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Topic: Episode 168: Sir Rev. Dr. Prof. John Kitchin Ph.D, Esq.  (Read 50960 times)


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It occurs to me that the Kumquatxop supercut could be further enhanced if it were spliced with his reading of the One Direction fan meltdown posts from the sneeze fetish episode.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 10:45:22 pm by Neal »


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To anyone wondering, which I'm sure is all of you, this episode is still as incredible and tear-inducing funny the third time you listen to it.
What a serendipitous thing the existence of this person on the Internet is.


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Holy shitsnacks, his site now reads "designed for mobile and laptops" and he added some webring atrocity at the top:

When are you guys doing part II?


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Holy shitsnacks, his site now reads "designed for mobile and laptops" and he added some webring atrocity at the top:
Ambious, July 09, 2015, 04:44:53 pm

Huh, Google is fucking up.

And so is The Worldwide Web Consortium.

This all must be part of the conspiracy.


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Holy shitsnacks, his site now reads "designed for mobile and laptops" and he added some webring atrocity at the top:
Ambious, July 09, 2015, 04:44:53 pm

Huh, Google is fucking up.

And so is The Worldwide Web Consortium.

This all must be part of the conspiracy.
Lemon, July 09, 2015, 05:02:12 pm

I'm surprised their servers didn't explode when you fed them that URL.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Did he always include "NZ9F" as one of his credentials?

chai tea latte

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Did he always include "NZ9F" as one of his credentials?
jack chick, July 09, 2015, 07:22:13 pm
I think so, it's his HAM callsign.


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Did he always include "NZ9F" as one of his credentials?
jack chick, July 09, 2015, 07:22:13 pm
I think so, it's his HAM callsign.
chai tea latte, July 09, 2015, 07:28:17 pm

We now know what we must do


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Did he always include "NZ9F" as one of his credentials?
jack chick, July 09, 2015, 07:22:13 pm
I think so, it's his HAM callsign.
chai tea latte, July 09, 2015, 07:28:17 pm

We now know what we must do
Smoking Crow, July 09, 2015, 08:09:30 pm

Remember the prime directive.

Sherman Tank

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Looky what I found, a story about the Doctor Reverend Professor's furnace business that the Mormons and the Jews sent him to prison for.

"A 63-year-old Milwaukee woman testified Tuesday that she agreed to buy a new furnace for $3,350 because the salesman said her old one could have exploded and might have killed her."


Oh dear.


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The sad thing is, knowing this guy he probably really believed the Jews had rigged this woman's boiler to explode.
Sherman Tank Gyro


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I'm actually kind of relieved - combining antisemitism with furnaces doesn't usually end this mildly.
TheCrawlingChaos junior associate faguar A Meat toxcity goombapolice AlbieQuirky Fanzay chai tea latte Sherman Tank Knitting Machine Yavuz Gyro DetectiveSlowpoke Nemo2342


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Setun (Russian: Сетунь) was a computer developed in 1958 at Moscow State University. It was built under the leadership of Sergei Sobolev and Nikolay Brusentsov. It was the only modern ternary computer, using the balanced ternary numeral system and three-valued ternary logic instead of the two-valued binary logic prevalent in other computers. The computer was built to fulfill the needs of Moscow State University. It was manufactured at the Kazan Mathematical plant. Fifty computers were built from 1959 and production was halted in 1965. Between 1965 and 1970 a regular binary computer was used at Moscow State University to replace it. Although this replacement binary computer performed equally well, it was 2.5 times the cost of the Setun. In 1970, a new model of the ternary computer, the Setun-70, was developed. [^]

                                                                                                                                         BELLY-BUTTON LOGIC WORKS
Nifty Nif Sherman Tank Fanzay
« Last Edit: April 19, 2016, 06:02:20 pm by Spooks »

Nifty Nif

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Thanks, Spooks!  Because of your post, I found myself in a wikipedia k-hole that had a math concept with a hilarious name at its depths (Dedekind–Peano axioms) and ended with something relevant to my day-to-day (Null (SQL)).


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I was reminded of John Kitchin lately, so I decided to check in on our pal. Did you know that he has a newspaper? (I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in the opening part of the episode.) Anyway, he's apparently been putting this shit out for seven years, and it's available in PDF form. Interspersed amongst some political ranting and things that might actually be helpful for homeless people (I wouldn't know), you'll find some gems:

Inside the Elections:
I’ve been a (black sheep) advisor to the Democratic National
Committee since the 1980’s, and suggested Bill Clinton for
President. I was the first to suggest Bernie Sanders. In 2008 it
was a choice between Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, and the
deal made was that the first female President can wait, and our
first Black President would prioritize Hillary’s healthcare plan.
Obama is a Republican pretending to be a Democrat, of course,
and for 2016 I suggested either Clinton-Sanders or SandersClinton,
both unbeatable by Trump and his lunatics, short of a
murder, Bobby Kennedy style.

Tijuana: Elections are early July, a date set up by US
President Abraham Lincoln in the 1800’s, when he founded the
Mexican Political System (there are statues of him everywhere).
Elections are a time of turmoil because the drug cartels are run
by warring U.S. political factions. Lots of violence results.

You can
tell it is elections time when the commodities for the poor
include a frozen pound of 85% lean Angus ground beef.

(Incidentally, the
Spanish "ñ" is Alt 164 on Windows.)
RoeCocoa Sherman Tank Gyro xX_sp00ks_Xx