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Topic: Question for Finns  (Read 51143 times)

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Question for Finns #105
How scary are Finnish ghost stories? Do you spend part of your summers putting together monster-defense kits for the long, dark winters?


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Question for Finns #106
The ghosts blend in with the snow, so you can imagine how spooky they can be. One moment you're walking outside, minding your own business and all of a sudden someone goes BOO next to you and you turn around to see what it was and all you see is snow. And it's all around you and you can't escape it.

Edit: I totally registered an account just to take Montrith's spotlight and join in on the discussion.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 07:51:12 am by Rust »


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Question for Finns #107
Whoops, forgot about this thread. Let's get some answers here.

I'm more specifically interested in the stoves, small wood or charcoal ones (if such a thing exists). If you can link me to a sauna-build album, I might not even need the translation because carpentry is a universal language. What I would love the translation for, though, is any DIY instructions for building/installing a stove. What I'm running into here in Canada is a total lack of regulations/instructions because all the codes were written for big stoves meant to go into structures that are over 108 square fee.

There are loads and loads of guides out there on how to build a sauna, and many more on how to instal a stove. What you won't find are many instructions on building a stove, since the manufacturers all have their own little tricks that they don't really want to spread around too much. Doing a Google search for "saunan piirustukset" , "kiukaan asennus", "kiukaan rakennus/rakenne" or "kiukaan piirustukset" might give you some useful results. Meanwhile, here are a couple of links with pictures that might be of use to you.


I like to talk about cats, so I'm going to give you an excuse to talk about your cats. That excuse is this: What do your cats names mean?

Our cats are called Mökö and Luru, and they are named after characters appearing a series of children's books, Kiljuset (The Screamers). The family Kiljuset is an extremely loud family who gets into all sorts of trouble. Mökö is the short and fat son of the family and Luru is the tall and thin one. Very appropriate when you consider the build of our cats.

Here are the brothers washing their little sister.

How scary are Finnish ghost stories?

Most of them seem to involve someone walking home through a dark forest and meeting a troll or something, so not really that scary considering modern sensibilities. Googling "Finnish horror story" brought up "Finnish bronies", so that's probably enough said about the modern Finnish horror scene. I guess we've mostly figured out that real life is scary and depressing enough without having to make up stories. If I come across any original Finnish horror stories I'll be sure to post them for all to see.


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Question for Finns #108
So, does anything actually happen in Finland


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Question for Finns #109
So, does anything actually happen in Finland
Smoking Tengu, October 18, 2014, 12:09:59 am

Honestly, I spend most of my time inside or at work so I'll try to answer this as best as I can.

Well, there are a bunch of rock and metal festivals every year, especially more towards the summer. There's the Nummirock, Qstock, Ruisrock, Provinssirock and what have you. If that's not your thing there's also a bunch of jazz festivals around the year and probably some electro oriented ones too. And some country and tango ones too, but those are for silly old people.
There's also a LAN party event thingy each summer called Vectorama.
Speaking of the summer, a lot of Finnish families go to their summer cottage each year. A summer cottage is built away from cities and towns, usually in the middle of the woods and near a lake. They don't usually have running water or electricity, but a sauna is a must. Good times, a lot of grilled food and alcohol is pretty much guaranteed.
Ice hockey gets really popular during the winter so everyone's staring at their TV's to follow the SM-Liiga (Finnish Elite League. Not some weird sadomasochism thing)


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Question for Finns #110
Montrith, you have no idea how much I appreciate those links. I'm totally going to google search the keywords you gave me, but at least now I've got the idea behind the physics of sauna stoves! I'm going to have to phone my city and find out the legalities of this, because I don't think anyone here has an authentic sauna.


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Question for Finns #111
Montrith, you have no idea how much I appreciate those links. I'm totally going to google search the keywords you gave me, but at least now I've got the idea behind the physics of sauna stoves! I'm going to have to phone my city and find out the legalities of this, because I don't think anyone here has an authentic sauna.
TacoChillocko, October 18, 2014, 07:50:57 pm

Always glad to be of use. I found a few sites in English about building saunas, though I'm not sure how useful they are for your purposes.


Let me know if you come across any Finnish material you want translated and I'll be happy to do that for you.


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Question for Finns #112
You're way better at Google than I am, apparently! Those links are great. I like how the Finnish guides get into the stone heating physics but the English sites are like "eh, just buy a heater or something"

edit* Oh man, the more I read about you Finns the more I'm totally jealous. It's like Canada is still a baby country, unable to really enjoy winter. Apparently you guys still make your own cross country skis, out of wood? Are there clips for this too?
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 10:08:15 pm by TacoChillocko »


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Question for Finns #113
It's not that common these days, but there are still some craftsmen and hobbyists who are able to make their own skis. Here are some winter DIY links for you, including a picture blog of a guy making his own skis. You can do your own Google searches again, but keep in mind that in Finnish skis ("sukset") usually means cross country skis. If you want info on downhill skiing you need to specify you are looking for "laskettelu sukset".



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Question for Finns #114
Thanks again! By the looks of things I'm going to have to contact a ski maker personally, no one wants to post their camber process online. I had no idea Finland had such a rich skiing history!


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Question for Finns #115
I hear you are guys are starting a large-scale basic income experiment.  What's the general feeling about it inside the country?  Have you signed up to be a potential participant?


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Question for Finns #116
I hear you are guys are starting a large-scale basic income experiment.  What's the general feeling about it inside the country?  Have you signed up to be a potential participant?
Healslime, November 20, 2015, 09:20:16 am

There's been dialogue about it and fighting for and against it. Overall it's supposed to make things easier for regular people, which is a good thing, but I'll believe it when I see it. Personally I'd like to see them take more personal interest in people who require financial aid, instead of just moving things around and cutting staff to make things "smoother". Plus I don't think the public has been informed about the changes enough. There's been so much infighting between government parties people are still confused as to what actually is going to happen.

Just my opinion though, I got to admit I haven't been paying this much attention.

Sherman Tank

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Question for Finns #117
What kind of impact will these new basic income programs have on the Sampo?


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Question for Finns #118
What kind of impact will these new basic income programs have on the Sampo?
Sherman Tank, November 23, 2015, 09:59:57 pm

As far as I know it will continue to produce grain and salt. We've been having trouble with the gold nozzle for a while now.
Sherman Tank