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Topic: 177: How To Listen To A Podcast You Hate  (Read 34921 times)


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177: How To Listen To A Podcast You Hate
chai tea latte


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God is good.


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More wikihow is always a good thing in my book. 

A Meat

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I've noticed Wikihow has a thing at the end of an article sometimes that asks you if you want to write an article about certain subjects, and that makes me wonder if there is a form somewhere on the site where you can write that Wikihow is missing an article on how to milk camels or petting snakes or whatever or whether it's a committee deal where all the bigwig Wikihow editors have a forum where they say that they don't know how to react to finding out that their grandmother likes ranch dressing and then a different one writes an article for it.


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Always the bridesmaid, never the bride~

Boots Raingear

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Always the bridesmaid, never the bride~
Hunky Jimpjorps, May 28, 2015, 10:36:38 am

Keep listening.


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"If you like wearing diapers so much, how about you marry them instead of me!"

"Fine! I'll marry some goddamn diapers, you fucking bitch!"



"Ok Google, how do I marry diapers?"
Lemon Digital Walnut


  • gabagool fantasia
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Always the bridesmaid, never the bride~
Hunky Jimpjorps, May 28, 2015, 10:36:38 am

Keep listening.
Boots Raingear, May 28, 2015, 10:55:59 am

That's what I get for only listening to the first half on my commute this morning

Cat Planet

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This one is the best of the five. Good job. I like how they are getting progressively crazier as you go.


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I've noticed Wikihow has a thing at the end of an article sometimes that asks you if you want to write an article about certain subjects, and that makes me wonder if there is a form somewhere on the site where you can write that Wikihow is missing an article on how to milk camels or petting snakes or whatever or whether it's a committee deal where all the bigwig Wikihow editors have a forum where they say that they don't know how to react to finding out that their grandmother likes ranch dressing and then a different one writes an article for it.
A Meat, May 28, 2015, 05:03:08 am

I like to think someone as a prank hooked up a markov chain generator to that thing, and people see it and take it at face value and start writing sincere articles about it.  Like aerosolized absurdity, just spraying it all over Wikihow.


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You guys need to revisit old subjects more often. These Wikihow episodes are great.


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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This one is the best of the five. Good job. I like how they are getting progressively crazier as you go.
Cat Planet, May 28, 2015, 12:46:25 pm

Just finished listening to this and I totally agree. I really liked this one.

PS:  Somebody is working on a "TURN UP FOR FART" graphic, right?


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I feel so spoiled, more diaper bullshit AND gangstalking bullshit? And I'm not even done boyproofing my room.

Digital Walnut

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You guys need to revisit old subjects more often. These Wikihow episodes are great.
goombapolice, May 28, 2015, 02:07:13 pm
I'll use this as an excuse to submit the Yahoo Answers document that I've been piecing together. It's been way too long since the last one and there are so many fantastic things on there.

Achilles' Heelies

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I'm so honored to have my username mentioned alongside Fplus royalty like LadyFrenzy. I knew if I stood next to the Fplus muttering under my breath I'd be noticed someday.