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Topic: I signed up for an entry-level ICT course and I have no idea what to expect  (Read 4629 times)


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I have no idea if this kind of post really fits in with this board and feel free to delete this if you want, but I figure since there are probably quite a few nerds here it kind of makes sense.
So, I attend a virtual high school so I never really leave my house and this (in person) 4.5 month-long "IT Essentials" course pops up in a newsletter, specifically for Juniors and Seniors. Considering that I plan on majoring in Computer Science with Information Technology as my career focus, I jumped on it. It's being sponsored by Cisco and makes a lot of use of their Packet Tracer Simulation software. There's also this website.

Does anyone happen to have experience with the aforementioned software? Is there anything I should do or read to prepare myself for all of that?

By the way, in the middle of typing this my computer chair exploded. I'm trying not to take that as an omen.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 03:44:19 am by Sovereign »

Emperor Jack Chick

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Interesting. Is there any particular reason you're laser-focused towards IT as a field in particular as opposed to the other disciplines? Purely for my curiosity.


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Interesting. Is there any particular reason you're laser-focused towards IT as a field in particular as opposed to the other disciplines? Purely for my curiosity.
jack chick, February 24, 2015, 12:03:20 pm
I suppose it runs in the family. My dad also majored in Computer Science and has always had jobs centered around programming and stuff like that. I've always had an interest in using and learning more about computers. I mean, I figure it's also one of the more secure fields as far as jobs go these days, so there's that too.

That's not to say that IT has only ever been my one choice of field. For a long time I sort of leaned towards majoring in English because there's something very fulfilling to me about creative writing, but I quickly realized that I would probably hate that. I'd probably still pick up some creative writing classes in the future. When I was younger I also wanted to try majoring in Psychology but that didn't go anywhere.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 06:24:10 pm by Sovereign »


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You have to dress the part. You may be tempted to go to hot topic but that's the wrong option, the right mix of clothes can only be found in walmart.
You may be tempted to be imaginative with your make up but that's actually the wrong option too, you want lazy makeup applied without using a mirror. Shoeshine works just as well for the lips.
I have no clue where you can even buy Faygo but I think purple is the flavor of choice.
chai tea latte Sovereign Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop