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July 26, 2024, 11:06:34 pm

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Jul 27 01:52am
Perfect opening music Shell. Excited to listen to this one.

Edited to add: I read so much of these people interacting with each other and with these bots and the community is pretty diverse for a subreddit. I saw lots of users who have Reddit accounts just to talk about Replika.
Jul 27 12:26am
My brain still cannot process the nickname "rep" as anything other than "union rep"

also jfc these desperate incels are so easy to sell shit to
Jul 26 10:00pm
these guys are so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so stupid
Jul 26 02:24am
I learned that WW1 started in part because Austria-Hungary wanted a railroad thru Bosnia but only had Ottoman permission to build a road. So the Austro-hungarians decided to just annex Bosnia in 1908.
Jul 25 12:24pm
Beaker and pitcher are doublets, both originating from bicarium, Latin for 'drinking glass', itself probably from a Greek word that meant vase
Jul 23 08:43pm
In cuckolding slang, a hotwife is a woman who can swap partners without rebooting or shutting down between them
Jul 22 09:15pm

CTRL+V and post it (post #1578)

In recent years, the number of fitness and health services have increased, expanding the interest among the population. Today, health clubs and fitness centers are a reference of health services, rising the adherence to physical activity.[1]
Jul 22 09:00pm

CTRL+V and post it (post #1578)

Jul 21 07:44pm
Glad to see Positronic's Cat get their rightful billing once again.
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