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Topic: The Boots Raingear has shingles pity party thread  (Read 22620 times)


  • Real VamPire
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You can get codeine in Ontario, but it's strictly over-the-counter.  You just need to ask for it explicitly.
Acierocolotl, January 21, 2014, 06:37:01 am
Send a pal out on an errand, Boots!


  • Monkey Bacon
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That sucks. I got nothing, but I hope it clears up as soon as possible.


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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Doesn't shingles qualify you for the good painkillers? I feel like having a horrifying death rash would convince your doctor to give you some of the good stuff.

Either way I hope you get better and will gleefully buy you a drink should I run into you


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Get well soon, Boots!  I don't have much to add in terms of remedies, but I hope you get to feeling better ASAP.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Here are some samoyed dogs who love their jobs:

Hope you feel better soon!


  • Willy Dang Doodle
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What don't doggies make better? I hope you banish that virus asap!

Boots Raingear

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Thanks everyone. I've spent most of this week in a stupor. Here's what I've learned:

Rick and Morty is pretty good despite Justin Roiland's horrible decision to belch frequently when voicing Rick.

GTAV is gunfights are awful.

If I wrap my cat in a blanket, he'll relax and stop trying to lick my goddamn head.

I'm pretty sure I hate The Heart, She Holler, but I certainly watched all of it.

Grilled cheese sandwich.