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June 02, 2024, 08:24:10 am

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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 503991 times)

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #1335
The internet has made it possible to obtain car parts that were once rare and exotic. Unfortunately, it’s also let me know about those parts in the first place, which is the whole problem. If I had been living in some kind of shithole in the 1980s, I’d be super happy when the local swap meet got in a hogged-out Holley. When Bob Double-Wide down the street figured out how to cut off a muffler? Heaven. Now, I’m not satisfied unless I’m making 1200 horse on the street, because anything less makes for a dangerous merge at highway speed.

Some people have tried to solve this problem by making the internet itself print the money that is required to buy exotic car parts. Unfortunately, finance people got involved, and now there is internet money that prints special internet money, which can be exchanged for an agreement in the future that you will pay a vague amount of internet money depending on the price of internet money. If I wanted to figure all that shit out, I’d be on Wall Street driving a Ferrari and doing cocaine shooters off perfectly sculpted ice cubes in the shape of my yacht at the same time. Hell, I’d probably own pants.

As for me, I solved the problem by getting off the beaten path. And then getting off that unbeaten path when some other assholes showed up to beat it right behind me. You get the idea. Chevies became Citroens became Alpines became specific trims and years of Chevrolets that were sold only in Eastern Canada between February 1983 and April 1984, due to a special agreement with the Crown Emir of Madeupdonia. That dream, the dream of owning something that is super cheap but also so unique that you can bore a home intruder to death just by explaining what it is that he or she is trying to steal, that’s what I chased. And the internet helped me there, as well.

Unfortunately for all of us, governments around the world have realized the radicalizing power of the internet. They’re moving to shut it all down, and force us into little corporate walled gardens, where we won’t know what a Holden Camira is ever again. That’s why I’m announcing my new internet service provider, American Motors Corporation Online. We’re going to only talk about the grossest AMCs we can find, ideally boosted with superchargers, where the NSA and Le NSA cannot find us. You’ve got wail.
RoeCocoa Antivehicular Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex

Salubrious Rex

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CTRL+V and post it #1336
Champion the Wonder Horse was the on-screen companion of singing cowboy Gene Autry in 79 films between 1935 and 1952, and 91 television episodes of The Gene Autry Show between 1950 and 1955. In addition, Champion starred in 26 episodes of his own television series The Adventures of Champion in 1955 and 1956.

Shell Game

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CTRL+V and post it #1337
Yume Penguin Monogatari

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #1338


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CTRL+V and post it #1339


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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CTRL+V and post it #1340
This may come as a shook to you but realizing men and wamen have different life experiences on average and that as a man your attractiveness level affects your dating success does not suddenly make me an incel nor those it make me misogynistic nor those it mean I have never held a conversation with a female.
Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa

Shell Game

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CTRL+V and post it #1341
i will always lament the loss of

Salubrious Rex

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CTRL+V and post it #1342
Honestly, I really just wanted to get rid of my MacBeth curse more than anything. All those years I couldn’t even say the name MacBeth, it actually held a lot more power over me than it does now. Things are a mess now but getting better and I see brighter days on the horizon I think.

My real curse was the family I was born into, and that’s the real reason things are such a mess for me right now. I’m dealing with it the best I can and asking for help in all the best places I can think of.

But ever since I was in that damned play, I swear everything got a hundred times shittier still…

Oh. Merry Xmas 🎄
xX_sp00ks_Xx Antivehicular


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CTRL+V and post it #1343
<meta content="“fuzzy cowgirl dick”" property="og:description" data-rh="true">
<meta content="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQaaw


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CTRL+V and post it #1344


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CTRL+V and post it #1345
 the prime body of his best friend – muscular and squishy both in all of the right places
Dr. Buttplug RoeCocoa

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #1346
Production mediates consumption; it creates the latter's material; without it, consumption would lack an object. But consumption also mediates production, in that it alone creates for the products the subject for whom they are products. The product only obtains its 'last finish' in consumption. - Colonel Tom Parker

Salubrious Rex

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CTRL+V and post it #1347
Mules (or pack mules) are animals that are ridden and used for carrying large amounts of supplies. They have a reputation for being stubborn and kicking. They may have some relation to donkeys as they are also known as asses.
Antivehicular RoeCocoa


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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CTRL+V and post it #1348
Some of the best ideas come from the most cumbrained of pups <3
chai tea latte


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CTRL+V and post it #1349
Gentlemen, Russia was mentioned here in the discussion. It is with regret that I have to talk about a monarchical paradox regarding Russia. In today's realities, the restoration of the Romanov Dynasty in Russia is not only unlikely; this is still very undesirable, first of all, for Russian monarchists.

I will explain my point. Gentlemen, you all know that Russia was under communist occupation more than other states (Vladimir Lenin himself admitted: "Russia has been CONQUERED by the communists!"). The communist dictatorship existed for almost three quarters of a century - from 1917 to 1991 - and those were terrible, terrible times. I'm not even talking about terror; in Russia, private property was alienated, there was no economic freedom, family wealth was condemned and considered illegal. I went through these times, it was scary.

Rebirth The counter-revolution in August 1991, it seemed to us, ended the communist dictatorship. In the 1990s, Russians did not live very well, but freedom emerged - economic and political. The same freedom was in Russia only once: after the proclamation of the Manifesto of Emperor Nicholas in October 1905, only 12 years, from 1905 to 1917. But the Revival, the counter-revolution of 1991 did not do the main thing: there was no decommunization, no lustration of former communist functionaries and KGB officers was carried out, no restitution of private property, which the communists took from our grandfathers after 1917, was not carried out.

The results of this are seen by people all over the world: after 2000, Soviet reactionaries came to power and took revenge. Today, of course, not as bad as it was under Stalin, but still very unpleasant: the opposition is being persecuted, independent small business is being ruined, power and money remain in the hands of the former communist nomenklatura. Add to this the information policy of revanchism, the "brainwashing", the actual justification and exaltation of Joseph Stalin. This is very unpleasant ... You can ask me, gentlemen: "What does the Monarchy have to do with it? And why is the Restoration of the Romanov Dynasty bad, in such conditions? ..." I will answer you.

Today, there is no unity among the Russian Imperial House of Romanov. But none (!) Of the Romanovs never publicly or behind the scenes condemned what was happening. Moreover: Princess Maria Vladimirovna, for example, has repeatedly said that she is AGAINST decommunization, AGAINST property restitution. She said: "This will cause a split in society, this should not be allowed." Both Princess Maria Vladimirovna and her son Georg have repeatedly publicly expressed their sympathy and support for the current ruler of Russia, approved this policy ... they even took pictures against the background of the symbols of the communist revolution - the red flag and the cruiser Aurora. And we are very much afraid that "restoration" under such conditions will become just a screen for the Soviet Chekist Stalinist revenge; The Monarch's Crown will be a cover for all this Soviet communist abomination. Is this what we want in Russia? ...

Is this what our like-minded monarchists in the Free World want for Russia? ... Unfortunately, the modern Romanovs are too closely associated with the Kremlin. The Kremlin can use them to its advantage. Moreover, the Kremlin is doing this and will continue to do so.

Gentlemen, I have supported the Romanov Dynasty for more than thirty years, supported the Duke Vladimir Kirillovich and his daughter Princess Maria Vladimirovna. But the constant pro-Soviet statements of these people caused bitterness and bewilderment not only for me, but also for many monarchists in Russia. It seems that the Romanovs sincerely sympathize with the Kremlin leaders ... alas, it looks like that.

I believe that the best option, in the case of the Restoration in Russia, would be to invite not Princess Maria Vladimirovna and her son George to the hypothetical Russian Throne. If the Monarchy in Russia is ever restored, the best candidate is the one that is farthest from the modern Russian government and has nothing to do with it. Such a candidate could be, for example, His Highness the Duke Michael of Kent, or some other representative of the Royal House of Great Britain. The British Monarchy, which exists today, is the direct heir and guardian of the tradition and the Russian Monarchy, and we know about it. Let it be so: let the Royal House of Windsor preserve this legacy. If sometime in Russia the time comes for the Restoration, then the future King of Russia will come to us from Great Britain. God bless us.

Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam!
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex A Meat xX_sp00ks_Xx RoeCocoa