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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2020434 times)

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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ive had a head cold all weekend and its been messing with my energy/moods so i've been working on a fplus doc about parallel universes with what can only be described as 'slack-jawed enthusiasm'
RoeCocoa GirlKisser420


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chewing gum makes you cum
A Meat, January 20, 2019, 01:43:52 pm

please stop doxxing me
chai tea latte Carbon


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Potential episode title for a human pet episode: Owning People Who Own People
chai tea latte . nuffkins, of all people,

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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I've got a question. It's gonna sound pretty complainy but I don't really mean it like that, I'm genuinely curious as to the situation of those elsewhere in the world.

The fairly standard living situation for young people here, at least in towns and cities, is to share a many bedroomed flat/house with shared common facilities. I, for example, live in a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1 kitchen, no living room flat with 3 other people, all renting our bedrooms individually. I give it about 50/50 on whether I'm still living in a similar situation when I'm 30, and would expect the same of most people my age (although a lot of them will be living with friends because they're not like me). The only people I know my age who aren't in flat/houseshares are people in relationships who can DINK it up, people who did really well for themselves, or people who live in the back end of nowhere.

Is that the young people housing situation everywhere? I feel like when I see people on the internet (so mostly americans) talk about moving out, they seem to be getting their own place or lodging in the spare room of an actual household rather than being in an ever rotating collection of strangers you share a corridor with.

Vinny Possum

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Potential episode title for a human pet episode: Owning People Who Own People
Wrought, January 21, 2019, 10:29:13 am

Either that or a civil war documentary.

[Marching to Sea intensifies]
Wrought Mr. Hunky Academia chai tea latte Shell Game Liatai nuffkins, of all people, Yavuz


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The phrase "butt stuff" would sound a lot more dignified and less infantilizing if you read "stuff" as a verb instead of a noun.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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The phrase "butt stuff" would sound a lot more dignified and less infantilizing if you read "stuff" as a verb instead of a noun.
Spooks, January 22, 2019, 04:41:00 pm

But don't reverse it, because it has the opposite effect - "Are you coming to dinner this Sunday? I here grandmama is making a wonderful stuff butt"
. Liatai

A Meat

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Sonic the Hedgehog, much like the average American, loses all his fucking money when he gets injured

sonic sez: nationalize healthcare
Liatai chai tea latte Shell Game Achilles' Heelies Frank West Yavuz

chai tea latte

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Sargon is the Ted Cruz of reactionary fringe politics

Dr. Buttplug

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I've got a question. It's gonna sound pretty complainy but I don't really mean it like that, I'm genuinely curious as to the situation of those elsewhere in the world.

The fairly standard living situation for young people here, at least in towns and cities, is to share a many bedroomed flat/house with shared common facilities. I, for example, live in a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1 kitchen, no living room flat with 3 other people, all renting our bedrooms individually. I give it about 50/50 on whether I'm still living in a similar situation when I'm 30, and would expect the same of most people my age (although a lot of them will be living with friends because they're not like me). The only people I know my age who aren't in flat/houseshares are people in relationships who can DINK it up, people who did really well for themselves, or people who live in the back end of nowhere.

Is that the young people housing situation everywhere? I feel like when I see people on the internet (so mostly americans) talk about moving out, they seem to be getting their own place or lodging in the spare room of an actual household rather than being in an ever rotating collection of strangers you share a corridor with.
boooo566, January 21, 2019, 03:35:21 pm

In the U.S. if you live in New York things generally work out the same as you described. In the rest of the country though I guess real estate and land availability is such that you can more readily afford a loft or one bedroom outside of college.  We just have a lot more space to spread out here. It's not terribly unusual for people to rent a house or multi bedroom apartment and share it with others, or to rent an attic room or something, but the status quo is that people who have moved out of their parent's houses live on their own. Of course for many the weight of college debt and sometimes limited employment opportunities means some people have to move back in with their parents after college.

TLDR: So the expectation is that if you're treading water, outside a major metropolitan area, you have your own place. If you're doing well for yourself you have your own home or condo.

Mr. Hunky Academia

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Potential episode title for a human pet episode: Owning People Who Own People
Wrought, January 21, 2019, 10:29:13 am

I want to find a martial arts or kung-fu movie forum so I can use the title "Wu-Tang is for the man-children"


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Completely pro-vaccine, and generally not a germophobe, but somehow probiotics still skeeve me out. My theory is eating the germs on purpose is just a little too vorey.

A Meat

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one day I hope I'll have as strong of a personal brand as Akira Toriyama, who has done almost nothing but things with the word Dragon in them for two and a half decades

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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I've been exercising every single evening for like two whole weeks now and I'm still not hot. What gives?

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I've been exercising every single evening for like two whole weeks now and I'm still not hot. What gives?
boooo566, January 26, 2019, 02:09:14 pm

You look in a mirror and discover the truth - you've been hot all along

chai tea latte RoeCocoa Sherman Tank Dr. Buttplug