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June 02, 2024, 06:30:47 am

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Topic: Episode 118: My Little Podcast: Fandom Is Tragic  (Read 64060 times)


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A friend of mine came up with a novel solution to the problem of being asked to draw horrible fetish art -- she sends the requests to me and I do horrible photoshops instead.

Some guy was really obsessed with a particular Steven Universe character being drawn with dog ears, so I produced this: http://i.imgur.com/3Hk4ZIS.jpg .

That guy is also a huge fan of my music but all he asks me to do is more dubstep.  Up until recently I didn't think dubstep was a fetish, but I've been informed by ff.net that it is.
Zekka, January 01, 2016, 12:21:56 pm

This idea is brilliant and more people should do this.