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Topic: 328: You Are Likely To Be Yiffed By A Grue  (Read 22912 times)


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I liked Portaxx's Sam Eagle joke.
Dr. Buttplug I Liked That Joke

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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I definitely think the people making it are doing it for the money. "I can quit my job and do this full time" for an amount of money they very obviously can't is very suspect, and there seems to be a lot of very low effort content mixed with obvious crazy fetish shit that's almost certainly fan generated.

I feel like this is an Occam's razor thing, the reason it doesn't seem to work like an enjoyable RPG should is because it isn't made to. It just doesn't seem like people are playing it? There's the session transcript on their website but every other discussion I can find (not many) is entirely based on the fluff and rulebooks with no mention of running a campaign. I found a roll20 listing which generated no interest and suggested it as a play by post. I think they're mostly just jerking off to the documentation, or at best just doing a little bit at a time, so they're never actually engaging with it outside the veil of horny brain fog (an experience which is not unique to furry RPGs).

Puppy Time

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I feel like this is an Occam's razor thing, the reason it doesn't seem to work like an enjoyable RPG should is because it isn't made to.
worm, July 27, 2020, 04:39:10 pm

Honestly with most RPGs the Occam's razor is "it doesn't work like an enjoyable RPG because the people making it aren't really good at making enjoyable RPGs."


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Remember when STOG joked about "rolling for orgasm" in the glasses episode and the joke was that it was a ridiculous exaggeration?
Penultimatum Puppy Time Antivehicular FourStopCrossShot Down10


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Maybe they just misunderstood Brandon Sanderson’s lectures about “hard magic.”
Chupasaurus-Rex Puppy Time Boots Raingear Frank West

I Liked That Joke

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I liked Portaxx's Sam Eagle joke.
Cradicus, July 27, 2020, 01:54:11 pm
Please don't steal my gimmick it's all I have.
Cradicus Lemon Frank West KingKalamari Bunnybread Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Seth "Slimy" Rollins chai tea latte A Meat Dr. Buttplug Yavuz Penultimatum surrey


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I liked Portaxx's Sam Eagle joke.
Cradicus, July 27, 2020, 01:54:11 pm
Please don't steal my gimmick it's all I have.
I Liked That Joke, July 28, 2020, 12:04:12 am

I liked I Liked That Joke's joke.
Lemon Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop I Liked That Joke chai tea latte A Meat Yavuz Down10 Dr. Buttplug


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I like this episode title very much.
Ragnarok Boobies Lemon


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I like that there's no effort to make anything seem sexy or erotic at all
GirlKisser420, July 24, 2020, 04:54:45 am
It’s not meant to be sexy or erotic. It’s purely a gross-out exercise.

It— It must be.

Great Joe

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It's a simulation so far removed from the act, it's like Football Manager, but for sex.