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Topic: "Best" F Plus subjects?  (Read 11062 times)

Nikaer Drekin

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"Best" F Plus subjects?
The F Plus has covered a lot people who are outright terrible in a variety of ways. Roosh V, Alex Jones, the unschooling moms, Twilight Sparkle's fiancé, Mr. Let-Me-Yiff-The-Otter... the list goes on. But who's your favorite subject read on the podcast that actually isn't that bad of a person?

Ulillillia comes to mind (as weird as he is, he seems like a totally nice and and agreeable person), and another one I remembered while re-listening to the Djinn episode is the dude who is utterly convinced that a genie is talking to him through his wife's Windows Messenger account. He's just so charmingly and benignly stupid that I wouldn't mind hanging out with him (and maybe messing with him a bit).

What about you guys? Any podcast subjects you wouldn't mind having a beer with?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 10:09:09 am by Nikaer Drekin »


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"Best" F Plus subjects? #1
The F Plus has covered a lot people who are outright terrible in a variety of ways. Roosh V, Alex Jones, the unschooling moms, Twilight Sparkle's fiancé, Mr. Let-Me-Yiff-The-Otter... the list goes on. But who's your favorite subject read on the podcast that actually isn't that bad of a person?

Ullullillia comes to mind (as weird as he is, he seems like a totally nice and and agreeable person), and another one I remembered while re-listening to the Djinn episode is the dude who is utterly convinced that a genie is talking to him through his wife's Windows Messenger account. He's just so charmingly and benignly stupid that I wouldn't mind hanging out with him (and maybe messing with him a bit).

What about you guys? Any podcast subjects you wouldn't mind having a beer with?
Nikaer Drekin, April 04, 2016, 08:31:45 am

I've gotta agree that Ulillilia is awesome.

Anyway, I really like how self-aware squattheplanet was. Remember how some pervert posted "why won't my squat-mates let me watch them fuck?" and then somebody else responded with a picture of a wingnut? I want to buy several beers for wingnut picture guy, and then give him a medal.

Also I'd enjoy hanging out with Hans Von Hozel as he desperately tries to speak English.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #2
I know that the site didn't end up being real, but who wouldn't want a nice Hefeweizen with Ulrich Haarbürste. We can listen to In Dreams, and he can tell me whether he likes Saran Wrap or Glad better
Nifty Nif Nikaer Drekin Sherman Tank

Nifty Nif

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #3
Having gone to Anthrocon and had some drinks with some down-to-earth furries, let me tell you that they're not all evangelizing diaperfurs.  These were more like the folks in the Irregulars episode.  Lovely people!  I don't think that's what this thread is about, though.

I would personally have a beer with MAI-TRANG THI NGUYEN (PRONOUNCED 'WIN') any day, but probably not because of her self-awareness.  And I would buy Rob the Parrot as many beers as he wants while I listen to his life story.  He deserves it.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 10:43:37 am by Nifty Nif »


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"Best" F Plus subjects? #4
Johnny Suenami.  For Real.  I mean, he's probably not a pleasant person at all but how many different offenses could you commit while just grabbing a beer with the guy?
It would be beautiful to check the affidavit later and see what you could rack up in just about 15 minutes.

And then Mr. Bread (AKA Adolph Von BreadingHitler AKA Scourge of Virginity) proceeded to slip some sort of rohypnol into my Miller Lite.  This was probably provided to him by Caitlyn Jenner as Mr. Bread (AKA  Lord of the Lies) and she were known to be forming an underground transgender fight club and they needed to silence the plaintiff as I was the only one who knew about it and threatened to blow the whistle on Jenner and Mr. Bread (AKA Basically, The Devil).  I then got up from my barstool and began to run but was tackled to the ground by Nicki Minaj and Neil DeGrasse Tyson who had been meeting at that particular bar to polish and perfect Nicki's idea for Teleportation via String Theory.  Mr. Bread (AKA The Boner That Would Not Die) proceeded to shoot me with eye lasers and then, to make matters worse, he drank the rest of my previously roofied beer.
Nikaer Drekin Yavuz Caroline Lemon Sherman Tank zmonbobbo Digital Walnut Nemo2342


  • Joan Ocean's #1 Fansquatch
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"Best" F Plus subjects? #5
Joan Ocean
Nifty Nif Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop NutshellGulag Digital Walnut Nickel_Nips

junior associate faguar

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #6
Having gone to Anthrocon and had some drinks with some down-to-earth furries, let me tell you that they're not all evangelizing diaperfurs.  These were more like the folks in the Irregulars episode.  Lovely people!  I don't think that's what this thread is about, though.
Nifty Nif, April 04, 2016, 10:27:21 am

Plenty of furries are really just normal people. Admitting you want to fuck a cartoon animal is a big hump to get over, so you get a lot of people who have no sense of restraint and people who just casually own up to being disgusting crazy perverts at a way higher than the average population, but there are a lot of normal, chill as fuck and very creative people who just have a weird hobby.
Nifty Nif Really_Quite_Nice

Nifty Nif

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #7
Joan Ocean
Bodark, April 04, 2016, 11:28:16 am
You would say that, Bodark

Having gone to Anthrocon and had some drinks with some down-to-earth furries, let me tell you that they're not all evangelizing diaperfurs.  These were more like the folks in the Irregulars episode.  Lovely people!  I don't think that's what this thread is about, though.
Nifty Nif, April 04, 2016, 10:27:21 am

Plenty of furries are really just normal people. Admitting you want to fuck a cartoon animal is a big hump to get over, so you get a lot of people who have no sense of restraint and people who just casually own up to being disgusting crazy perverts at a way higher than the average population, but there are a lot of normal, chill as fuck and very creative people who just have a weird hobby.
journeyman faguar, April 04, 2016, 11:53:48 am

Yep!  Totally true.  And if your only exposure to furries is through the internet, where anonymity is higher and inhibitions are lower, you could assume that all furries lack boundaries and are just yiffing around because that's what furries do.  They're just folks, though, doing their thing like anyone else.  I say this as a normal cosplayer who, in fact, does not wear cosplay every day or believe that I am actually an anime character.

If you live in Pittsburgh, I do highly recommend stopping by the DLLC for the fursuit parade.  It's really quite amazing!  The parade route goes outside under the overpass outside the convention center, so you don't need admission to watch.  And if you ever want an insider's account of what Anthrocon is like, I'll make a thread for that.

Back to the thread: I'd get a beer with the Illustrious Dr. Rev. John Kitchin.  Maybe a whole pitcher of beer.  And then just... sit back and listen.  He's a guy who just wants to do good, and boy oh boy does he have ideas about it.  So many ideas.  When's last call at this place?
Bodark Gyro

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #8
If I'm allowed to pick a group in general, the awful writers. It's a weird overlap because some of them might be cumming in your girlfriends shoes, but most of them just want to write about weird fuck robots and star trek characters. Bad rhymes are probably the least harmful bad thing the podcast has touched on.

Sherman Tank

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #9
Those weirdos they featured in episode 200 seemed like fun.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Ashto Bodark Dawnswalker John Toast

Frank West

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #10
Those weirdos they featured in episode 200 seemed like fun.
Tarot For Fun with Sherman Tank, April 04, 2016, 04:26:12 pm

Tried that out, wouldn't recommend.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Sherman Tank Nifty Nif NutshellGulag Bodark Lemon John Toast Really_Quite_Nice DetectiveSlowpoke


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"Best" F Plus subjects? #11
Joan Ocean
Bodark, April 04, 2016, 11:28:16 am



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"Best" F Plus subjects? #12
Rob the Parrot. As misguided as his choice of tactic may have been, he genuinely wanted everyone to be more informed.
Sherman Tank Nifty Nif cube abuser Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Vinny Possum chai tea latte Ashto A Meat Frank West John Toast Maxine Headroom Really_Quite_Nice skanker

Sherman Tank

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #13
I'm honestly kind of jealous of Joan Ocean. She gets to live in Hawaii and swim with dolphins and apparently bilk rich hippies out of thousands of dollars all while communing with Bigfoot.

Emperor Jack Chick

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #14
anyone on the lovebugs site. life is agony and all of my decisions must reinforce that fact.
Lemon Sherman Tank eldritchhat Really_Quite_Nice hautecouture