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Topic: 268: How To Win At ASCII Art  (Read 16739 times)


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268: How To Win At ASCII Art
51nc3 1995, 64m3f4q5 h45 53rv3d 45 4 hub f0r v1d30 64m3 w4lk7hr0u6h5 4nd 57r4736135. wh1l3 7h15 15 0f l177l3 c0nc3rn 70 0ur p0dc457, 7h3 f4c7 7h47 7h15 w3b5173 4l50 c0n741n5 4 f0rum wh3r3 v1d30 64m3 3n7hu514575 c4n 5h4r3 7h31r 7h0u6h75 c0nc3rn5 u5. h4v1n6 n0w r34d 7h3 7h0u6h75 7h3y f33l 4r3 w0r7h 5h4r1n6, w3'r3 51mply c0nc3rn3d.

7h15 w33k, 7h3 f plu5 c0m35 d0wn w17h 4 b4d c453 0f fr3nchm4n'5 l36.
RoeCocoa Frank West GirlKisser420 Sherman Tank chai tea latte Positronic SHAMBA~1.SBB Silent Liver Disease Shell Game


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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #1

______________ ___ .___  _________ _____________________.___  _________________  ________  ___________ __________ ____ ___.____     ___________ _________
\__    ___/   |   \|   |/   _____/ \_   _____/\______   \   |/   _____/\_____  \ \______ \ \_   _____/ \______   \    |   \    |    \_   _____//   _____/
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I should probably mention I got a bunch of stuff (most of the faqs and a couple rants, like the fighting game one at the start) from the podcast Abject Suffering, a show about bad games by the Bonfireside Chat/Watch Out for Fireballs guys. They do some deep dives into obscure games for that and it lead me to some great stuff
sambair SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 06:02:59 pm by GirlKisser420 »


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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #2
I think Lemon accidentally said the Lord's name (in vain if it ever was) trying to pronounced "Yaoi"
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Sherman Tank chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB Eider Duck


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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #3
This seems like a good opportunity to share this piece of history. It seems like an innocuous guide until you come to the FAQ section:

03. What program did you use to justify the text?

      None. I just chose words carefully so that everything lined up on the
      right hand side. Everything was done with an ASCII editor.
Frank West EYE OF ZA Boots Raingear chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 07:00:51 pm by KingKalamari »

Frank West

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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #4
This seems like a good opportunity to share this piece of history. It seems like an innocuous guide until you come to the FAQ section:

03. What program did you use to justify the text?

      None. I just chose words carefully so that everything lined up on the
      right hand side. Everything was done with an ASCII editor.
KingKalamari, November 26, 2017, 06:58:50 pm

This is one of the internet's Great Works.


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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #5
I wanted to make a doc about gamefaqs but I'm lazy, and this episode is everything I've ever wanted.


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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #6
I can't believe Frank West is on an episode about video games.
xX_sp00ks_Xx chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB Shell Game


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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #7
It's pronounced Yahweh, Lemon

Sherman Tank

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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #8
I feel like I need to stick a bar of soap and a garden hose into my ear so I can wash out my brain.

TagsuggestionFAQs: "fetishes", "how in the hell did you get that fetish?", "nerds", "no homo", "misogyny", "the mysteries of toilets", "poetry", "witness the death of shame and reason", "the internet isn't helping"


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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #9

Would it be violating the Prime Directive for someone to try and gain access to the posts on this board for a doc?

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #10

Would it be violating the Prime Directive for someone to try and gain access to the posts on this board for a doc?
Aljonso, November 27, 2017, 01:07:45 pm
Not if you already have a waifu to post about
Corn Syrup

I Liked That Joke

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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #11
There was a fun Dr. Strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb theme going through this whole episode.

Sherman Tank

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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #12

Would it be violating the Prime Directive for someone to try and gain access to the posts on this board for a doc?
Aljonso, November 27, 2017, 01:07:45 pm

Even if it isn't, do we really want to open that fucking Ark of the Covenant?


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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #13
I think Lemon accidentally said the Lord's name (in vain if it ever was) trying to pronounced "Yaoi"
Ambious, November 26, 2017, 06:44:20 pm

That bit was painful. I actively felt pain from his attempts to pronounce that word. It's amazing.
chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB

chai tea latte

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268: How To Win At ASCII Art #14
1 |_|\|)3Я 5T4|\|) 7H47 L337SP34K 15 |)1FF1(|_|LT "4" M4|\|Ч "2" P4Я53, |3|_|7 70 MЧ 373Я|\|4l (|-|4GЯ1|\|, 1 H4\/3 Я34|) 4LL 0F |-|0M357|_|(|{...