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Topic: Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale  (Read 44126 times)


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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #30
Hey Lemon, why do you think the wedding march is appropriate music for every situation that needs a fanfare?


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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #31
Looking back over this and other docs I’ve submitted (You May Now Fistbump The Spouse, I’ve Also Got An Idea For A Reboot Of Young Guns, Exclusive Unoriginal Content), I’ve come to the conclusion that I really fuckin’ hate nerds.
Nifty Nif Macho Masc Sangy Savage Really_Quite_Nice Bobalay chai tea latte Nemo2342 nuffkins, of all people,


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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #32
Now, now, now... Why don't you come and say that to my mascot head, Cheapskate? *unsheathes sailor moon wand*


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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #33
Hey Lemon, why do you think the wedding march is appropriate music for every situation that needs a fanfare?
montrith, April 18, 2016, 12:45:43 am

because there's a point where someone doesn't just court failure, they're marrying it
Boots Raingear Courtesy Bee Victor Laszlo Cirr A Meat Achilles' Heelies goombapolice John Toast Macho Masc Sangy Savage Yavuz RoeCocoa Dawnswalker Afraid of Audio Sherman Tank Down10 Ashto NutshellGulag Mu. chai tea latte CapitalN Nemo2342 Frank West nuffkins, of all people, NotHelpingMatters SHAMBA~1.SBB


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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #34
"I've changed my mind, mommy. I wanna be like her when I grow up!"

and then Lemon loses his fucking shit for like a full minute.

I love this.
goombapolice CapitalN

Nifty Nif

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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #35
I loved this, and I loved it being a secret cosplay episode.  Sad retail cringelords being backed up by valiant nerd armies!  Truly amazing.  I could envision so much of it, down to Karkat's homemade horns.  This episode really hits on what I find funny/reprehensible about nerd culture, particularly when it comes to male cosplayers, who are sleazes and white knights across the board.
By far my favorite in a while.  Awesome work, and it's good to hear Achillies' Heelies again!


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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #36
Is it possible that, out of all of the stories that didn't happen which have been read on the FPlus, these ones happened the least?

Like, I would believe the kids who say they summoned Digimon over this shit.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 11:20:36 am by Gyro »

Knitting Machine

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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #37
By the way, to be the first to explain this, Nyu is from an anime called Elfen Lied, an anime I know about only because I knew a kid in 7th grade who was also into anime like I was in 7th grade. The difference is that he was also really weirdly into gore (in anime) and had to show me this anime that was totally edgy and had tits and gore and all sorts of fucked up emotional regression shit. I did not stay friends with this kid for long, but he also liked talking about which anime girls were hot, something that even 7th grade A Meat knew was kind of odd.

To the point, Nyu is a pink haired anime girl in a wheelchair, who has, get this, elf ears.
A Meat, April 17, 2016, 02:55:58 pm

Elfen Lied is my "is this person a creep" litmus test.

There's a girl who mentally becomes a child and pisses herself. That's all I really know about it, that's all I ever need to know about it.
Nifty Nif Ashto NotHelpingMatters

A Meat

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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #38
By the way, to be the first to explain this, Nyu is from an anime called Elfen Lied, an anime I know about only because I knew a kid in 7th grade who was also into anime like I was in 7th grade. The difference is that he was also really weirdly into gore (in anime) and had to show me this anime that was totally edgy and had tits and gore and all sorts of fucked up emotional regression shit. I did not stay friends with this kid for long, but he also liked talking about which anime girls were hot, something that even 7th grade A Meat knew was kind of odd.

To the point, Nyu is a pink haired anime girl in a wheelchair, who has, get this, elf ears.
A Meat, April 17, 2016, 02:55:58 pm

Elfen Lied is my "is this person a creep" litmus test.

There's a girl who mentally becomes a child and pisses herself. That's all I really know about it, that's all I ever need to know about it.
Knitting Machine, April 18, 2016, 11:56:14 am
That's where 7th grade me stopped when I was pestered into giving it a chance and I expect anybody who watches it under normal pretenses to do the same


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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #39
By the way, to be the first to explain this, Nyu is from an anime called Elfen Lied, an anime I know about only because I knew a kid in 7th grade who was also into anime like I was in 7th grade. The difference is that he was also really weirdly into gore (in anime) and had to show me this anime that was totally edgy and had tits and gore and all sorts of fucked up emotional regression shit. I did not stay friends with this kid for long, but he also liked talking about which anime girls were hot, something that even 7th grade A Meat knew was kind of odd.

To the point, Nyu is a pink haired anime girl in a wheelchair, who has, get this, elf ears.
A Meat, April 17, 2016, 02:55:58 pm

Elfen Lied is my "is this person a creep" litmus test.

There's a girl who mentally becomes a child and pisses herself. That's all I really know about it, that's all I ever need to know about it.
Knitting Machine, April 18, 2016, 11:56:14 am

I watched the show all the way through, just to have a reasonable opinion on it.

I didn't reject it for being too creepy at the time, but I did think it was fucking dogshit* that may as well be written by the edgy pretentious teenagers it's targeted at, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

*IIRC practically nothing happens in the plot and everybody likes the main character for no reason. Also none of the characters act like real people. I'm pretty sure I was too distracted by the bad writing to get weirded out by the idea that some people might be getting off on this shit.


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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #40
"Things that obviously never happened" is my favorite category of story and so this was such a delightful and funny episode. I would love more episodes of obviously fake bullshit nerds try to convince other nerds that totally 100% happened. I just want more Troper Tales.


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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #41
If there's one thing this podcast has taught me it's that there are a number of cosplayers who are really insecure about their hobby.

Seriously, every time cosplay comes up it's always these improbably power fantasies of cosplayers totally showing up the normies. Secure people do not make up shit like this.


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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #42
Cosplay also gets a reputation in these stories like it's the ultimate Nerd Thing you can do, is to dress up like something you like.  It's just really weird to me that that's the zenith of nerddom, though I guess it's no less infuriating when the story hinges on someone knowing trivia better than someone else.
Yavuz CapitalN

Nifty Nif

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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #43
If there's one thing this podcast has taught me it's that there are a number of cosplayers who are really insecure about their hobby.

Seriously, every time cosplay comes up it's always these improbably power fantasies of cosplayers totally showing up the normies. Secure people do not make up shit like this.
KingKalamari, April 18, 2016, 07:10:02 pm

Cosplay also gets a reputation in these stories like it's the ultimate Nerd Thing you can do, is to dress up like something you like.  It's just really weird to me that that's the zenith of nerddom, though I guess it's no less infuriating when the story hinges on someone knowing trivia better than someone else.
EYE OF ZA, April 18, 2016, 07:23:19 pm

Yes, and yes, and furthermore, some people don't manage to separate the cosplayer from the character that they're cosplaying, and boundaries get weird.  You can hear it in these stories, and it seems to be linked to the cosplay = heroism thing.  I feel like cosplay is, for some, an escapist thing.  These people probably are pretty insecure.  It also doesn't help that cosplay as a hobby is very much tied to appearances, so while it's gratifying, it's also pretty humbling.  It's also sad when you go to a convention and nobody wants to take a picture of you (hint: you have to take the initiative or have tiddy).  Your homemade Captain Falcon costume just didn't go over like you thought it would.  Your bodysuit's a little too tight and those tuna smoothies haven't kicked in yet.  And these dumb fake geek girls aren't picking up on your vibe, and you have to drink all these drinks yourself.  Falcon...paaawwwnch!!  So you go home at the end of the weekend tired, hungover, and a little worse for wear.  You go back to your job where you get paid by the hour and everyone thinks you're this dumb nerd.  These fucking customers come in and god, you can just tell they're going to be assholes.  Fuckin'... normies...


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Episode 210: Adventures In ReTale #44
I think that the nerdiest thing you can do is actively talk openly about shit other people obviously don't give a fuck about. Either that or write reams of fanfiction about your OTP.