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September 20, 2024, 07:58:59 pm

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Topic: Holy Mother Forking Shirt Balls  (Read 3384 times)

Detective Popcorn

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Holy Mother Forking Shirt Balls
Let's talk about The Good Place:

chai tea latte


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Holy Mother Forking Shirt Balls #1
The Good Place feels like it should be at risk of jumping the shark or running out of ideas at any moment, and it's fantastic that it constantly feels like it's on that edge. Plus, all the brief guests they bring in for one-episode roles, especially in the latest season, have been great.

Putting down my theory for the next season here in spoilers, just so it's clear that I wrote it down: Shaun picked the four new humans to torment our 'heroes', but there's nothing saying it's solely to torment the four humans, and there's honestly not much you can do to torment Jason and not much more you can do to mess with Eleanor that would actually work. The fourth of the four new humans will instead be Doug Forcett, picked to make Michael suffer.