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June 01, 2024, 11:23:45 am

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Topic: Episode 103: Adam Carolla Would Look Better In A Burqa  (Read 46016 times)


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Don't get me wrong, we should take every opportunity to mock these people, call them on their bullshit, and minimize their impact on society. Maybe I'm being an optimist, because I don't see their cause of Men's Rights as being successful now or in the future. It may sell books or offer content for Tom Leykis and other shitheads on Hot Talk radio, but it's not going to fly in a progressive society that respects human rights. The main thing to do, along side exposing these ugly beliefs, is to educate people on why these beliefs are ugly.

What the fuck is the "Anglosphere?"Ike, June 14, 2013, 10:22:37 am
It's a collective term for the countries of the world that use English as their prominent language and share similar culture. It comes from Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age, which is much more interesting than The Matrix.Boots Raingear, June 14, 2013, 10:39:56 am
Is that worth reading? I tend to shy away from giant tomes of fiction due to my short attention span, but I read Snow Crash and loved it.

Also, let me add that you read my mind when you noted the irony of them making Matrix references, while one of the writers of that movie had fully switched genders.


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Honestly, I couldn't really get angry at this episode because the subjects were just so goddamn pathetic. A lot of fantasizing about PUNISHING THE EVIL SLUTS, but almost certainly a bunch of meek fuckwits in person.

It was absolutely fucking hilarious, though.

But, hey, sure, there are probably a few places where men get it rough, but that's not because of some sort of ANTI MAN CONSPIRACY, that's just because of age old stereotypes that hit women just as hard, or worse. Neither gender's out to "get" the other, except for a few assholes like these guys, and the sooner both sides realize the other's Just People, not some sort of strange, incomprehensible aliens, the sooner we can dump the goddamn stereotypes and be excellent to one another.


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Don't get me wrong, we should take every opportunity to mock these people, call them on their bullshit, and minimize their impact on society. Maybe I'm being an optimist, because I don't see their cause of Men's Rights as being successful now or in the future. It may sell books or offer content for Tom Leykis and other shitheads on Hot Talk radio, but it's not going to fly in a progressive society that respects human rights. The main thing to do, along side exposing these ugly beliefs, is to educate people on why these beliefs are ugly.

What the fuck is the "Anglosphere?"Ike, June 14, 2013, 10:22:37 am
It's a collective term for the countries of the world that use English as their prominent language and share similar culture. It comes from Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age, which is much more interesting than The Matrix.Boots Raingear, June 14, 2013, 10:39:56 am
Is that worth reading? I tend to shy away from giant tomes of fiction due to my short attention span, but I read Snow Crash and loved it.

Also, let me add that you read my mind when you noted the irony of them making Matrix references, while one of the writers of that movie had fully switched genders.
Down10, June 14, 2013, 12:51:35 pm
I would recommend it! It may be my favorite of his novels. Lots of fun ideas.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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What the fuck is the "Anglosphere?"
Ike, June 14, 2013, 10:22:37 am
Anglosphere is the worst Pokemon. You get it by breeding a Trubbish with a Neckbeardigon.

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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I know Toast said this in the episode, but I love the self-inconsistent PUA explaining why it's women's fault that Game doesn't work.

Women have tiny little hard-wired minds.  All they do is pick out the male with the highest value and work towards getting fucked by him.  Make it your business to exude value and you'll be fighting off bitches!

> OK, I tried that, and it doesn't work.

Women have such tiny little brains that they cannot figure out how high value you are!

That's one explanation.  It might also be that women are a little more complex than simple reflex agents that point their crotches at the local maxima of the social-value distribution.

Alpha Starsquatch

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Women have tiny little hard-wired minds.  All they do is pick out the male with the highest value and work towards getting fucked by him.  Make it your business to exude value and you'll be fighting off bitches!

All I can picture is some dude stapling 1 dollar bills to his flabby chest.

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Women have tiny little hard-wired minds.  All they do is pick out the male with the highest value and work towards getting fucked by him.  Make it your business to exude value and you'll be fighting off bitches!

All I can picture is some dude stapling 1 dollar bills to his flabby chest.
Al, June 14, 2013, 07:26:09 pm

Remember Roosh's comment about t-shirts with "yearly income or dick size" on them?  The only reason they don't do that is they've figured out that a certain minimum amount of tact is required.


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What I found surprising about this episode, was that the writing reminded me less of the PUAs and way more of the cock rub warriors.  Interesting.
PurpleXVI Figs cube abuser

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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What I found surprising about this episode, was that the writing reminded me less of the PUAs and way more of the cock rub warriors.  Interesting.
agentmonster cockogue, June 15, 2013, 02:02:00 am



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There's been some talk in the blog world about the Arnold Kling book The Three Languages of Politics. In this book, Kling identifies three basic types of political arguments.

Conservatives see the world as a battle between barbarism and civilization.
Progressives see the world as a battle between oppressors and oppressed.
Libertarians see the world as a battle between coercion and free will.

While a lot of these guys are using conservative-style arguments (i.e. toilets), some of them seem to have bought into the progressive worldview, and because the oppressed are the Good Guys, are searching desperately for a reason to be oppressed (i.e. hard chairs). There are probably also guys in other documents spouting libertarian-type arguments ("child support is slavery!")

I don't know where I was going with this. It just seemed interesting at the time I hit the "reply" button.
Baldr Sherman Tank


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The good thing about the MRA is that while they are terrible they never actually do anything. In that link they explain how doing nothing is actually part of their master plan!


  • Square Pusher
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What I found surprising about this episode, was that the writing reminded me less of the PUAs and way more of the cock rub warriors.  Interesting.agentmonster cockogue, June 15, 2013, 02:02:00 am

Agreed. PUAs may be slimy and shallow, but they still desire women and don't really begrudge any so-called matriarchal oppression so long as they can maneuver it to meet their own goals.

The Cockrub Warriors episode is the perfect follow-up to this one. After all hearing all their relentless contempt of the female gender, surely becoming a CRW is a forgone conclusion.


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The difference is that the cockrub warriors were harmless, funny, and I like them and wish them well.


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MRAs on Facebook decided to make a poll to decide, once and for all, who the greatest misandrist was in the Year of Our Lord 2013.

But they forgot to disable adding options.

Maybe there is hope for the world after all.


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MRAs on Facebook decided to make a poll to decide, once and for all, who the greatest misandrist was in the Year of Our Lord 2013.

But they forgot to disable adding options.

Maybe there is hope for the world after all.
nilvoid, June 18, 2013, 01:01:12 am

The smug icon next to the winning option made the image in my opinion. Brilliant.