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Topic: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*  (Read 323081 times)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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if Jim and Pam had an open relationship, straight up, me and Pam would have sex
chai tea latte, August 18, 2019, 12:25:04 am

This is a much better drunk post A+
Shell Game


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You know what the weird thing about the internet is? I have no idea what any of you think about me.boooo566, August 17, 2019, 01:31:26 pm

I like you in a very distant way.  If I see a boo post, I'll read it and enjoy that someone on another continent shared a part of his life with me.  I want you to be happy, and if I had infinite wisdom and resources I would deploy those resources in a way that benefited you.

I don't have either of those things though, so I mostly just observe and remain quiet.  It creeps people out sometimes, so I'm trying to share more.


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Having to quietly sober up in a corner because the people at this bar suck and u wanna go home isn’t as fun as it sounds.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Having to quietly sober up in a corner because the people at this bar suck and u wanna go home isn’t as fun as it sounds.
beelzeboob, August 24, 2019, 11:22:33 pm
It doesn't sound very fun


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It doesn't sound very fun
AgentCoop, August 24, 2019, 11:25:03 pm

Shell Game

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I'm not drunk anymore so I can't share all the wonderful things I said about my friends last night to my friend from high school, nor can I gush about this wonderful community or how the people in it made me want more out of life.

If I were still drunk and not just preparing to grab some coffee to make the remnants of last night out from my head dissipate, I could say those things.

But it was just not meant to be...

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Spent the weekend just gutting cleaning my house, and even with the bags of shit I threw away and the boxes of stuff by the door to donate I STILL have too much stuff. Just the idea of having to move with all of this shit is killing me. Also, it's really brought to light how much capitalism is bullshit. Like I bought this dumb thing and I never used it? Or I bought this thing to make this cool thing in true ADHD form, and all it is now is a physical manifestation of a failure to do something or a failed promise and that shit just isn't healthy.

Maybe it's also just in light of a collapsing environment that I look at things and go "This is still good, why should I bother to buy new?" Or "Do I really want this thing? Is it really going to make my life better?" I worry that IF there comes a day I make more money, will I be strong enough to hold that conviction?

One last drunk thought: so you have this objects you buy that from the moment of purchase are imbued with intent or purpose. Doesn't matter if it's "real" (I should get a couch so I stop sitting on the floor) or "fake" (I should get a couch because this one is out of style). Then when it isn't fulfilled, you gift it to someone. Being the youngest in the family means in given a lot of hand me downs. Like, most of my house is hand me downs. No hate here, because without them I wouldn't have a third of the furniture I do have. But it really feels that when someone gifts you a chair or whatever they're also passing on their feelings and intents for the object, but also the guilt about not fulfilling that intent, like some manifest object destiny that you are now supposed to fulfill. And if you donate it or throw it away, you're betraying them somehow, and it's not just a piece of wood arranged in the shape of a chair.


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Drunk much more than anticipated. I can do this. I can type a sentence. Ive GOT THIS im poewerful
Oats bubbleuj

chai tea latte

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avvin a few cans innit
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

chai tea latte

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Rye and coke more like i am woke


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I've had a crazy amount of gin tonight and I'm watching my frind play Control on Twitch and it's been a good day

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I've had a crazy amount of gin tonight and I'm watching my frind play Control on Twitch and it's been a good day
Neal, August 31, 2019, 10:21:09 pm

CONTROL LOOKS SO GOOD! I'm excited to play it six years from now


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I've had a crazy amount of gin tonight and I'm watching my frind play Control on Twitch and it's been a good day
Neal, August 31, 2019, 10:21:09 pm

CONTROL LOOKS SO GOOD! I'm excited to play it six years from now
Bobguinary Novel, August 31, 2019, 10:26:42 pm

It's really cool looking, and I like the protagonist a lot.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #433
Drinking some G&Ts for an early Labor Day celebration, starting with my favorite gin Iron Fish! Then sliding into some solid Beefeater with grapefruit bitters. Grapefruit bitters certainly get the bitter part down, but just don't have the aromatic goodness of Angostura. It might be better with a bit of lime?

In additional drunk thoughts, family sucks sometimes. Sometimes "sometimes" is really often! And that blows! But it's important to know that you can patch something better together with friends and loved ones, and that people really need to calm down about the importance of blood. Unless it's your personal blood - you need that.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #434
Out of a drunken haze comes:

Gimme fue gimme fie gimme the drink that I desire fieuel gin,yeuhhh