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Topic: 396: No Poo For My Real Friends  (Read 13912 times)


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396: No Poo For My Real Friends
Salubrious Rex thelizzerd Secret Gaygent 69 Bodark

Boots Raingear

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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #1
Lumbermouth Bodark KendrickLobstar Captain Nobeard

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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #2
A lot of the weird stuff they're using has, in fact, been used to effectively wash hair in pre-shampoo times.

I say this in the same sense that a lot of the stuff that's on TV Tropes has been used to make stories.
adrenochrome dome Secret Gaygent 69 RoeCocoa Bodark Nemo2342 Pavlova Sherlockian Captain Nobeard


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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #3
Got reminded this podcast exists when I had my Grayjay feed spammed by a million episodes, then binge watched a bunch of them while doing chores. Kind of nostalgic actually, reminds me of the days I used it to deal with the weekly and tiring lawn work I did for just a few bucks. Cheers for still keeping it going this long.
(transalted lemon)
Boots Raingear Lemon

Recon Rabbit

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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #4
This is the most frustrating episode I've listened to in a long time.


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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #5
Okay but there has to be a community of people who don't shit, like the Soylent guy did for a while. And BOY they must be steaming mad they got scooped on the name
Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug


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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #6
I love these communities of people who cannot fathom an in-between. Either you eat food or every meal is soylent and you have diarrhea for the rest of your life. Either you shampoo your hair every single time you shower or you never shampoo it again.

Salubrious Rex

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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #7
Okay but there has to be a community of people who don't shit
honey, January 15, 2024, 05:16:26 pm

I've been thinking the same thing, but the trouble is finding out what they'd call themselves. I feel like you'd have to just  probe around wildly in search engines and stuff like a old west prospector except instead of a vein of gold you're looking for a backed up septic tank.


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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #8
Okay but there has to be a community of people who don't shit, like the Soylent guy did for a while. And BOY they must be steaming mad they got scooped on the name
honey, January 15, 2024, 05:16:26 pm

I remember the one Feces Retention guy on the Extra Credit semen retention episode, it doesn't seem like you'd get a lot of converts.

Dr. Buttplug

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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #9
I can only imagine they would all be mich better served by a sulfate free shampoo. Although it usually costs a little more than regular shampoo, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than pouring honey and flower down your shower drain.


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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #10
I can only imagine they would all be mich better served by a sulfate free shampoo. Although it usually costs a little more than regular shampoo, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than pouring honey and flower down your shower drain.
Dr. Buttplug, January 15, 2024, 07:27:07 pm

It'd be less expensive than all the bullshit they have to try! Some of the things they list get fucking spendy, especially if they're using organic products, like I assume many of them are.

sea hag

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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #11
I can only imagine they would all be mich better served by a sulfate free shampoo. Although it usually costs a little more than regular shampoo, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than pouring honey and flower down your shower drain.
Dr. Buttplug, January 15, 2024, 07:27:07 pm

It'd be less expensive than all the bullshit they have to try! Some of the things they list get fucking spendy, especially if they're using organic products, like I assume many of them are.
Bodark, January 15, 2024, 07:46:04 pm

Yeah, and there's plenty of woo soap shops that sell shampoo with a lot of the things they're putting in their hair.

Even the brown sugar one seems like a scalp exfoliant. Or like it would make an inadequate but tasty lip scrub.

Recon Rabbit

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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #12
It doesn't matter and obviously it's not grammatically correct in English, but I wanted to point out that "space question mark" is a French thing.


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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #13
I'm just glad someone on the show had my same reaction of 'OH NO' when someone said rye flour


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396: No Poo For My Real Friends #14
I can only imagine they would all be mich better served by a sulfate free shampoo. Although it usually costs a little more than regular shampoo, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than pouring honey and flower down your shower drain.
Dr. Buttplug, January 15, 2024, 07:27:07 pm
I think the Reddit intro mentioned sulfate-free shampoo (or maybe just that it's the sulfates that dry you out) but that's not the kind of fix these people want. They don't want a minor lifestyle change that marginally improves their standard of living, they want a new form of asceticism to give their lives meaning.
chai tea latte Bodark Lumbermouth Nemo2342