orbison wrapped in clingfilm. Again, the way the stories were read made already hilarious material even better.

I love the episodes about weird, gross fetishes too (sissykiss, dragon dildos, etc.) but once I've listened to them a billion times, the shock factor wears away and for me they just don't have the lasting hilarity appeal of say, a guy blaming his unattractiveness on being asian.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Angry Angry Hippos is probably my favorite because a few years ago I followed so many people on Tumblr that posted stuff like the pieces read (maybe not QUITE as bad) and totally thought they were making logical points. The secondhand embarrassment was almost too much at times. The readings were all great, but I also enjoyed it on a level of realizing "thank God I grew the hell up and got away from those people."

The Supernatural fandom and Bad Dragon episodes are also at the top of the list for me.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Not As Funny With The Sound Off -- Both the content and the voices were amazing. These guys take themselves very seriously and aren't afraid to be crazy about it. The content was even surprisingly insightful about the animation community!
Angry Angry Hippos -- I just love how blatantly -out of touch- with reality these people are.
Just the 160,000 of Us -- More blatant theft of LGBT buzzwords for your bullshit oppression!
My Fanfics Are Full Of Emotion! -- I don't know where you found those fanfic authors, but hot damn. I love both of 'em.
Gotta Poke 'Em All! -- Poor Portaxx. Poor, poor Portaxx. It helps that I get everything she's saying and grew up with Pokémon too.


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Re: Time for a generic question
If I had to pick it would definitely be "Angry Angry Hippos". It's a very quotable episode ... my friends and I say "fucking chairs" quite often.

Runner up for me would be Wesley Crusher: Teenage Sex Machine.


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Re: Time for a generic question
I've never really thought about it. Gut answer is the first episode just because of how cool it felt seeing it made, even if everyone was still getting their footing. Nostalgia aside, the episode I remember laughing to the most was 58: I Can't Believe It's Entirely Butter! . Thought I'd listen to something before I went to bed, ended up lying in the dark unable to contain myself.


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Time for a generic question #38
I'm going to have to go with the bottled water episode, because it perfectly illustrates everything that is wrong with America, I think.  Also, I love how about half way through Portaxx just breaks and keeps repeating "It's water" for the rest of the episode, because that is more or less my response as well.

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Time for a generic question #39
The "Lover and Fighter Man" Garfield performance is pretty amazing.


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Time for a generic question #40
I'm going to have to go with the bottled water episode, because it perfectly illustrates everything that is wrong with America, I think.  Also, I love how about half way through Portaxx just breaks and keeps repeating "It's water" for the rest of the episode, because that is more or less my response as well.
Runic, February 06, 2013, 01:10:59 pm

Favourite exchange from that episode has to be: "It's still water." "No, this is effervescent water."


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Time for a generic question #41
The recipe ones are up there, not least because they're rare episodes I can share with my mother.  Probably my favorite vein is anything fundie-related, though, since I went through about four iterations of that in my childhood, including spending four years in a Baptist school before being kicked out for being Catholic.  I can also share those with my mother, which, again, is a plus.  By Demons Be Driven (Insane) is special to me because I snarked that site in days of yore and I'm glad to see it remains as crazy as ever.

For sheer recurring humor value, though, I always go back to the short with the "screenplay" about the slug woman.  I listened to every episode of the podcast until the beginning of last year while working a library internship, and I was really good about keeping quiet no matter how funny it got, but "THAAAANK YOU" made me quietly collapse in the children's section and screech breathless laughter into the shelves.  It STILL gets me when I think about it.

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Time for a generic question #42
toss up between the ISLAND OF MALATORA and the one with the advice parrot.


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Time for a generic question #43
I've noticed that there are a few episodes I just keep going back to over and over, so here they are:

My Fanfics are Full of Emotion - No further expalnation needed methinks
Teh Ship Vas Crash Like BOOM! - Everon eververe vas laffing like HA
Hoc Est Praecupie De Buttsex - Both the wipebummatory discourse and James Joyce crack me up
The Transformers Radio Variety Hour - Just Then!
Special mentions go to both AllRecepies epidodes and WikiHow. Moar plz.