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Topic: Episode 212: History of the Dozerfleet Part 2  (Read 56511 times)


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What I really encourage if you want to kill your productivity for the day and also lose the will to live is to go on the Dozerfleet wiki, click the random page link and see how long it takes to find an article that's not a stub.

Reader, it look me a long fucking time.

That's also a mind-numbing and depressing way to create a doc if we're looking for a Dozerfleet part three too.

I Liked That Joke

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I think an interesting section of a part 3 would be the collaborators. He seems to have paid a couple of models and deviant artists, and he goes on these weird little spiels about their careers as if they even remember working with him.
Corn Syrup Nikaer Drekin SHAMBA~1.SBB

Nikaer Drekin

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One area I definitely feel like I missed when I was putting this doc together was Dozerfleet's recipes, mostly because he seems to post those on tumblr rather than the actual wiki- Jack Chick already made some of that weird-ass food on here, but I think that's something that could definitely be covered on the podcast as well!

I'd be glad to start finding some more stuff if there's interest in a new Dozerfleet doc- maybe we could set up a collaborative google doc if a few people are interested?
SHAMBA~1.SBB The Smoking Dad I Liked That Joke Corn Syrup Ramona Chingona
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 08:32:22 pm by Nikaer Drekin »


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Sorry to bump the thread of a 7 year old episode but

Trapezoid Kids real

Thank you

Achilles' Heelies oscaruglyface Secret Gaygent 69 Doctor Interrogative Lemon chai tea latte xdaringdamselx Salubrious Rex A Meat 1234GO! Wolley74


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Sorry to bump the thread of a 7 year old episode but

Trapezoid Kids real

Thank you
Napoleon, January 04, 2023, 12:47:57 pm
but do they sing the computer data module song or whatever it was, and dance vaudeville style, this is the most important part

A Simple Farming Goblin

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As a writer, my postmodernist white whale is to write an entire wiki for a fictional work that would be modeled off of Dozerfleet where half the narrative would be more about the wiki writer than the work. Dozerfleet is like if a Borges story were real
Semantic Weeb chai tea latte sea hag GirlKisser420 xX_sp00ks_Xx

A Meat

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As a writer, my postmodernist white whale is to write an entire wiki for a fictional work that would be modeled off of Dozerfleet where half the narrative would be more about the wiki writer than the work. Dozerfleet is like if a Borges story were real
A Simple Farming Goblin, February 05, 2023, 11:49:23 am
please don't Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius Dozerfleet into this world
Semantic Weeb


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welcome to the hronir wiki at uqbar.fandom.com
chai tea latte

Ugly In The Morning

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I would do unholy things for a Dozerfleet Pt 3. I was just listening to the two episodes on him last week and they’re just so good.


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I would do unholy things for a Dozerfleet Pt 3. I was just listening to the two episodes on him last week and they’re just so good.
Ugly In The Morning, April 28, 2023, 12:33:23 pm
I tried to look into more stuff he did but iirc there wasn't much else besides maybe going more into the Sims stuff he did, it mostly is just like his shit tier political opinions which he posts about frequently on social medias.

sea hag

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Yeah he went from someone with confusing ideas for entertainment franchises to Facebook dad. Would that Trapezoid Kids became the cultural juggernaut it was meant to be. How different our world would look...