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June 02, 2024, 10:13:29 am

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Topic: Episode 155 - Extra Credit Hurt Itself In Its Confusion!  (Read 3636 times)

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
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Mix Secret Gaygent 69 Salubrious Rex chai tea latte

Salubrious Rex

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Part of this epsidoe dredged up a very specific childhood memory. When I was a kid and played Pokemon Ruby, the fact that a bunch of Pokémon from the previous generations weren't present or available in the game (at the time) made me very concerned when the anime caught up to that gen, because it showed a bunch of Pokémon that I believed were feral introduced species in the wild! The problems of feral introduced species was something I'd learned about around that age and I was really worried about the ecological problems this could have posed!

Turns out I was worried for the wrong reason, because if I had stuck to that issue I might have set in motion a series of events that would have lead to writing for the pokemon fanon wiki
1234GO! Secret Gaygent 69

Great Joe

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Why a fish gotta have a titty?
Dr. Buttplug Secret Gaygent 69 Salubrious Rex PaulLovesToLaugh