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Topic: Question for Finns  (Read 51142 times)


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Question for Finns #30
My understanding is that Finland is a place that has a language that isn't related to anyone else's in the immediate vicinity, spent its entire history getting shoved around by its larger neighbors, is extraordinarily cold in the winter, makes a lot of cell phones, is famous for alcoholism, and had a big chunk of its territory stolen by Communists.

So Finland is the Korea of Europe.
Cheapskate, June 23, 2014, 03:42:14 pm

Finnish is related to Sami and Estonian.  It's not a language isolate like Basque is.


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Question for Finns #31
Finns, how many times have you personally pillaged Christian monasteries?

Trill La Trill

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Question for Finns #32
Are Finns slavic? I'd like to know this without having to traverse those white nationalist message boards again.
(Did you know that south italians are all secret arabs? Of course you did, them filthy meditteranioids all got a touch of the tar brush if you ask me. A number of anthropologists who also are white supremacists can totally back this up.)

this is what was white nationalists actually believe p.s


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Question for Finns #33
Are Finns slavic? I'd like to know this without having to traverse those white nationalist message boards again.
(Did you know that south italians are all secret arabs? Of course you did, them filthy meditteranioids all got a touch of the tar brush if you ask me. A number of anthropologists who also are white supremacists can totally back this up.)

this is what was white nationalists actually believe p.s
j, June 28, 2014, 09:07:09 pm

Finns predate the Slavs.  They are probably the oldest extant language family in Europe.


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Question for Finns #34
Finns are actually pretty interesting genetically speaking. It would take way too long to explain here, but if you're interested I suggest you check out some of the studies that are available in English. We're supposed to be the group that's most like Cro Magnon humans craniometricaly, so take what you will from that. Oh, and calling a Finn slavic is not a good idea, since we kinda associate that with Russia and to a Finn the greatest insult imaginable is to be called a Russian.

Finns, how many times have you personally pillaged Christian monasteries?

None, since Finns are not actually Vikings. We'd occasionally trade with them, or sell them some magic, or get attacked by them, but Finnish people more concerned with forests than sailing.


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Question for Finns #35
Finns, how many times have you personally pillaged Christian monasteries?

None, since Finns are not actually Vikings. We'd occasionally trade with them, or sell them some magic, or get attacked by them, but Finnish people more concerned with forests than sailing.
montrith, June 29, 2014, 03:01:27 am

Oh, sorry for my lack of knowledge!

Do you own an N-Gage?


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Question for Finns #36
Do you own an N-Gage?

What kind of a loser do you take me for? All the patriotism in the world couldn't convince people it was worth buying.

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Question for Finns #37
We'd occasionally trade with them, or sell them some magic, or get attacked by them, but Finnish people more concerned with forests than sailing.
montrith, June 29, 2014, 03:01:27 am

Would you sell me some magic? What kind of magic would it be?

What is the grossest Finnish food and, conversely, the most delicious Finnish food that we furriners don't know about?


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Question for Finns #38
According to traditional knowledge, Finnish wizards would make weather ropes that would have knots on them. They would then sell those to sailors who could use them to summon favorable winds.

The grossest food pretty much depends on your taste. Lots of people don't like salmiakki and the various tar-flavored treats that Finns quite like. In my opinion, the grossest food is mustamakkara ("black sausage), which is a sausage made with meat, blood and flour and is eaten with lingonberry jam. This is what it looks like.

Bon Appetit!

Best Finnish food to me is usually the simple stuff. Karelian pies, new potatoes with butter, blueberry pie, grilled fish, rye bread with cold smoked salmon etc. The food is usually pretty simple, what makes it good is that most of the time you can pick your own berries, catch your own fish or bake your own bread. If you want decent Finnish food don't bother buying anything ready made from the story. You pretty much have to make it yourself, or get it fresh from the market. I'm particular to fried vendace with dip, which is available at most market places during summer. The fish in cleaned, rolled in flour and fried in butter. You eat everything but the head, including the skin and bones.

You can also get really, really good candy in Finland. Maybe that's just my biased taste, but I much prefer Finnish chocolate to Belgian or other European stuff. If you ever get the chance, pick up some Fazer stuff, everything they make is great. Geisha is also probably the most delicious candy ever made.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 12:24:25 pm by montrith »


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Question for Finns #39

The grossest food pretty much depends on your taste. Lots of people don't like salmiakki and the various tar-flavored treats that Finns quite like. In my opinion, the grossest food is mustamakkara ("black sausage), which is a sausage made with meat, blood and flour and is eaten with lingonberry jam. This is what it looks like.

montrith, June 29, 2014, 12:21:54 pm

What does it look like before it's passed?


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Question for Finns #40
"Heeheehee! It looks like poo poo!"

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Question for Finns #41
How xenophobic are most Finns?  I understand your people mostly hate the Russians, but how much do they hate other nationalities?


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Question for Finns #42
How xenophobic are most Finns?  I understand your people mostly hate the Russians, but how much do they hate other nationalities?
A Meat, June 30, 2014, 02:50:09 am

It varies greatly. Young people tend to be pretty tolerant and interested in other cultures, while some older folks are still completely confused by anyone who's not lily-white. Just like everywhere else, level of education seems to be the most important distinguishing factor aside of age. The most xenophobic people tend to be those who feel directly threatened by the presence foreigners, aka "They took our jobs!" people. There are some upper-class racist assholes, but they tend to stay mostly silent about their opinions since voicing them invariably gets them in trouble. There is some gang activity in the bigger cities, but only a little of it seems to be racially motivated.

Speaking specifically about nationalities, Swedes and Russians are usually the ones most people complain about. There are some Romany people around and they are almost universally mistrusted, but other than that there's no specific nationalities that get focused on. "Muslims", aka anyone with a scarf, also get some grief from the racist assholes, but it's less about being a terrorist and more about "taking our jobs" again. Basically, Finnish xenophobia in my opinion seems to have its roots on the fact that people feel they've struggled hard to get this far and if they slack off someone is going to come and take it all away. Only very few would argue that there is some sort of genetic superiority that Finnish people have, but many are still suspicious of "outsiders" who they view as a threat to the current status quo.

I have to point out I'm not the best person to talk about these issues, having never been in the receiving end of racism or xenophobia. Generally speaking though, I feel that while individual Finns maybe capable of doing and saying nasty things, as a nation we're actually pretty tolerant people. That being said, there is this one asshole called Halla-aho, and if you ever see him you should hit him with a brick. He is the sort of dangerous racist who is very good at convincing people he's not a racist and is actually making sense.


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Question for Finns #43
How many people do you know who have family in Michigan or Minnesota?


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Question for Finns #44
I've heard you guys have good bread, do you guys have good bread?