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Topic: 318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee  (Read 38165 times)

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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #15
What, no mention of the guy with laser knees?
SHAMBA~1.SBB Monkey’s Paw Wish


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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #16
Yo it's Zeltron[1] 3030,
I gotta get my Limbs[2] dirty
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop A Meat SHAMBA~1.SBB chai tea latte Mr. Hunky Academia

Dr. Buttplug

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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #17
Star Wars is dumb, but my favorite thing about it is that they'd say "You know that cool blue elephant guy that was on screen for less than a minute? Ever wonder what his deal was?"

"Well here's five hundred pages, a comic book and an action playset!"
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Seth "Slimy" Rollins Salubrious Rex


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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #18
Dr. Buttplug chai tea latte Yavuz Salubrious Rex

Frank West

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A Meat

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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #20
I loved this episode, I've never enjoyed anything Star Wars related, and I've got about the same amount of contempt for it that Lemon or Bozarth do, because it's everywhere and it's so fucking dumb. Oh, you like science fiction? I love Star Wars, let me talk to you about it because you're a nerd and clearly love it because it's set in space.

But even if you like Star Wars, what's the mindset required to go "Hmm, Wookiepedia doesn't have an article about toenails, yet you clearly see Princess Leia barefoot and she has toes! I must let everyone know!"?
SHAMBA~1.SBB xX_sp00ks_Xx


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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #21
Dude got an action figure!?
Frank West, February 12, 2020, 01:18:21 pm

Because I'm always looking for an excuse to post this picture, here's this picture.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB


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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #22
I loved this episode, I've never enjoyed anything Star Wars related, and I've got about the same amount of contempt for it that Lemon or Bozarth do, because it's everywhere and it's so fucking dumb. Oh, you like science fiction? I love Star Wars, let me talk to you about it because you're a nerd and clearly love it because it's set in space.

But even if you like Star Wars, what's the mindset required to go "Hmm, Wookiepedia doesn't have an article about toenails, yet you clearly see Princess Leia barefoot and she has toes! I must let everyone know!"?
A Meat, February 12, 2020, 01:23:39 pm
There's two origin points I can see for Wookiepedia's tiny useless detail fetish.

One comes from Star Wars material itself: because the movies make a bunch of reference to things that wouldn't necessarily exist in a space fantasy setting, a bunch of supplemental material emerged to explain what hell means when someone says "I'll see you in hell" or what a duck is in the phrase "we'll be sitting ducks". So you can't take for granted what 'hell' is, because someone went and said "Corellian mythology refers to the netherworld of the force as Hell, while other cultures call it Chaos or The Void."

That leads into reason number two: Because you can't take anything for granted, Wookiepedia's policy became to explain everything that showed up in Star Wars, and because there wasn't a clear policy distinction between, say, "Hell is a name for a region of the force" and "Breasts were usually found on mammals  or near-mammals" it meant that eventually everything wound up on the wiki.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Salubrious Rex


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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #23
After reading that, I decided to look up the explanation for how "X-wings" are named after a letter that doesn't exist in the Star Wars alphabet, which led me to the surprisingly familiar other Star Wars alphabet and eventually to this very F Plus Jedi.


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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #24
I've always been partial to the aliens from Truce at Bakura.  They are velociraptors that whistle.  Why yes, the book did come out right after Jurassic Park, how did you know?

There's two origin points I can see for Wookiepedia's tiny useless detail fetish.

One comes from Star Wars material itself: because the movies make a bunch of reference to things that wouldn't necessarily exist in a space fantasy setting, a bunch of supplemental material emerged to explain what hell means when someone says "I'll see you in hell" or what a duck is in the phrase "we'll be sitting ducks". So you can't take for granted what 'hell' is, because someone went and said "Corellian mythology refers to the netherworld of the force as Hell, while other cultures call it Chaos or The Void."

That leads into reason number two: Because you can't take anything for granted, Wookiepedia's policy became to explain everything that showed up in Star Wars, and because there wasn't a clear policy distinction between, say, "Hell is a name for a region of the force" and "Breasts were usually found on mammals  or near-mammals" it meant that eventually everything wound up on the wiki.
THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB, February 12, 2020, 01:48:12 pm

Lemon Boots Raingear Wrought Yavuz Salubrious Rex Monkey’s Paw Wish

A Meat

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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #25
Also, I can't believe I almost forgot to be an annoying shithead, but the there has been an Elder Scrolls game released in the past few years, Elder Scrolls Online is a thing that keeps getting expansions and is honestly not bad if what you're looking for is an MMO to just wander around in and do quests here and there
Seth "Slimy" Rollins Dr. Buttplug


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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #26
It's nuts because you wouldn't sincerely argue that they're speaking English. It's just storytelling. Hell is a translation, dog is an idiom, this didn't need to be so convoluted!
SHAMBA~1.SBB Salubrious Rex


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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #27
There's two origin points I can see for Wookiepedia's tiny useless detail fetish.

One comes from Star Wars material itself: because the movies make a bunch of reference to things that wouldn't necessarily exist in a space fantasy setting, a bunch of supplemental material emerged to explain what hell means when someone says "I'll see you in hell" or what a duck is in the phrase "we'll be sitting ducks". So you can't take for granted what 'hell' is, because someone went and said "Corellian mythology refers to the netherworld of the force as Hell, while other cultures call it Chaos or The Void."

That leads into reason number two: Because you can't take anything for granted, Wookiepedia's policy became to explain everything that showed up in Star Wars, and because there wasn't a clear policy distinction between, say, "Hell is a name for a region of the force" and "Breasts were usually found on mammals  or near-mammals" it meant that eventually everything wound up on the wiki.
THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB, February 12, 2020, 01:48:12 pm

I think another factor is that Wookieepedia branched off from Wikipedia in the days before editors started heavily cracking down on the "In Popular Culture" sections of articles. For anyone who doesn't remember, around 2005-2007 a lot of articles for things on Wikipedia had a section called "In Popular Culture" which, due to poor editorial oversight, were basically lists of every time something came up in a cartoon or tv show ("In episode 2 of Space Dandy, Space Dandy eats a bowl of ramen!"). Wikipedia eventually began to crack down on this sort of behavior and I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of users who were really into making those sections migrated to places like Wookieepedia and other niche wikis.

I also feel like a lot of nerds, particularly the sorts of nerds who were into programming at the internet in the early 2000s, have a really mechanical and structured way of perceiving the world which causes them to treat things like fiction in much the same way one would treat information relating to the hard sciences: As a collection of facts and information. This tends to result in the kind of mindset you see from places like Wookieepedia or TV Tropes: A desire to catalog and identify minutiae without any sort of understanding of how this information fits together into a larger whole.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Yavuz chai tea latte sea hag


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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #28
Wookieepedia has forgotten everything we learned about cookies from Fig Newton commercials.

Salubrious Rex


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318: Wookiee Ookiee Ookiee #29
Okay, so a long-dormant memory just came back to me and it's that I KNOW WHAT THE BISCUIT BARON IS A REFERENCE TO.

I liked comics as a young kid, but my parents had no concept of, say, getting me the same comic in sequential issues, so there were titles that I had literally one issue of. Star Wars happens to be one of those. I have only literally only ever owned one issue of the Marvel Star Wars comics, but the guy that the Biscuit Baron logo is referencing was the villain in that comic. He's some guy that took Luke's lightsaber and then Luke got it back. That's about it. And his glasses actually looked like that.

xX_sp00ks_Xx SHAMBA~1.SBB ViviVixen Salubrious Rex Antivehicular