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June 03, 2024, 05:52:09 am

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Topic: I do woodworking and metalworking in my free time  (Read 5055 times)

Ragnarok Boobies

  • 3viltiki's Spirit Animal
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  • "Please insert proof of insurance into slot 'A'."
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Here's the windchimes I made for my mom to replace the crappy plastic one that's been broken forever. Apologies for the potato-quality pics as my smartphone is ancient and crappy.

The chime tubes from the old set were unbalanced and caused the top of the chimes to tilt so I made a decorative counterbalance bird.

Currently I'm working on some letter-openers. They're turning out to be pretty quick and I'll post some pics when finished if people are interested.
Eider Duck I Liked That Joke Lemon Bodark

I Liked That Joke

  • Paid
  • Boy oh boy, there's a lot of good jokes out there!
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I like his cute little metal legs! Also, that scorch thing on the feathers is a cool effect.