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Topic: The boards seem awfully quiet lately  (Read 33226 times)


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately
Is it just me or have the forums been seeing weirdly low traffic?


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #1
I'd kind of chalked it up to either the dearth of new episodes, or the recent furry drama, or both. Or maybe everyone's just coincidentally got other shit to do outside the System of Tubes.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #2
Could be. It is schoolin' time I suppose.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #3
If I had to peg it on anything, it would probably be the start of a new school semester. I don't know if the F Plus have done any official demographics, but I'd peg a lot of the F+ userbase at around college age?

Though Chaos might be on to something too. I wouldn't be surprised if the drama thread or less frequent episodes were contributing factors.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #4
If furry drama was enough to kill off forums then there'd be nary a forum able to survive out there.

Including furry forums.
A Whirring Bone-White Gleech chai tea latte


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #5
If furry drama was enough to kill off forums then there'd be nary a forum able to survive out there.

Including furry forums.
Isfahan, September 02, 2013, 12:32:33 pm

Well I certainly don't think it's been killed off permanently. Just that a few people seem to have run for cover, in particular the second-most prolific poster around. In any case I'm sure the place will endure and see many more glorious furry-related arguments in its career.

Ike: Oyeah, I keep forgetting that since my school year is ending this month instead of beginning. The general fan demographic does seem to skew relatively young, I suppose.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #6
Just that a few people seem to have run for cover, in particular the second-most prolific poster around.TheCrawlingChaos, September 02, 2013, 12:38:15 pm

If calling furry a fundamentally-sexualized, broken, toxic community that turns a collective blind eye to the dogfuckers in their midst because there's money to be made is enough to get people to run for cover, then there's more personal reasons behind it than just them reading the words I'm typing out.

I mean, this is a forum for a podcast that has done these episodes and somehow these people running for cover didn't get the memo?

Anyone who's honestly "run for cover" because I recognized and immediately challenged Icarus's attempt to sway opinion and make the forums a more furry-friendly place is obviously content to stay in a safe place an echo chamber where their opinions are never seriously countered and everyone pretends that everything being posted is swell.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #7
I haven't even seen as many lurkers on, so I'm willing to put it up to people just being busy. Get postin', fools! It's a long weekend!


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #8
I mean, this is a forum for a podcast that has done these episodes and somehow these people running for cover didn't get the memo?Isfahan, September 02, 2013, 01:23:48 pm

This is also the community that did the Irregular podcast, and repeatedly emphasizes the sort of prime directive 'live and let live' mentality. The F Plus has done a lot to emphasize this idea that they're more internet anthropologists who've found weird shit and think it's funny, than crusaders out to demolish dysfunctional internet communities and keep their own herd pure. I think that's why a number of people are offset by the sort of vigor and stamina with which you responded to Icarus' post. It's not that you're -wrong- about the pervasive problems of that subculture, it's the tone and the modus-operandi. There are ways to make your opinions known without singling out posters like that.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #9
I don't think you understand what a prime directive is. We don't engage the subjects of our podcast episodes. We don't go on Pounced and make "u r dum" posts. That's the prime directive. However, this is simple community interaction. That's how it went down on PoE, too. Exhibits regularly took it upon themselves to debate PoEsters on their own site, and PoEsters gladly engaged them there. No prime directive violation. Unless the prime directive now means "I'm going to bring stuff up and nobody's allowed to say anything about it," I think I was fine.

Also again with the singling-out accusations. It was Icarus's post, so that's what I had to respond to. How is that singling out? I made it quite clear that my beef is with furries, not with Icarus. Maybe you're using some strange outsider-art browser that auto-replaces "furries" with "Icarus" and that's where the misunderstanding is coming from, so from now on, I will spell those words "furrys" and "Ikarus" to fool your filter.

Please explain to me how I was singling Ikarus out that does not amount to "Ikarus is the author of the post that you replied to."


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #10
With the exception of Delcat, nobody was singled out, but there was a serious vibe in the thread that if you associate with or tolerate furries in even the most tangential way that you're either a broken human being, a broken human being enabler, or not welcome in this community, regardless of your actual posting content within this community. Especially when most of that tone is coming from people who are actually members of the podcast and aren't likely to get reprimanded or reigned in. I like portaxx and her rants are amusing to me, but this post in particular was just fucking mean, especially since Delcat was pretty polite for the entirety of the thread (unless I missed something.) I don't know Delcat's posting history or if she contributed prior to the boards opening up, but it's kind of really offputting when the standard user pays 10 dollars in Actual Money for the privilege of posting here and has to watch what they say or reveal what groups they associate with less they get told in no uncertain terms that they are lesser members of the community.

 The ethos of the podcast is basically to point, laugh, and move on, but that breaks down completely when it's on your turf and it honestly makes me question the tone of the podcast itself, because reading that post and then listening to the mocking laughter on the podcast makes me wonder if it's a lot more mean-spirited than you guys want to believe it is. I'm not here to hate on people, I just like hearing the weirdness the internet has to offer. That thread seriously clashed with the Irregular furry episode, which was a candid discussion of an interesting internet subculture. If you're going to invite people onto your podcast and your website to put themselves out there for the sake of discussion, it's really offputting of the whole deal to read a thread like that.

edit: none of that is supposed to be an objective monster cockysis, that's just how I read the whole thing.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 02:39:57 pm by Ike »


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #11
(unless I missed something.)Ike, September 02, 2013, 02:37:05 pm

You're missing quite a bit, yes, and decorum is actually the reason you haven't been brought up to speed on it.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #13
(unless I missed something.)Ike, September 02, 2013, 02:37:05 pm

You're missing quite a bit, yes, and decorum is actually the reason you haven't been brought up to speed on it.
Isfahan, September 02, 2013, 02:45:32 pm

Right. I'm not trying to dredge up more drama, it's just that the whole thing was kind of disappointing.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #14
If I hadn't posted in that thread, then it would have become a pro-furry circlejerk, and then I would have been disappointed. It's a zero-sum game.