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Topic: Episode 173: Sins of the Djinn  (Read 20086 times)


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Episode 173: Sins of the Djinn #30
The cheeto dust thing, on the other hand, I suspect is just diabetic neuropathy.
memorylikeasieve, April 16, 2015, 04:13:01 pm

As someone who legitimately has diabetic neuropathy, mostly just the random sensations and sometimes feet tingling, I can say for sure that it feels nothing like cheeto dust. On the other hand with no LSD experience I can only assure you are correct there.
Blandest, April 17, 2015, 05:11:10 am

LSD more or less does whatever you expect it to do. Whether you knew you were expecting it or not.

I've said this many a time, but having grown up with new age beliefs, that's basically it in a nutshell. You grab the parts you like from various native american/asian/pagan/etc. beliefs and throw them together in a ball and insist you need to blow huge amounts of money on crystals or some weird pyramids you wear on your head or expensive seminars to swim with dolphins or else you're not doing it "right". Even better if you throw in shit that came directly from a fucking scifi/fantasy novel and insist it's from actual cultural beliefs and therefore it's totally okay to desecrate indian burial grounds with your fucking resin-and-metal bullshit because stargate has to be real

Those orgone-crystal people are some of the most frustrating to me because not only are their beliefs ridiculous in and of themselves, but because they also make sure that Wilhelm Reich is remembred for the tragic decline lat ein his career, rather than the body of compellng (if not always plausible) work he did before that, when he was one f Freud's most promising followers rather than a self-deluded snake oil salesman.  I actually find a lot of similarity between him and Ray Kurzweil in that sense.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 09:54:57 am by Old_Zircon »

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Episode 173: Sins of the Djinn #31
I've said this many a time, but having grown up with new age beliefs, that's basically it in a nutshell. You grab the parts you like from various native american/asian/pagan/etc. beliefs and throw them together in a ball and insist you need to blow huge amounts of money on crystals or some weird pyramids you wear on your head or expensive seminars to swim with dolphins or else you're not doing it "right". Even better if you throw in shit that came directly from a fucking scifi/fantasy novel and insist it's from actual cultural beliefs and therefore it's totally okay to desecrate indian burial grounds with your fucking resin-and-metal bullshit because stargate has to be real

Those orgone-crystal people are some of the most frustrating to me because not only are their beliefs ridiculous in and of themselves, but because they also make sure that Wilhelm Reich is remembred for the tragic decline lat ein his career, rather than the body of compellng (if not always plausible) work he did before that, when he was one f Freud's most promising followers rather than a self-deluded snake oil salesman.  I actually find a lot of similarity between him and Ray Kurzweil in that sense.
Old_Zircon, April 18, 2015, 09:43:12 am

Guess what, I think basically the same thing, which is why there is a doc about orgone crystals and 'gifting' in the hopper. I didn't include much about the parts the crazies talk about Wilhelm Reich, but rest assured, they mostly mention the crazy parts of his career, like his "cloudbuster".

If you want a fun evening, search youtube for cloudbuster, and take note of the fact that the one in the Kate Bush music video is more impressive than all of the others put together


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Episode 173: Sins of the Djinn #32
Yeah, I bet it's like "distressed." Anyway, listening to this a second time I realized what this reminded me of--it was something that watchful-entity reblogged a while ago (sadly I think it was on the original w-e blog and thus lost to the world by now) which was a proposed dialogue between two people in a restaurant about whether magic worked. One of them supposedly cast a spell to make the waiter come over and refill her water glass, upon which they put the glass to the side of the table, the waiter noticed it was empty, and refilled it, therefore magic! So yeah, if your expectations are low enough apparently most stuff looks like magic and your life is a whole lot more exciting than people who realize that cause and effect exists.


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Episode 173: Sins of the Djinn #33
So yeah, if your expectations are low enough apparently most stuff looks like magic and your life is a whole lot more exciting than people who realize that cause and effect exists.
TheCrawlingChaos, April 18, 2015, 11:59:49 am

I think you meant meant to say "cost and effect."


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Episode 173: Sins of the Djinn #34
So yeah, if your expectations are low enough apparently most stuff looks like magic and your life is a whole lot more exciting than people who realize that cause and effect exists.
TheCrawlingChaos, April 18, 2015, 11:59:49 am

I think you meant meant to say "cost and effect."
Old_Zircon, April 18, 2015, 12:25:04 pm

Heeee! I stand corrected. It also kinda made me think of Mage: The Awakening where the world and the laws of reality are out to get you sufficiently that you have to make your magic happen in the most coincidental way possible or face being erased from existence by your Paradox rating. Only much, much lamer than that.

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Episode 173: Sins of the Djinn #35
The reason I think djinn people are the dumbest of the lot: Being otherkin is free, while a "real djinn" can cost you anything from 1 to 1000 dollars.
montrith, April 12, 2015, 08:20:53 am
Judging by the Kinfood Tumblr, Shadowkin have a pretty big pasta budget.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Episode 173: Sins of the Djinn #36
[yay] Re-listening to this episode, I found a new username! [yay]