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Topic: The Greatest TV Show Ever Made, Ancient Aliens  (Read 5681 times)


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The Greatest TV Show Ever Made, Ancient Aliens
Goddamnit, I love this show so much.  It's fucking crazy, it makes me laugh and sometimes I spice it up by replacing the word extraterrestrial with a name of a god ("there is just too much evidence for Huitzilopochtli creating Stonehenge.").  Do you guys like this show?


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I FUCKING LOVE ANCIENT ALIENS. My partner thinks I'm nuts, but given half a chance, I will put it on.


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Watching this show causes me actual physical pain. Don't ask why I keep doing it because I don't have a good answer to that question.

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i hate to break it to you folks but if you watch all three hours of video this guy has made you might end up convinced that this show isn't entirely honest


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i hate to break it to you folks but if you watch all three hours of video this guy has made you might end up convinced that this show isn't entirely honest

freaky wapiti, October 23, 2014, 01:13:17 pm

I've seen it before.  Heck, I've taken Prehistoric and Ancient Archeology classes and can pick out their faults on the fly.  I still can't stop watching.  It has to be the really weird structure of "we're gonna talk about some true facts about ancient civilization, religion and art and then BAM! aliens."


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i hate to break it to you folks but if you watch all three hours of video this guy has made you might end up convinced that this show isn't entirely honestfreaky wapiti, October 23, 2014, 01:13:17 pm

Gosh, really? The guy with the hair would NEVER lie to me about how every single non-white community that did awesome things MUST have been helped by aliens. That would be racist.

No, really, I know that it's ridiculous and wrong. But it's on the same level as the shows about the prophecies of Nostredamus, and the TRUTH about biblical history only more hilarious.


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Seriously though, Ancient Aliens is anti-knowledge. It is not just the opposite of knowledge, it negates knowledge. Every time an episode of this show airs an equivalent quantity of actual knowledge disappears from the universe. There are entire libraries that are fucking empty because this thing exists. That is a science fact.


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i hate to break it to you folks but if you watch all three hours of video this guy has made you might end up convinced that this show isn't entirely honestfreaky wapiti, October 23, 2014, 01:13:17 pm

Gosh, really? The guy with the hair would NEVER lie to me about how every single non-white community that did awesome things MUST have been helped by aliens. That would be racist.

No, really, I know that it's ridiculous and wrong. But it's on the same level as the shows about the prophecies of Nostredamus, and the TRUTH about biblical history only more hilarious.
Werelockian, October 23, 2014, 03:04:03 pm

White People didnt do anything either

They said that all of Da Vinci's paintings and inventions were made by aliens


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I think they had one on how Aliens helped the Founding Fathers create America as well. So it's not that they're racist they just think that everyone is as stupid and incapable of doing anything as they are.


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Is this the show that had the episode about underwater aliens? Cause I fucking love that show, with all it's old men in fedoras, sitting on giant armchairs on the beach.


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From that same episode, Einstein didn't come up with relativity, aliens did.  And as we know from previous History Channel shows, fiberoptics, night vision and Kevlar were scavenged from the crash at Roswell.

Real talk: I'm bummed that they quit showing programs about cryptozoology and mythical beasts because those are my real favorite things.


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Is this the show that had the episode about underwater aliens? Cause I fucking love that show, with all it's old men in fedoras, sitting on giant armchairs on the beach.
montrith, October 23, 2014, 03:30:10 pm

Yes, but it reuses a lot of footage from the USO episode of UFO Files