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Topic: Episode 140: Is There Anyone With A Life On Mars?  (Read 33690 times)


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whos that guy in the denim hat next to him

Tiny Prancer

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whos that guy in the denim hat next to him
Isfahan, November 12, 2014, 04:41:01 pm

Actually I would be WAY more on board this idea if it was actually a dog doing it. Think of the dog scientist dreaming of being a dog astronaut. Oh man.


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You mean how the journey to Mars takes eighteen fucking months? That sure indicates a dearth of understanding.

Knitting Machine

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I know this is going to blow all of your minds, but Mars One miiiiiight be a scam.

Cat Planet

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I know this is going to blow all of your minds, but Mars One miiiiiight be a scam.
KnitOneKillTwo, March 17, 2015, 07:40:12 am

I don't understand why people are so obsessed wtih Mars, wouldn't you want to try your hand at establishing an outpost on the Moon first?

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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The moon just isn't that interesting. Firstly, we've been there. There's adults alive today who's parents weren't born when people first went to the moon. The moon is just boring crap for our grandparents.

It's also not another planet. It's a subtle thing, but the moon is pretty closely coupled with earth and it's a thing that's right there where we can clearly see it all the time. Mars is a whole new unexplored planet which we can't all see. It's close enough to seem vaguely realistic that we might go/live there, but far enough away that it's exotic and exciting.

It's hard enough to get to that it's an exciting pursuit, but not so far that it's just insane to suggest trying.

It's the most exciting sci-fi destination that sounds like it could actually happen.

Adam Bozarth

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Not only that, but one of our subjects, Maggie Duckworth the cosplayer who sold zippers, is a finalist candidate to make the trip.

"As a cosplayer, I look at it from this perspective: I've got this dream costume I want to make. But just because I don't have the skills right now to make that costume, does that mean I shouldn't cosplay?

"Of course it doesn't. It means that I have a lot of research to do, and a lot of time to put in, a lot of experiments to start and a lot of mistakes to make. I may want to have the costume done for one convention, but maybe I don't get it done until that convention comes around again next year. It can still get done. It can still happen. Maybe not in the way we imagine it will happen, maybe not when we imagine it will happen, but happening nonetheless."

« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 11:03:11 am by Adam Bozarth »

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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I dunno, I think it's fine to want to try to go to mars when you don't know how. Her problem was that she chose to do it by being a reality star for an incredibly obviously nonsense scam rather than getting a physics degree or becoming a successful pilot and aiming for however it is astronauts get chosen.

Adam Bozarth

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Exactly what HER point is! She SHOULD do more research and investigation into the real challenges of a manned mission to Mars. But I disagree that Maggie wants to be a reality star. I take her at her word that she genuinely wants to explore space and be one of the first humans on Mars.

However, making the equivocation that traveling in a vessel about the size of a station wagon for 18 months to pioneer a human settlement on a hostile planet with the known certainty of an early demise is JUST LIKE creating an elaborate costume for a convention is asinine.

It's not that Maggie, or the rest of the Mars One fans, don't know how to successfully travel to Mars or not, it's that they don't know how much they don't know about successfully traveling to Mars.

Granted, she is more intelligent and successful than I am in this earthly life. She's an electrical engineer and a business owner. I am an audio clown. But neither of those qualifications is enough to convince me that she or any other space-enthusiast has the ability to not die in a planet-size desert.

MarsOne is playing on our good intentions and our underlying arrogance, and it's gotten some decent people telling their families they are leaving earth forever, never to be heard from again. It's a science-cult, like the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Think about it this way, if you heard a company was sending civilians with no survival training into space to land on a different planet, you'd think that either this is an evil company from a video game, or I made it up to put into my upcoming video game. Thankfully, it looks like the money is drying up and the true character of the organization is being revealed. Otherwise, we'd have to stop these people.

Cat Planet

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However, making the equivocation that traveling in a vessel about the size of a station wagon for 18 months to pioneer a human settlement on a hostile planet with the known certainty of an early demise is JUST LIKE creating an elaborate costume for a convention is asinine.
Adam Bozarth, March 17, 2015, 02:53:33 pm

For a true cosplay enthusiast, getting one tiny detail on Sora's keyblade is a fate worse then death.


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Tiny Prancer Frank West

Knitting Machine

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It's okay guys! "Some MarsOne 100 Facebook Candidates" have explained how the whole 'MarsOne is a scam' thing is totally a conspiracy!!

Sherman Tank

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This is my all-time favorite episode, I think.

Anyway I don't MarsOne is an intentional scam, it's just some really, really optimistic crazy people.

Digital Walnut

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This is my all-time favorite episode, I think.
Sherman Tank, November 01, 2015, 05:26:05 am
Yeah, it's pretty fantastic. Portaxx struggling to read through Maggie's profile makes me tear up with laughter every time I hear it.