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September 20, 2024, 07:53:27 pm

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Topic: A Hangover Thread  (Read 149985 times)

Knitting Machine

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A Hangover Thread #15
I just forced myself to eat a salad while hungover and I can't tell if that was a good idea or not.


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A Hangover Thread #16
Aside from drinking water between shots/chugs/swigs/spilling-mead-all-over-yourself, the best hangover cure is more booze. No, seriously. Constant drinking helped power me through a five-day bender.


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A Hangover Thread #17
I think eating food while hungover is something that people only do when they're half-assing it. What you need is to drink your own damn tears. Cry into a coffee mug, DRINK IT. Become stronger through your pain.

I drink a lot of gentle tea, like jasmine green or unflavored white teas, and my only food is pain medication, because my migraines are true and I am too weak for real food when alcohol sick.

Knitting Machine

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A Hangover Thread #18
Update: it was a bad idea.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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A Hangover Thread #19
Pray for me


  • vegan lamp-kin
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A Hangover Thread #20
Sunday, brutal Sunday.

Maxine Headroom

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A Hangover Thread #21
Coming in to work this morning was such a bad idea.


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A Hangover Thread #22
ughhhhhhhhhh red wine why

Emperor Jack Chick

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A Hangover Thread #23
i am fucking LBASTED right now!!!!!

free drinks + pinball awyeah


  • vegan lamp-kin
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A Hangover Thread #24
why is there a bag of marshmallows in my bed?


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A Hangover Thread #25
Horrible confession time: I've been getting blasted every Friday and Saturday for the last three weeks. In the afternoon. With coworkers, over a rousing game of Jungle Speed. While at work.

I'm kinda lamenting how sober I'm going to be this weekend now that my boss is back from his long vacation.


  • vegan lamp-kin
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A Hangover Thread #26
I'm currently rallying for night #2.

Because I'm a responsible adult.

A Meat

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A Hangover Thread #27
Do food hangovers count? I was at a wedding yesterday and they had a buffet with really excellent food and as a result I spent the last 20 hours just kind of doing nothing and groaning because my digestive system told me I fucked up and I need to take a break,


  • vegan lamp-kin
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A Hangover Thread #28
Do food hangovers count? I was at a wedding yesterday and they had a buffet with really excellent food and as a result I spent the last 20 hours just kind of doing nothing and groaning because my digestive system told me I fucked up and I need to take a break,
A Meat, August 13, 2015, 02:25:05 pm

Yeah I once had a dinner party with a bunch of friends where we ate so much lamb that we were sweating.  I still can't eat leg of lamb to this day.


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A Hangover Thread #29
Drank so much I lost three hours last night.

Grapes and water are perfect hangover remedies. Pickle juice works great too.