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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2020415 times)

Salubrious Rex

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I can't stop thinking about how I want to buy a house solely for the ability to veggies and fruits on the walls in the kitchen.
thelizzerd, June 15, 2022, 03:52:28 pm

This is a good motivation to want to own a house. Nothing stupid about wanting to do the things you can't do in a rented space.
thelizzerd RoeCocoa


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The problem with trying to anger god is that god made you exactly as you are and as god intended so while you get pissed and try to show your whole ass to god, god just goes "haha yeah that's exactly what I want you to do!"


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The problem with trying to anger god is that god made you exactly as you are and as god intended so while you get pissed and try to show your whole ass to god, god just goes "haha yeah that's exactly what I want you to do!"
organburner, June 17, 2022, 09:32:54 am
i'm an edgy atheist now but i do remember being told that it makes god sad to see his children defy him or simply sin. in some iterations people also believe that it makes god angry.
then again, what you said should be true if god really is omniscient. but most religious doctrine is full of contradictions and weird double standards anyways.

every time i commit a sin such as premarital sex(which i have very often because i'm alpha), looking at a boob(that isn't mine), saying ****(when my mom can't hear me), or listening to the supernanny wiki episode for the 15th time(it's really good), i revel in the fact that if god were real, it would make him sad and/or angry. you should too, because sacrilege is fun and free.

*tips fedora and logs into reddit*
Dr. Buttplug Immoral Filth

A Meat

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all the scientific terms for river morphology sound made up, oh you're saying there's a riffle leading up to this talweg? and that riffles tend to appear in a riffle-pool sequence in the part between two slip-off slope meanders? I understand completely
moooo566 (taylor's version) Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa chai tea latte cat_examiner


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Making fun of cryptocoin and NFT people is kind of like making fun of pyramid scheme victims. On the one hand, they have fallen for a complete scam and are losing their time and money on this bullshit so they do deserve some sympathy on that.
On the other hand, part of having falling for their respective scams is that they do not shut the fuck up about it which is annoying as fuck.

Dr. Buttplug

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Making fun of cryptocoin and NFT people is kind of like making fun of pyramid scheme victims. On the one hand, they have fallen for a complete scam and are losing their time and money on this bullshit so they do deserve some sympathy on that.
On the other hand, part of having falling for their respective scams is that they do not shut the fuck up about it which is annoying as fuck.
organburner, June 20, 2022, 10:55:40 am
I have considerably less sympathy for what is mostly knuckle dragging chuds who thought they could neg the internet into becoming rich than I do for a mother of five who has a garage full of supplements or lotion she can't sell.

There are a few minority segments that got dragged in, but I do not feel bad about laughing at "All my apes are gone, oh wait the thief sold them back because they're now worthless."
Salubrious Rex Lumbermouth
« Last Edit: June 20, 2022, 12:46:23 pm by Dr. Buttplug »


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Making fun of cryptocoin and NFT people is kind of like making fun of pyramid scheme victims. On the one hand, they have fallen for a complete scam and are losing their time and money on this bullshit so they do deserve some sympathy on that.
On the other hand, part of having falling for their respective scams is that they do not shut the fuck up about it which is annoying as fuck.
organburner, June 20, 2022, 10:55:40 am
I have considerably less sympathy for what is mostly knuckle dragging chuds who thought they could neg the internet into become rich than I do for a mother of five who has a garage full of supplements or lotion she can't sell.

There are a few minority segments that got dragged in, but I do not feel bad about laughing at "All my apes are gone, oh wait the thief sold them back because they're now worthless."
Dr. Buttplug, June 20, 2022, 11:04:41 am

I suppose it needs to be considered on a case by case basis.


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**reads this post**

all the scientific terms for river morphology sound made up, oh you're saying there's a riffle leading up to this talweg? and that riffles tend to appear in a riffle-pool sequence in the part between two slip-off slope meanders? I understand completely
A Meat, June 19, 2022, 04:15:37 am

**tumbleweeds float across the desert of my mind. what is this? what could this even be??**

that's weir
Salubrious Rex A Meat


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the coolest name is Wolfgang but it never gets used in english speaking countries because we fear our kids wont meet its power
ikaribattousai RoeCocoa Dr. Buttplug

Victor Laszlo

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Brains are weird.  I don't give a shit about hockey, and I don't like my hometown even a little bit.  But I realized I'm checking ESPN every couple of days to see the status of the Stanley Cup finals, I guess because the hometown team is playing.  Like, 51 weeks a year I don't even think about hockey even a little tiny bit, they got the team when I was like 15 so it's not like I grew up even half-assed rooting for them, what part of my brain has decided we should spend even the 30 seconds every 2-3 days that I'm spending on this?  I don't even plan on visiting the area again until my grandmother dies so it's not like it's going to come up in conversation or anything.
chai tea latte

A Meat

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according to catholics the passiflora incarnata flower tells the story of the passion of the christ:
all the various parts of it are supposedly kinda similar to things in the jesus story like a crown of thorns or the ten apostles or something, but they never talk about the passionfruit, which represents jesus's balls
Dr. Buttplug


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if I was an upper class british drag queen my drag name would be Eton Pussy
chai tea latte


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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I'm very grateful to have this thread because I have ideas for bad joke posts i'm unable to purge from my brain and my only other audience is about 500 people on twitter who want to fuck my final fantasy 14 character
xX_sp00ks_Xx Dr. Buttplug Antivehicular

Victor Laszlo

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I feel like I've read the headline "R. Kelly sentenced to prison" so many times over so many years.
A Meat chai tea latte


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Movie idea:

Grandpa dies in 2035 and in his will is the start of a treasure hunt to a treasure worth millions of dollars. The kids start doing a wacky treasure hunt following the clues but slowly things become darker as they get closer to the treasure and get more greedy. They start killing each other in "accidents" and for the final clue only two are left.
They have a long bare knuckle fight and the victor finally finds the treasure. It's a usb stick containing an offline crypto wallet. The kid doesn't know what the fuck, googles it and discovers the crypto currency is not only valueless but completely offline.

The end, no moral.
Dr. Buttplug