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Topic: F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020  (Read 111889 times)


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #255
So now that I'm mostly not-hungover, I thought that I'd put in a few more specific thank-yous to some people I got to talk to (mostly about karaoke night because that is the one I actually remember) in no particular order:

-Lemon for being exceptionally kind to me in both my extremely drunk and mostly-sober states, ESPECIALLY for putting up with my semi-coherent heckling. I do actually remember the intended contents of The World's Longest Heckle, so lemme know if you decide you want to subtitle that part of the video (or just leave it as a mystery, I'm honestly not sure which would be funnier).

-jack chick for trying to teach me how to headbang properly - both my neck and I are very sorry that I failed to listen to your expert advice.

-Nutshell for looking at my kitties and showing me yours in return. :3

-Shell Game for rocking the hell out of both the best hat I've ever seen AND Alanis Morissette.

-King Lou for talking with me about teaching and improv.

-Kumquatxop for the greatest autograph I have ever received, and for the Ultimate Electric Six Karaoke Experience.

-Frank West, I actually feel I owe you an apology for not spamming voting harder for you when I realized it was glitching. I am so sorry.

-bumpgrrl for talking with me about Gunnerkrigg Court ships and our mutual hatred of Loup.

-Boots for doing an incredible amount of work for the show, especially karaoke. Not only supplying your own setup, but expert queue management and really cool intro cards from what I could see on the monitor.

-Jimmy Franks for doing a ton of tech work and just in general being an awesome badass.

-Bunnybread for singing karaoke with me on absolutely no notice, and then doing it more justice than I ever could have, AND for giving me my own gameshow intro (!!!). Also I think something happened to my husband? He took your torn shirt and retreated into the shadows, hissing like a wild animal; I haven't seen him since. :(

-Hux and her mesmerizing jacket for being my co-heckler on Saturday and for her videography of karaoke night (seriously though, please send me Bunnybread vids - I think I can use them to lure my husband out of hiding).

-My friends for coming to my bullshit town and hanging out with me the whole weekend. You are the best internet cabal a girl could hope to have.

-Genuinely everyone that I talked to/drunkenly rambled at this weekend, you are all amazing and I had so much fun. I am sorry I didn't get all of your forum handles so I could thank you individually, but I hope to see you again (and maybe be less drunk).

Let's do it again next year!
Hux Big Stinky Turtle Shell Game
« Last Edit: January 22, 2020, 10:22:44 pm by ViviVixen »


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #256

i also have footage, but only of karaoke night.

if anyone got video of my beautiful performance, please send it to me!
Hux, January 21, 2020, 08:55:27 pm
I have this, haven't uploaded anywhere yet.


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #257

i also have footage, but only of karaoke night.

if anyone got video of my beautiful performance, please send it to me!
Hux, January 21, 2020, 08:55:27 pm
I have this, haven't uploaded anywhere yet.
Zekka, January 21, 2020, 10:25:32 pm

Emperor Jack Chick

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #258

-jack chick for trying to teach me how to headbang properly - both my neck and I are very sorry that I failed to listen to your expert advice.

ViviVixen, January 21, 2020, 10:20:13 pm

proper technique is important!

thank you so much for coming out!
Shell Game ViviVixen

Shell Game

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #259

-jack chick for trying to teach me how to headbang properly - both my neck and I are very sorry that I failed to listen to your expert advice.

ViviVixen, January 21, 2020, 10:20:13 pm

proper technique is important!

thank you so much for coming out!
jack chick, January 21, 2020, 11:46:01 pm
Everyone thinks The F Plus is about the jokes, but it's always been about the life lessons.


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #260
This weekend we all learned how but the real question was why?
GirlKisser420 Diploskull sea hag


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #261
Everyone thinks The F Plus is about the jokes, but it's always been about the life lessons.
Shell Game, January 21, 2020, 11:48:43 pm

I'm considering picking up the trumpet, just to be ready if a rap battle breaks out.
Shell Game Boots Raingear Lemon Hux Emperor Jack Chick

positive stress

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #262
Didn't get to spend as much time hanging out as I would've liked because of maybe 35% anxiety 65% legitimately didn't have time to stick around, but the show was great and it was good seeing everyone again/meeting a few people for the first time! Maybe someday I'll have the nerve and time to actually talk to people more, "lmao"

Also I tried to say this to Lemon before the show but I was too quiet:

Future of the Left are extremely good. Thanks
GirlKisser420 Boots Raingear Lemon Dr. Buttplug chai tea latte Big Stinky Ganymede Sauce Shell Game


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #263
If we've got photos of the event to share, I figure we should email them to [email protected], but is there any format (Google Photos, Dropbox folder, etc) that's most convenient?

Also are the [merch spoilers? can you have spoilers for merch?] machine-washable?
THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB, January 21, 2020, 08:50:09 pm

Yep! Email everything to me, pretty please.

Google Photos would be the most convenient for me personally, but however  you wanna do it

Adam Bozarth

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #264
Thanks to everyone who came to the show and made it such a rousing success! I was very very very nervous before and during the show. So, if I seemed weird, it's because I am a strange person who put himself into a high-stress situation.

Thank you all so much for the kind works and compliments and reassurances. I don't really do docs or research material for the show, and I had no idea if the material I selected was the right kind of stupid. By the 2nd round, it seemed like it was gonna work after all!

I came up with this idea last year of having a show where the content was random. During F Plus Live 6, I thought it would be funny if the readers picked a "spell" out of the box at random. That idea stuck in my head for a long time, and it wasn't really viable for Seattle. I tried to expand on that and find a theme that would work for a live show, and WikiHow popped into my head in the shower. I got in contact with Lemon and said, "I have this idea for a live show, but it involves you building a big dumb thing." Lemon jumped at it, and created exactly what I had in my head.

The benefit of working with this community of folks is that they are all really capable and talented on top of being funny and interesting. It is like working on "The Muppet Show." Lemon built two amazing pieces of tech for this show, which is astounding to a dummy like myself. Boots and Jimmyfranks also worked hand-in-glove (foot-in-boot?) to make this whole thing actually work, and it can't be understated how much labor went into making the show work in a non-show space. Big props to Bunnybread for his Rod Roddying duties and K. Thor for committing to a bit that tops almost all of the crazy shit I've ever seen at a live comedy show But still the second time I've seen a man consume his own pee for a comedy show. Great work also by my competitors, the Ladies Shell, Shell Game and Nutshell Gulag. I had my money on either of you, and you both are dual chambers of the very large heart at the center of this whole crazy business.

Kumquat, thanks for delivering exactly what we needed for this show. Lou, thank you for jumping right in with this absurd and complicated festival of crap and giving a top notch performance. Jack Chick, thank you for not only melting the audiences' face, but for also letting the podcast use your home as our receiving center for merchandise. bumpgrrl, thank you for making me laugh and indulging and encouraging my angry lefty side all weekend. Heelies, thank you for taking your shirt off, something you never do when we hang out or golf (which is a shame).

And a big Yay Victor to Victor, who is a kind and generous sort who is such a lovely guy to talk to. Both Victor and Squiddy as well are such comforting presences in real life, you want to tell them all about everything. You two are such great company!

It was also truly a random selection process, except for my reading. A lot of the random selections felt perfect or preselected, but 15 of them were all random. Shell Game can attest to this fact, as she was given all of the remaining docs left in the show. I was giddy with excitement when Frank West received his document and killed it with his reading, and it made me excitedly flit around the room telling people that I couldn't believe how well it was all working. The reading Stog did was statistically the least likely article to be read in the show. He was the only one who could have read it. When the board landed on that last square, it was a gift from Podcast Jesus. No one makes me laugh like Stog, because there is only one Stog, and Stog is real.

Also, truth be told, between the nerves and the beer I cannot remember most of what I read. I remember bits of it, and it will probably all come back to me once the recordings are dropped, but most of it is lost to the ether at the moment. I remember it had to do with sex and Tom Brady. But I do remember that I lost the vote, so now I must kill all of you. Sorry.

Thank you to everyone who was so nice to my brother who also came down from Seattle to see the show. It was odd to have family in the audience for this, and it worked out well in the end. He had a great time and we talked about getting our other brother out to the next one. Here's hoping.

Lastly, I wish I had a chance to talk to more of you who came out to see the show. I am similarly afflicted with interpersonal awkwardness. That is why I say curse words into microphones instead of on stage these days. It was great to say hi to the folks that I have done Extra Credit with or that I met previously at live shows or that I see posting here often. If you listen to this show and you are reading this message now, then you at least "get it" and I am sure we would get along great. It's the one regret I have from the show is being stuck in my head and not meeting some more new people. But even if we didn't talk, it was great sharing the Lucky Lab with you all for the weekend!
Hux Shell Game chai tea latte Boots Raingear Dr. Buttplug Ugly In The Morning Achilles' Heelies Ganymede Big Stinky Sauce ViviVixen Turtle Macho Masc Sangy Savage positive stress marxcarl Puppy Time blunge kalensc
« Last Edit: January 22, 2020, 03:48:52 pm by Adam Bozarth »

sea hag

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #265
This weekend we all learned how but the real question was why?
THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB, January 21, 2020, 11:51:19 pm

We invoked something using the Eldritch powers of wikiHow, and its spirit remains, perhaps until the next FPlus Live.
Puppy Time


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #266
Thank you to everyone who was so nice to my brother who also came down from Seattle to see the show. It was odd to have family in the audience for this, and it worked out well in the end. He had a great time and we talked about getting our other brother out to the next one. Here's hoping.
Adam Bozarth, January 22, 2020, 01:48:42 pm

I sat next to your brother at the show and had a great time chatting with him.  It was very nice meeting him!
Adam Bozarth


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #267
I assume I will be receiving a bill from Lemon for all of the [yayvictor] pennants I threw into the crowd.  Worth it, even though it wasn't enough to get me more votes than Heelies' titties.
Victor Laszlo, January 21, 2020, 12:01:55 am

It was awesome meeting you! Sorry if I was a little weird, having multiple of the Ridiculists come up to me out of the blue over the course of one night was beyond my expectations for the evening and left me a bit dazed and confused about what vibe I was putting out. That said, I loved every minute of it and will treasure my Yay Victor pennant for all time.

Heelies’ titties tho.  Sweetness and light.


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #268
Haven't seen that many shirtless dudes in one night since my college days
Ganymede Shell Game chai tea latte

Shell Game

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #269
Haven't seen that many shirtless dudes in one night since my college days
MarioSpeedwagon, January 23, 2020, 07:51:57 am
The number keeps going up with each passing live.