Snakes In The Ball Pit > Yay, I get to talk about me!

I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*

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chai tea latte:
I know I'm drunk when I'm a) making toast and b) DMing people on discord telling them how they're great people
thelizzerd, November 11, 2023, 10:06:42 pm
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a toast to your good health bro

I know I'm drunk when I'm a) making toast and b) DMing people on discord telling them how they're great people
thelizzerd, November 11, 2023, 10:06:42 pm
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a toast to your good health bro
chai tea latte, November 12, 2023, 01:11:29 am
--- End quote ---

Thank you Chai!

 The last couple times I've drank I haven't drank anything that hard. And today I've been drinking shots of Bourbon. It's like oh boy I feel so warm and I love this.

 I'm so anxious for visiting my boyfriend's relatives for Thanksgiving. I just need to not say yes to every drink his alcoholic step mom offers me. Last Christmas, I said no to about half the drinks she offered me and I was still so drunk. I can't bring my laptop with me because it has a trans sticker on the front of is and his parents are hard republicans. I might try to get my old laptop from college working, but it has issues. I'm really anxious something might come up where I need my laptop and I just won't have one. I almost always have my personal laptop or my work computer on me. I liked last year using the excuse of I was going to do "work" and then going to my personal laptop and working on a personal project. Just to get away from his family some. I can't stand being social and putting on a fake persona around everyone.

I wish we could just visit my parents instead, but my bf doesn't want to visit them anymore because the mold in their house makes him sick. Which I understand. Their hoarding issues are bad and they won't let us help.

moooo566 (taylor's version):

Shell Game:
this community measn the world to me and genuinely i love so many of you

thank you for putting my life on track, ballpit

moooo566 (taylor's version):
I have Fucked Up

Never socialise. Sit in your chair and don't do things, you will find fewer reasons to feel bad


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