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June 03, 2024, 11:01:49 am

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Topic: Episode 159 - God Gives His Highest Heels To His Strongest Sissies  (Read 4310 times)

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
  • Paid
  • Captain, what should I do?
  • 4,918
  • 666
Mix Achilles' Heelies Lemon chai tea latte Boots Raingear Salubrious Rex A Meat Dr. Buttplug thelizzerd


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
  • Administrator
  • 4,135
  • 421
Yet another A+ title, kudos.

Achilles' Heelies

  • Ridiculist
  • Intelligent Doggie Tracking System
  • 508
  • 69
All this time later, I still would rather be reading sissykiss.
Mix Salubrious Rex Secret Gaygent 69 Shell Game

positive stress

  • your favorite cool pizza star
  • Paid
  • beep beep ribby ribby
  • 1,267
  • 92
this recording was so challenging I had to read sissykiss for an hour afterwards to unwind
Achilles' Heelies Salubrious Rex Lemon chai tea latte A Meat Shell Game Dr. Buttplug Secret Gaygent 69

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
  • Paid
  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,649
  • 131
the whole thing about phytoestrogens always gets me, beyond the fact that they probably don't work (if they do it's a tiny effect), they're also not an efficient way of getting xenoestrogens into you. they're probably getting as much from going to the store and buying new cosmetics, seeing how phthalates and parabens are also part of that category and are often in cosmetics, and speaking of xenoestrogens, so is bisphenol S, which is in the receipt. 

dijon du jour

  • your zesty bud
  • Paid
  • oh gosh
  • 225
  • 55
the whole thing about phytoestrogens always gets me, beyond the fact that they probably don't work (if they do it's a tiny effect), they're also not an efficient way of getting xenoestrogens into you. they're probably getting as much from going to the store and buying new cosmetics, seeing how phthalates and parabens are also part of that category and are often in cosmetics, and speaking of xenoestrogens, so is bisphenol S, which is in the receipt.
A Meat, September 17, 2022, 12:32:31 am

If you're telling me I can transition by eating lipstick buddy I am way ahead of you
jim and the mammograms


  • Paid
    • 44
    • 4
Oh THAT'S why they call it "Chap"stick
jim and the mammograms Shell Game


  • Paid
  • Make documents, not sense.
    • 765
    • 19
I accidently fell asleep listening to this episode (not due to the context I just was very tired). I don't know how I didn't wake up with an awful dream.