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June 01, 2024, 07:07:23 pm

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Topic: Episode 93: I Can't Put Up With You People Because You're Bastard People  (Read 15474 times)


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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The last dozen years of internet development has brought avenues of conversation we wouldn't have thought possible in the previous dozen. And yet, through all of this, is there any place at all where ill-informed idiots can gather together and spew pointless hate about random subjects? The answer of course is yes, there is all sorts of places where that exact thing happens. And yet, it wasn't until JustRage.com that anyone actually thought that would be a valid thing for a website to specialize in. This week, you get drunk, you skip school, just have sex already.


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I dropped an anonymous hint to ditzy--scene to perhaps give this episode a listen all the way to the end. I hope she likes it!

I do vanity searches for F Plus stuff on Tumblr all the time.


  • Ask me about AKs.
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  • Trouble with customers? Isfahano cares.
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Yay, she listened!


  • Spongy Wood Witch
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  • Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge cunt
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I watched Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie the other day and finally understood I'M ALLEN FUCKING BISHOPMAN!!!!!! from this episode.

Sherman Tank

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  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
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Acier's bit about the baked ziti guy at the very end of the episode is just amazing.