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Topic: 326: Carne Idiota  (Read 18037 times)


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326: Carne Idiota #15
meat doesn't have a lot of vitamin c in it (fish has even less)
A Meat, July 11, 2020, 04:42:16 pm

Isn't animal muscle fiber deficient in basically every micronutrient? I'm pretty sure these guys eating nothing but steak and bacon are courting a wide and exciting range of nutritional deficiencies. (IIRC, it is possible to eat a nutritionally complete diet primarily from animal products, as demonstrated by cultures in places like the Arctic Circle where vegetable foods are limited or unavailable, but that diet requires a fairly complex combination of animal parts, not just Reddit-approved Man Foods(tm) + some liver because you read somewhere the liver's where the vitamins are.)

Anyway, I love how every character Achilles plays in this episode is just the saddest wimpiest little dude. It definitely fits the "sad guy who wanders from subreddit to subreddit in hopes of curing his ennui" model, like Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap if every episode he found a new way to fuck up and smell weird.

Achilles' Heelies
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 01:32:56 am by Antivehicular »


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326: Carne Idiota #16
Coming from a place where all fad diet stuff was couched in New Age nonsense about cleansing and energies and reconnecting with nature, it's interesting to see that transmogrified into Internet Atheist nonsense instead.

It's still the same psychology, just with different buzzwords to hook into people's brains. And once they're convinced that dietary self-flagellation will cure all their ills, it doesn't matter what goes wrong or which of their organs shut down. They were just doing it wrong. The diet can never fail, it can only be failed.
chai tea latte Penultimatum Puppy Time RoeCocoa


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326: Carne Idiota #17
All I could think about this entire episode
A Meat Great Joe

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326: Carne Idiota #18
These people are amazingly stupid, even by reddit and f plus standards. Honestly look at the subreddit, there is not a single post that isn't some crazy shit. Usually you have to sort to find the real good stuff, but r/zerocarb is morons all the way down.

How do I make food taste like McDonalds at home??


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326: Carne Idiota #19
I love my stepmom dearly. She's one of the most kind, genuine, creative people I know. She is also currently doing keto because she has a tendency to eat compulsively and wants a quick fix and I am about thisclose to pointedly playing this episode in her presence until she takes the hint since she hasn't from any of the actual facts ElizabethSterling and I have attempted to bring up about how awful keto is for your health as a whole.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 04:03:24 pm by TheCrawlingChaos »

Puppy Time

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326: Carne Idiota #20
I love my stepmom dearly. She's one of the most kind, genuine, creative people I know. She is also currently doing keto because she has a tendency to eat compulsively and wants a quick fix and I am about thisclose to pointedly playing this episode in her presence until she takes the hint since she hasn't from any of the actual facts ElizabethSterling and I have attempted to bring up about how awful keto is for your health as a whole.
TheCrawlingChaos, July 12, 2020, 03:57:37 pm

I know someone with a debilitating disease, and every time they go out with their family, SOMEONE brings up keto diet. They've also gotten pressure for the same from their sleep doctor, which makes me wonder whether the doctor thinks one should get sleep treatment advice from a dietician.

Tipsy Almond

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326: Carne Idiota #21
I'd also like to say that this Reddit community seems to have heard of keto in passing and proceeded to turn the Stupidity Dial to 11. Keto just means you reduce carb intake. You can still eat vegetables.

Of course, the members of the subreddit don't seem to be the brightest or most docile bunch, so this has most likely been presented to them. Followed by a honey-ban. :B

Also, there is a health risk associated with going full-keto for prolonged periods of time, so I'm aware that this isn't a diet to do forever. It's like these redditors haven't heard of exercising or a balanced diet.

Whoever knew that basic fitness advice would be the more-or-less applicable answer? :D :P


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326: Carne Idiota #22
What I love about the honey ban is that it'd be easy and fairly sensible to say "honey has way too many carbs to work in this zero-carb diet, so please don't eat it or discuss eating it here," but instead you get this dumb tribalism about whether it's really an animal-based food. I'm guessing this is because there have been some really stupid honey-related slapfights and they're trying to cut that off at the pass? Reading that rules post suggests this place has a loooot of stupid slapfight topics they're trying to cut down on.

Also, holy shit, they tried to make containment subreddits for people who still eat a plant occasionally:

If you are interested in a meat-heavy diet, one which is almost carnivore but includes some plant foods, which don't cause you issues, this is not the appropriate place to have those conversations. There are two potential subreddits that were created to host those discussions. We have r/carnivorish and r/dirtycarnivores. Those subreddits are currently small, but you can help them grow. A responsible person who helps those subreddits become thriving communities will be considered for a moderator position there.
Both of those subreddits have one post saying "hey, this sub is open now!," and that's it. Amazing.

Puppy Time

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326: Carne Idiota #23
What I love about the honey ban is that it'd be easy and fairly sensible to say "honey has way too many carbs to work in this zero-carb diet, so please don't eat it or discuss eating it here," but instead you get this dumb tribalism about whether it's really an animal-based food. I'm guessing this is because there have been some really stupid honey-related slapfights and they're trying to cut that off at the pass? Reading that rules post suggests this place has a loooot of stupid slapfight topics they're trying to cut down on.
Antivehicular, July 12, 2020, 08:38:18 pm

I know two things about engineers: they fukken LOVE to rules lawyer, and a whole lot of them post on reddit.

OK I know a lot more about engineers because my hometown is crawling with them.  But those two are germane to the conversation.

Oh, they also believe that they have an expert-level understanding of everything because of their Superior Logical Mind. That also relates.
Diploskull RoeCocoa

A Meat

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326: Carne Idiota #24
A ketogenic diet exists for a reason, but it's something you adhere to only if you have to for health reasons, because guess what? It's bad for your health, but it's preferable to constantly getting seizures
adrenochrome dome Puppy Time RoeCocoa

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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326: Carne Idiota #25
Keto cheat mode



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326: Carne Idiota #26
They're definitely stupider than people who use keto as a fad diet thing, because at least ketosis is an actual condition you can put your body into, even if it's not a particularly good one.

I remembered they mentioned some book in the intro post so I went and looked it up--it's by an Arctic explorer who tried an all-meat diet after seeing that the Inuit mostly ate meat. The other big person they look up to is Owsley Stanley, a sound engineer for The Grateful Dead.

Tipsy Almond

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326: Carne Idiota #27
What I love about the honey ban is that it'd be easy and fairly sensible to say "honey has way too many carbs to work in this zero-carb diet, so please don't eat it or discuss eating it here," but instead you get this dumb tribalism about whether it's really an animal-based food. I'm guessing this is because there have been some really stupid honey-related slapfights and they're trying to cut that off at the pass? Reading that rules post suggests this place has a loooot of stupid slapfight topics they're trying to cut down on.
Antivehicular, July 12, 2020, 08:38:18 pm

I know two things about engineers: they fukken LOVE to rules lawyer, and a whole lot of them post on reddit.

OK I know a lot more about engineers because my hometown is crawling with them.  But those two are germane to the conversation.

Oh, they also believe that they have an expert-level understanding of everything because of their Superior Logical Mind. That also relates.
Puppy Time, July 12, 2020, 10:40:52 pm

I don't think the redditors on r/ZeroCarb are the sort to persevere through an undergrad Engineering program.

Achilles' Heelies

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326: Carne Idiota #28
What I love about the honey ban is that it'd be easy and fairly sensible to say "honey has way too many carbs to work in this zero-carb diet, so please don't eat it or discuss eating it here," but instead you get this dumb tribalism about whether it's really an animal-based food. I'm guessing this is because there have been some really stupid honey-related slapfights and they're trying to cut that off at the pass? Reading that rules post suggests this place has a loooot of stupid slapfight topics they're trying to cut down on.
Antivehicular, July 12, 2020, 08:38:18 pm

I know two things about engineers: they fukken LOVE to rules lawyer, and a whole lot of them post on reddit.

OK I know a lot more about engineers because my hometown is crawling with them.  But those two are germane to the conversation.

Oh, they also believe that they have an expert-level understanding of everything because of their Superior Logical Mind. That also relates.
Puppy Time, July 12, 2020, 10:40:52 pm

I don't think the redditors on r/ZeroCarb are the sort to persevere through an undergrad Engineering program.
Tipsy Almond, July 13, 2020, 12:51:47 pm
It's hard to make it through a college course when you keep shitting yourself during the lectures.

Tipsy Almond

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326: Carne Idiota #29
Professor: "Mr. Redditor, can you tell me what the tensile strength of 4010 steel is?"


Professor: "...Um...no. That's not correct. Anyone else want to give it a shot?"
Dr. Buttplug Yavuz