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Topic: TV we've been watching lately  (Read 170808 times)


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TV we've been watching lately #30
I've been binge-watching Leverage, and I just love it. It's a great mix between comedy and drama, with some great humor backed up with some serious and sometimes tearjerking moments.
Locclo, November 11, 2013, 02:52:42 am
So, I enjoyed watching Leverage quite a bit, but... you understand it's crap, right? I mean, it's fun crap, but... okay, let me set the stage for you.

In one episode, The Bad Guys are Monsanto. The Good Guy is a perky young woman who invented a potato which is better at being a potato. I think the hacker character describes it as "The iPhone of potatoes". Monsanto doesn't like this, because this woman's potato will single-handedly solve world hunger and therefore eat into their profits, so they want to confiscate the potato.

So an Escalade pulls out, and a stern looking businesswoman climbs out with two toughs in black suits behind her. The businesswoman explains to nice scientist that her potato was grown with Monsanto pesticides and is therefore Monsanto property. One of the toughs barges into her house and finds a potato and brings it to the businesswoman, who then puts it one of those silver briefcases with an indentation in the foam for the potato! They leave, triumphant.
Lemon, November 12, 2013, 12:55:34 am
Fucking SOLD.

On the subject of contributions:
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 12:07:58 pm by THE TRUE JUICE »


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TV we've been watching lately #31
As a follow up to my previous post about American Horror Story, it continues to be hilariously, cartoonishly dumb, and I haven't really seen any horror in it yet.

It's amusing to see how every female character along with the gay male characters are interested in babies.  And in the episode I just watched, the gay couple wants to get babies, then kill then when they're one and a half years old, so they'll be 'cute' forever.  (Because the house makes you a ghost stuck at the age when you died.)

It's pretty clear based on that scene that no one writing it has ever had children, is female, or known anyone who had children or is female.  If you have to spend a literal eternity with a kid maybe try to aim for once they've stopped shitting themselves?

(As a side note, the one non-baby-crazy female character is like that for one episode then immediately gets retconned to being baby crazy.)

eta: By the way "superfetation" comes up so maybe that's where the Butt Ghost episode people learned about it.
EYE OF ZA, December 27, 2013, 10:35:00 am

I can't deny this is kind of making me want to hate-watch it some more. (Not helped by Juice's above reference to Darkplace, which is pretty much what AHS would be if it knew how ridiculous it was.)


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TV we've been watching lately #32
I've started watching Almost Human which has exactly two redeeming factors, named Karl Urban and Michael Ealy. 

It's about a grouchy, self-hating cop in 2048, who is all traumatized after his partner died and had to get a cybernetic leg (Karl Urban), and who is required to have a cybernetic partner.  Instead of giving him one of the boring, emotionless ones, they give him a cybernetic partner who was supposed to be decommissioned because it has emotions and a soul and shit and therefore wasn't fit for police work (Michael Ealy).  They fight crime.


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TV we've been watching lately #33
Is one of them a loose cannon who doesn't play by the rules but gets results and the other one a by the books cop who is nonetheless loyal to his partner in a pinch?


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TV we've been watching lately #34

I can't deny this is kind of making me want to hate-watch it some more. (Not helped by Juice's above reference to Darkplace, which is pretty much what AHS would be if it knew how ridiculous it was.)
TheCrawlingChaos, December 27, 2013, 01:47:42 pm

I'm watching it, but that's because I have nothing else to do while playing Cookie Clicker.

The first season ended with the biggest attempt at horror the show's ever made for about ten minutes when the whole family comes together to scare a new family out of the house.  Unfortunately, it still pales in comparison to the horror in such gut-wrenching films as Beetlejuice.

Then the next season starts off by tackling racism.   Did you know racism is bad?  Well, American Horror Story is going to tell you!  A lot!  In a really gentle way because they don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.

(The highschool shooter from last season is playing another character this season, and he's married to a black woman who's about as white as you can get.)

e: this season has fucking aliens, I'm going to be so pissed when they turn out to be just ghosts
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 07:29:09 am by EYE OF ZA »


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TV we've been watching lately #35

I can't deny this is kind of making me want to hate-watch it some more. (Not helped by Juice's above reference to Darkplace, which is pretty much what AHS would be if it knew how ridiculous it was.)
TheCrawlingChaos, December 27, 2013, 01:47:42 pm

I'm watching it, but that's because I have nothing else to do while playing Cookie Clicker.

The first season ended with the biggest attempt at horror the show's ever made for about ten minutes when the whole family comes together to scare a new family out of the house.  Unfortunately, it still pales in comparison to the horror in such gut-wrenching films as Beetlejuice.

Then the next season starts off by tackling racism.   Did you know racism is bad?  Well, American Horror Story is going to tell you!  A lot!  In a really gentle way because they don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.

(The highschool shooter from last season is playing another character this season, and he's married to a black woman who's about as white as you can get.)

e: this season has fucking aliens, I'm going to be so pissed when they turn out to be just ghosts
EYE OF ZA, December 28, 2013, 07:25:10 am

Well. if you don't mind some spoilers for Season 3, according to Tumblr racism has been solved forever by the casting of Angela Basset as an extremely vindictive Marie Laveau who's out to punish the modern descendents of white witches from back in the day for the entirety of slavery, or so I've gathered. I'm taking this with a pinch of salt because Tumblr but it does at least sound interesting. I've always been a fan of the woman in question and as such am considering skipping to Coven just to see if it's any more engaging than Season 1.

ETA: Zachary Quinto, you are so much better than this. What the hell are you doing.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 05:02:34 pm by TheCrawlingChaos »


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TV we've been watching lately #36
I considered watching AHS, but I've been put off by the promotional posters I keep seeing. I mean, what the fuck is this even supposed to be?


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TV we've been watching lately #37
Hot. That's what it's supposed to be.


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TV we've been watching lately #38
Well. if you don't mind some spoilers for Season 3, according to Tumblr racism has been solved forever by the casting of Angela Basset as an extremely vindictive Marie Laveau who's out to punish the modern descendents of white witches from back in the day for the entirety of slavery, or so I've gathered. I'm taking this with a pinch of salt because Tumblr but it does at least sound interesting. I've always been a fan of the woman in question and as such am considering skipping to Coven just to see if it's any more engaging than Season 1.

ETA: Zachary Quinto, you are so much better than this. What the hell are you doing.
TheCrawlingChaos, December 28, 2013, 02:19:18 pm
Luckily the focus of the second season has shifted off of racism.  Unfortunately it now falls instead on homophobia in a lesbian-victims sort of sense.  That is to say homophobia, Catholicism, rape, child abuse, and Nazi war crimes.  I think maybe the writers don't actually know what horror is, so they're just putting in as many uncomfortable things as possible.  Plus, due to it trying to be darker, the second season is more shitty Saw-ripoff and less hilariously dumb.

There's also this weird anti-psych theme that's running throughout it.  In the first season, the psychiatrist slept with a student, did poorly at his job, and near the end had a breakdown where he said all psychiatrists were liars and that they were basically the same as psychopaths.  In the second season the psychiatrist is a serial murderer who tricks all the people who come to him for help, as well as taking a lot of time to show off old theories that have been debunked, like behavioral modification for curing homosexuality.  Someone on the writing staff really doesn't like psychiatrists.

Plus, no spoilers, but while the first season had some vague focus (ghosts haunting a house that traps your spirit there) the second season is just random.  Nazi medical experiments, serial killers, demonic possession, and fucking aliens all at once.  Even Supernatural had more thematic consistency.

I have no idea how this show won awards.

I considered watching AHS, but I've been put off by the promotional posters I keep seeing. I mean, what the fuck is this even supposed to be?
Moriarty, December 28, 2013, 05:31:12 pm

You are supposed to be a heterosexual male and find that hot, because snakes and women's mouths and shit.  Season 1 of AHS seemed to be trying for a simultaneous adult male/teenage girl demographic with the constant male-fantasy sex scenes alongside the Twilight-esque pretty boy/outcast girl romance, but with Season 2 it seems to be punching up the male fantasy stuff a lot more.

Also season 2 is set in the sixties which makes me guess the writers saw Mad Men and said "let's do that".
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 05:42:27 pm by EYE OF ZA »


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TV we've been watching lately #39
I considered watching AHS, but I've been put off by the promotional posters I keep seeing. I mean, what the fuck is this even supposed to be?
Moriarty, December 28, 2013, 05:31:12 pm

A raccoon.


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TV we've been watching lately #40
I considered watching AHS, but I've been put off by the promotional posters I keep seeing. I mean, what the fuck is this even supposed to be?
Moriarty, December 28, 2013, 05:31:12 pm

A raccoon.

sherlockian, December 30, 2013, 12:59:07 am
Animal Crossing: it's not a place you want to fuck around.


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TV we've been watching lately #41
I've really been enjoying Rick And Morty, but I've been a Justin Roiland fan since House of Cosbys. It does the maladjusted idiots dealing with the sci-fi nonsense thing like Homestuck but about a thousand times more concise and without the shrill teenage fanbase. It came from a very NSFW cartoon Roiland made after Channel 101 received the C&D letter from Bill Cosby's lawyers that shut down House of Cosbys.

I actually made this as a way to poke fun at the idea of getting cease and desist letters. At the time (October 2006) I had nothing to lose and my original intention was to call this "back to the future: the new official universal studios cartoon featuring the new Doc Brown and Marty McFly" and then I'd just sit back and wait for a letter from their lawyers to arrive. That's actually why it's so filthy. I was just looking to "troll" a big studio.

Then, as I began editing the radio play and boarding it, the two characters ended up becoming something different than just a bad impression of Doc and Marty from BTTF. They slowly became two of my favorite characters that I've ever voiced. I backed down on the cease and desist bait and changed the spelling of their names and whatever else I could still change. I mean, it's still ultimately a back to the future joke/ (parody?), but to me all these years later, these two characters have become something of their own. You'll see as you go through this website that these voices pop up in several of my failed pilots.


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TV we've been watching lately #42
Also if you're a fan of frenetic Superjail style animation Tommy Blancha and illustration wizard JJ Villard got their series King Star King picked up for a full run. The entire pilot is on YouTube and is I guess is technically safe for work if your workplace is cool with grotesque monster people killing each other.

Video link because even the title screen is a bit ripe

« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 06:02:08 am by Acierocolotl »


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TV we've been watching lately #43
I've been rewatching old Doctor Who episodes to remind myself what that show was like when I actually enjoyed it.

Pertwee is still my favorite.

chai tea latte

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TV we've been watching lately #44
Davison forever.

Also, just saw the three-part The Bletchley Circle on Netflix. British mystery, set in post-war London. A quartet of former codebreakers at Bletchley Park team up to catch a serial killer. Three 45 minute episodes, pretty fun.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 02:54:51 am by kal-elk »