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Topic: Worst neologisms  (Read 18890 times)

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Worst neologisms
I defy anyone to find something more terrible than "webinar".


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Worst neologisms #1


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Worst neologisms #2
tumblelog, what each tumblr "technically" is.


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Worst neologisms #3
Mansplaining. It's a pretty terrible word and the reason for it existing is depressing.

Boots Raingear

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Worst neologisms #4


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Worst neologisms #5
Mansplaining. It's a pretty terrible word and the reason for it existing is depressing.
MicroMissles, March 02, 2014, 02:10:07 pm

What the hell is mansplaining anyway, I thought it was someone telling a SJW something they don't want to hear.


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Worst neologisms #6
Mansplaining. It's a pretty terrible word and the reason for it existing is depressing.
MicroMissles, March 02, 2014, 02:10:07 pm

What the hell is mansplaining anyway, I thought it was someone telling a SJW something they don't want to hear.
Smoking Crow, March 02, 2014, 02:55:46 pm

That's usually how it's used, yes. But really it's a term that means men being condescending dicks to women because they're women.


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Worst neologisms #7
I hate MOOC, pronounced as "mook", an acronym for "Massively Open Online Course".  It's pretty clearly derived from the equally terrible MMORPG, which means I associate it with mindlessly grinding monsters for magic underwear in shit games.  MOOC has become ubiquitous in higher education; I hear or read it once a week.  I think it's telling that Sebastian Thrun doesn't even like the word, and he runs one of the largest companies that offers online education.

The term was coined by some guy with a master's degree in education, who you can see here:

One PowerPoint slide and I can tell this is the sort of useless dick who spends an hour screwing the audience by telling them the most obvious information and acting like he's discovered teleportation technology.
chai tea latte
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 05:31:19 pm by Healslime »


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Worst neologisms #8

One PowerPoint slide and I can tell this is the sort of useless dick who spends an hour screwing the audience by telling them the most obvious information and acting like he's discovered teleportation technology.
Healslime, March 02, 2014, 05:28:51 pm

Someone really needs to tell him it's possible to type text directly into Powerpoint without drawing it in MSPaint first.


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Worst neologisms #9
Mansplaining. It's a pretty terrible word and the reason for it existing is depressing.
MicroMissles, March 02, 2014, 02:10:07 pm

What the hell is mansplaining anyway, I thought it was someone telling a SJW something they don't want to hear.
Smoking Crow, March 02, 2014, 02:55:46 pm

"Mansplaining is a portmanteau of the words "man" and "explaining" that describes the act of a man speaking to a woman with the assumption that she knows less than he does about the topic being discussed on the basis of her gender. Mansplaining is different from other forms of condescension because mansplaining is rooted in the assumption that, in general, a man is likely to be more knowledgeable than a woman." Wikipedia

If you're curious about the original definition, one of the original posts that touched off discussion of the concept-- though she doesn't name it-- is Men Explain Things To Me.


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Worst neologisms #10
"Ask" as a noun. e.g. "What's the ask?"

I always respond with, "Do you mean, what's the request or what's the question?" because fuck if I can figure it out sometimes.

Also, "socialize" as a transitive verb, e.g. "Let's socialize that idea with management and see what they think."


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Worst neologisms #11
The word "leverage" isn't a neologism, but the widespread misuse of it is. I've been in a whole lot of meetings and read a number of statements of work where the word "leverage" is assumed to be a synonym of the word "use".
  • Leverage the existing template to
  • Leverage Facebook's API to
  • Leverage our previous website but
  • Leverage our relationship with the client so
  • Leverage those concepts drawn up in the previous meeting
These are all basically verbatim quotes, and none of them are right. "Leverage" is a finance word, and outside of that you're saying that whatever it is you're speaking of has enough clout as to give you an unfair advantage in the marketplace. Which means it doesn't apply to goddamn pencil sketches somebody drew up at 10 in the morning.

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Worst neologisms #12

Boots Raingear

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Worst neologisms #13
jack-chick, March 07, 2014, 02:25:11 pm

Is that worse than funemployment?

Emperor Jack Chick

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Worst neologisms #14
jack-chick, March 07, 2014, 02:25:11 pm

Is that worse than funemployment?
Boots Raingear, March 07, 2014, 02:38:38 pm
