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Topic: What the hell else do you guys do?  (Read 16446 times)


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What the hell else do you guys do? #30
I' a unemployed guy with no interest in sports in Australia, so I'm basically a full-time Hitler.

I roleplay on MMOs a lot, unsurprisingly. I used t be big into City of Heroes, but when that shut down I moved to The Secret World. I occasionally jump on Champions Online too, but the RP scene that isn't much to my liking.


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What the hell else do you guys do? #31
I' a unemployed guy with no interest in sports in Australia, so I'm basically a full-time Hitler.

I roleplay on MMOs a lot, unsurprisingly. I used t be big into City of Heroes, but when that shut down I moved to The Secret World. I occasionally jump on Champions Online too, but the RP scene that isn't much to my liking.
Cleretic, October 21, 2014, 12:13:10 am

Two of a kind, though currently looking for work as a structural engineer after uni, Unfortunately I graduated a few years too late, after the massive boom in jobs around 2009. But yeah in order to avoid the full time Hitler situation you just need to take note of who likes sports and then avoid them like the plague.


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What the hell else do you guys do? #32
Just for clarity, we do have freemen on the land-type crazies over here too. In fact (I want to say it was yesterday?), a woman declared her house and the land she owned as a separate state. She refused to pay her mortgage and taxes, and called her new state "Niceland". She also went to our esteemed princess' (who has renounced her ties and claim to royalty) angel-school, called "Astarte Education". So yeah. Crazies be crazy.

Also in case it wasn't clear, Märtha Louise, the princess in question, is also fucking bonkers. And that's a lèse-majesté, though technically not because she's renounced her title or whatever.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 12:59:49 am by Fangzay »


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What the hell else do you guys do? #33
"IT tech" in a recycling center. I just fix computers and other junk that comes my way or spend the day groaning and staring at my monitor. When I'm not doing that, I just play video games all day long or spend the day groaning and staring at my monitor.