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Topic: What's up with your username?  (Read 165147 times)


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What's up with your username? #165
Raingear      377-8642
Boots Raingear, April 09, 2013, 11:02:02 am

For a long time after finding this podcast I thought your name was Boots Reindeer.  I figured you must be the podcast's resident furry.

It's still gotta be better than being The Voice of The Spearhead.
Biggie Fries, December 30, 2015, 12:06:37 am

So a reindeer with boots instead of antlers.


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What's up with your username? #166
I read an article that called someone who glitterbombed some asshole as 'a glitterbomber' and I thought the image of some shady ass terrorist setting off a bomb that just shot sparkles everywhere was really funny.

Nikaer Drekin

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What's up with your username? #167
It's an anagram of my actual first and last names!

A Meat

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What's up with your username? #168
It's an anagram of my actual first and last names!
Nikaer Drekin, December 30, 2015, 11:41:58 am
I'll get you one day, 'A Kinkier Nerd'
Corn Syrup xX_sp00ks_Xx jorty Lemon RoeCocoa


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What's up with your username? #169
Well, my idea was, y'know, I wanted a name, I wanted it so it can cut glass.  You know?  Razor sharp.  It's like, when I closed my eyes, I'd see this thing, a sign, I'd see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says...


...but then I promptly found out that name was taken already so I had to settle for this. 

Emperor Jack Chick positive stress One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Fanzay GirlKisser420 eldritchhat Sherman Tank jorty
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 11:07:05 am by Bunnybread »


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What's up with your username? #170
Got to say, I'm glad you went with Bunnybread.  What kind of jerk would even have a name like Guest?


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What's up with your username? #171
Seriously, can you imagine what kind of fuckwit would go about with a name like that? Jesus, that's a fate I wouldn't wish upon anyone.


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What's up with your username? #172
It could have been worse. Imagine someone choosing the name 'Lemon' for their screen name. What kind of name is that?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 02:02:09 pm by Kaleidoscope Eyes »


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What's up with your username? #173
When I was like 12, I decided that I needed a name for my MySpace and so I chose this for some reason. I'm so goddamn lazy that I never decided to change it again. I don't even usually say, "hi." I prefer "hey."


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What's up with your username? #174
Well, my idea was, y'know, I wanted a name, I wanted it so it can cut glass.  You know?  Razor sharp.  It's like, when I closed my eyes, I'd see this thing, a sign, I'd see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says...


...but then I promptly found out that name was taken already so I had to settle for this.
Bunnybread, January 06, 2016, 11:01:56 am

Got to say, I'm glad you went with Bunnybread.  What kind of jerk would even have a name like Bodark?
EYE OF ZA, January 06, 2016, 11:22:22 am

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Nifty Nif
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 10:23:38 pm by Bodark »

Nifty Nif

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What's up with your username? #175
Off-topic, but these "you" posts make me jump every time I see them.
znarf Liatai jorty

Maxine Headroom

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What's up with your username? #176
I signed up for PSN after bingeing on Max Headroom and whiskey with some friends, and we were drunk enough to think this username was quite clever. I've kept using it for places I don't want connected to my internet username that my family knows because I couldn't come up with anything better.


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What's up with your username? #177
I can't remember the original genesis of it, but in the old TF2 days I used to be "Dr. Hymie Tugjobs", then over time that transmogrified into "Dr. Hunky Jimpjorps", and now here I am

Mango Tango

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What's up with your username? #178
I really just wanted something that rhymed.


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What's up with your username? #179
Despite Lemon's insinuation that I am a British BBC show incarnate, it's the most common of username origins: something dumb you came up with when you were 14. I was playing Maniac Mansion Deluxe, the PC fan-remake of the original game and came upon a gargoyle banister post cap in one of the first rooms that had this description when looked at.
pictorial evidence #1:

Being not quite fluent with the English language at the time, I thought to myself "That's a cool word, I'll use that as my handle from now on!" and that's that. So I suppose you could say I self-identify as a media-gargoyle-banister-kin.

Completely offtopic:
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