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Topic: Florida experiences.  (Read 5189 times)

Mango Tango

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Florida experiences.
This is just a thread for those who have any interesting personal Florida stories to share.

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Florida experiences. #1
My gramma has a cabin on a lake in central Florida.  One time me and my brother were exploring the creek that feeds it; they were undergoing a drought, and so the bottom was exposed.  I'm walking around, and I have to step over this really big branch.  I look at it, and notice it has these neat ridges running along it.  I follow it along, and low and behold, the "branch" ends in a baby alligator torso - it was actually the little critter's tail.  So, of course, I freak out immediately and we run like hell.

The alligator never moved; we came to the conclusion that it was probably dead.  We did not go back up to it to check.

One of our neighbors later got in trouble for feeding a particular gator.  It was an adult, and it lost its fear of people, so this huge adult gator would just come up to docks and boats for food.  Ultimately, the police had to arrange to have something done with it, putting it down I assume.


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Florida experiences. #2
Didn't happen in Florida but close enough: There was a rabid skunk in our backyard.  Out in the open during the day, standing in place, just kind of rocking back and forth.  Clearly something's wrong with it.  My dad calls the village police, asks them to send animal control.  A regular police officer comes by shortly and my dad shows him to the skunk.  The police officer takes out his pistol and shoots it point-blank.  My dad asks what they're going to do with the body.  The police officer just kinda shrugs and tells him to put it in the trash, then leaves.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 07:25:44 am by EYE OF ZA »


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Florida experiences. #3
I got born there once.

Mango Tango

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Florida experiences. #4
My gramma has a cabin on a lake in central Florida.  One time me and my brother were exploring the creek that feeds it; they were undergoing a drought, and so the bottom was exposed.  I'm walking around, and I have to step over this really big branch.  I look at it, and notice it has these neat ridges running along it.  I follow it along, and low and behold, the "branch" ends in a baby alligator torso - it was actually the little critter's tail.  So, of course, I freak out immediately and we run like hell.

The alligator never moved; we came to the conclusion that it was probably dead.  We did not go back up to it to check.

One of our neighbors later got in trouble for feeding a particular gator.  It was an adult, and it lost its fear of people, so this huge adult gator would just come up to docks and boats for food.  Ultimately, the police had to arrange to have something done with it, putting it down I assume.
Der Trommelngleech, June 08, 2016, 02:20:30 pm
Sadly its what they have to do. Or else they go around praying on old people and dogs.


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Florida experiences. #5
I was there when I was 3 years old, roughly 30 years ago.
I vaguely remember a huge golf ball shaped building in Disneyland, some of the space simulator ride, and cape Kennedy.
Basically touristy stuff.