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Topic: "Best" F Plus subjects?  (Read 11064 times)


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"Best" F Plus subjects? #15
anyone on the lovebugs site. life is agony and all of my decisions must reinforce that fact.
jack chick, April 04, 2016, 05:19:42 pm
So we're definitely including Jack on the Nietzsche episode


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"Best" F Plus subjects? #16
I think, of anyone we've ever seen on the podcast, I'd most want to meet BBoy360.

I wouldn't want to actually be friends with him, mind you, but if I met him at a party I'd be around him all night. He's stupid, but he seems friendly, and the sort of obsessive who probably knows enough about his subject to remain interesting to talk to while having just enough social graces to connect with on some level. Contrast with Patrick82 for example; he's probably just as weirdly fascinating to talk to, but he's not socially capable enough that you'd really enjoy doing it.


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"Best" F Plus subjects? #17
The teachers from the first episode. I love nothing more than hearing disgruntled people talk about the intricate details on why their jobs suck.
Ashto Sherman Tank Really_Quite_Nice

Sherman Tank

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #18
I like Wulf from the Otherkin Recipe episode. He's so fucking helpful and non-judgemental towards such horrible, stupid people I kinda want to see what he's like in real life.

Digital Walnut

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #19
I really want to see Bboy360 try to pick up women at a club, but I think I would have to pick Patrick82. Time spent with him would be full of unforgettable madness.

ham burger

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #20
If you live in Pittsburgh, I do highly recommend stopping by the DLLC for the fursuit parade.  It's really quite amazing!  The parade route goes outside under the overpass outside the convention center, so you don't need admission to watch.  And if you ever want an insider's account of what Anthrocon is like, I'll make a thread for that.Nifty Nif, April 04, 2016, 03:16:45 pm

Bring it.

Nifty Nif

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #21
If you live in Pittsburgh, I do highly recommend stopping by the DLLC for the fursuit parade.  It's really quite amazing!  The parade route goes outside under the overpass outside the convention center, so you don't need admission to watch.  And if you ever want an insider's account of what Anthrocon is like, I'll make a thread for that.Nifty Nif, April 04, 2016, 03:16:45 pm

Bring it.
turkey smoothie, April 23, 2016, 09:50:21 am
Oh boy!  I'll probably throw this in $10 secrets when I get around to typing it up.

Amelia Blank

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #22
The group that I could listen to episodes about the most is probably the  Plushies. There's something bizarrely fascinating about those guys. They have this sorta Wily Loman like pathetic quality to them with a mix of overall detachment from agreed upon societal rules. But I would never want to be near them.


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"Best" F Plus subjects? #23
Kickstarter and Patreon I think are the most objectively good things that still produce F Plus-level ridiculousness.  Most of the "good" stuff I could think of was either net neutral (spells of magic isn't hurting anyone) or very mildly positive (I have used a recipe on allrecipes before)


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"Best" F Plus subjects? #24
I want to know if Shemuel Johnson ever got the $2,200 he needed to make Fight for Pure Power.

Sherman Tank

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"Best" F Plus subjects? #25
I want to know if Shemuel Johnson ever got the $2,200 he needed to make Fight for Pure Power.
Hunky Jimpjorps, April 25, 2016, 09:41:56 pm

He made a wiki about it.
Nifty Nif Bodark Lemon montrith


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"Best" F Plus subjects? #26
The ESL ficwriters are my favourites, especially Hans.  He's goddamned adorable.