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Topic: 7 degrees of something  (Read 21525 times)


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7 degrees of something #15
I went to high school with Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child. She was a year younger than me and I have the vaguest memory of her.

My sister moved to LA a year ago to dance. She's gotten a few small gigs, auditioned for Missy Elliot and hugged Richard Simmons. She was in the huge flash mob thing at the beginning of this season's America's Got Talent. You can see her for like 10 seconds. I was excited.

Boots Raingear

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7 degrees of something #16
Here are some terrible name drops:

I sat next to the Friendly Giant at a dinner theatre when I was 19. He was pretty damn friendly.

Keram Malicki Sanchez, star of the Canadian youth musical drama Catwalk, was a friend of my older sister. He advised me never to shoot heroin into my testicles. I have not (yet) failed him on this.


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7 degrees of something #17
I sat next to the Friendly Giant at a dinner theatre when I was 19. He was pretty damn friendly.
Boots Raingear, July 03, 2013, 11:25:29 am

Close the thread, nothing is better than encounters with the Friendly Giant. My mother met him when a friend was showing her around the CBC Toronto studios [I guess?]. He did not seem that friendly at the time, but even the Friendly Giant has off days and it never soured Mum's affection for him.

I have a client who's had small roles in a lot of things filmed in Canada, a friend who was in this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093609/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 Canadian ... thing as a child, and another friend who had a tiny role in Battlestar Galactica and other things filmed in Vancouver. But I'm pretty sure everyone in Canada can 7 degrees themselves to someone who got killed on the X-Files or was a serial killer on CSI or something similar, so that doesn't count.

Except for the Friendly Giant, of course.