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Topic: I started a blog about cut video game content  (Read 21854 times)


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I started a blog about cut video game content #15
I never liked AVGN either, which is a shame because I (obviously) find exploring the more obscure and unremembered parts of retro gaming interesting. It's great to dig up the weird esoterica of gaming's past, if only to remember that the days before 3D graphics, or widespread online connectivity, or wherever you draw that line between 'retro' and 'modern' isn't actually always good. In fact, most of it's probably not.

One of my inspirations for this project was Jeremy Parish, who does Anatomy of Games and Game Boy World. He talks about these sorts of things in a way that lets them stand by themselves, good or bad, in a way that can often be interesting. Game Boy World's mission statement means that it's kind of full of stuff that isn't all that interesting, and that's kind of by design, but his writing style really elevates what would otherwise be boring.

(My other inspiration was realizing that neither TCRF nor Unseen 64 are fun to just browse, because of how much uninteresting information is there without even a way to liven it up.)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 11:29:38 am by Cleretic »


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I started a blog about cut video game content #16
Yeah, I think letting things stand on their own weirdness is almost always the way to go.  There are people who can make the whole "mock outrage" thing work (Ashens) but they're the exception and usually a big part of why it works is that they don't make it the main event or overplay it.


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I started a blog about cut video game content #17
Yeah, I think letting things stand on their own weirdness is almost always the way to go.  There are people who can make the whole "mock outrage" thing work (Ashens) but they're the exception and usually a big part of why it works is that they don't make it the main event or overplay it.
Old_Zircon, September 07, 2015, 12:17:06 pm

I think that part of the reason it works for Ashens is that a lot of the stuff he looks at is genuinely not even worth the kind of contempt he gives it (who could actually get mad or frustrated at or with pound shop/dollar store stuff?) and that his mock outrage is much more understated than other internet clowns. I still got bored of him after a time though.

Anyway, I've read all the entries and I like the blog. It's well written and interesting. Even stuff I already knew is enhanced by your reasonable speculations as to why it got cut out. I think you do a good job of livening up the information available at places like TCRF.


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I started a blog about cut video game content #18
Yeah, I think letting things stand on their own weirdness is almost always the way to go.  There are people who can make the whole "mock outrage" thing work (Ashens) but they're the exception and usually a big part of why it works is that they don't make it the main event or overplay it.
Old_Zircon, September 07, 2015, 12:17:06 pm

I think that part of the reason it works for Ashens is that a lot of the stuff he looks at is genuinely not even worth the kind of contempt he gives it (who could actually get mad or frustrated at or with pound shop/dollar store stuff?) and that his mock outrage is much more understated than other internet clowns. I still got bored of him after a time though.

Anyway, I've read all the entries and I like the blog. It's well written and interesting. Even stuff I already knew is enhanced by your reasonable speculations as to why it got cut out. I think you do a good job of livening up the information available at places like TCRF.
Murphy, September 08, 2015, 11:09:50 am

He's at his best when the mock outrage has a sort of world-weary "let's get this out of the way" attitude, where it feels like he's subtly making fun of the whole Youtube Mock Anger thing.


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I started a blog about cut video game content #19
Your article on the cut Shiva sidequest in Dark Souls was a really great read!


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I started a blog about cut video game content #20
Thanks! That's one I like, because while it's so recent, it's still so familiar in how it appears. It's the sort of cut content you probably imagine when you think about it, where everything points to this character being relevant, they're just not. I remember Oblivion had some similar things to raise eyebrows at now that I think about it, things clearly intended for a quest that just isn't there. My favorite of those is probably Nerastarel's House. But it just looks so much more out of place in Dark Souls, which is otherwise such a tight package.

There's also the fact that it's... well, it's done. To any reasonable extent, it's done, it wouldn't have taken long at all to patch it together. The fact that it's so finished means that it must have been cut very late, but there's no clear reason why.


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I started a blog about cut video game content #21
That's what's so mysterious to me! I'm certain all they had to do was cut the audio and then bang more content for an already huge game.

Do you ever plan on doing a writeup about all the audio files found of the dude that gives you the estus flask? He was apparently going to play a much bigger role in the game.


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I started a blog about cut video game content #22
Dark Souls is on the list of games that I also want to do a wider look at, covering all the notable cut content that isn't quite substantial enough for a full feature. The first one of which is going up tomorrow, actually.

Knitting Machine

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I started a blog about cut video game content #23
I just want to say I love this blog, and the stupid Sonic stuff totally gives me awkward teenager flashbacks. Good job!


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I started a blog about cut video game content #24
the Goldeneye articles were great. I had no idea there was THAT much cut content still there


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I started a blog about cut video game content #25
I just want to say I love this blog, and the stupid Sonic stuff totally gives me awkward teenager flashbacks. Good job!
KnitOneKillTwo, November 03, 2015, 05:19:23 pm
Sonic's one of my favorite series to look at, partly because he's a great through-line of the actual industry. Like Mario, he's been around for most of it and so you can learn a lot about how games were at the time, but unlike Mario Sonic isn't entirely good. When you look at Mario you see everything done right; great care is taken with Mario, you see them dealing with small starts, hardware constraints, generational jumps, adapting to new mechanics, dimensions and genres with such skill that you'd think it isn't very hard.

Then you look at Sonic. Every possible thing that could have gone poorly during game development since the nineties has, at some point, happened to Sonic. Bungled efforts into another genre like Sonic Chronicles, weird and poorly thought-out spinoffs like Knuckles Chaotix and Shadow the Hedgehog, overwrought stories like Sonic Adventure, just outright shit like Sonic 2006; between the end results of questionable titles and poor developments, freak accidents leading to lackluster (or nonexistent) titles, and Sega somehow leaking development ROMs like a goddamn sieve, Sonic teaches so much about what can happen in game development.

the Goldeneye articles were great. I had no idea there was THAT much cut content still there
goombapolice, November 03, 2015, 07:22:50 pm
Goldeneye is just a fascinating game in general, because I don't think a lot of people around the development expected it to be any good at all, let alone the classic it became. It was a licensed game in a genre that just hadn't worked on consoles, so it should have been shit, and it didn't get nearly the amount of care that went into other Rare titles. I like to imagine Goldeneye development was just a bunch of people that, resolute in the knowledge that their effort didn't entirely matter, just went fucking nuts seeing what they could pull off while technically making a rail shooter, until somebody at some point took the rails off (this actually did happen in development) and they slowly realized they had accidentally made a great game.

Still, it means that a lot of the care that went into other games at the time, like Banjo-Kazooie and Diddy Kong Racing, just wasn't taken. And it shows, with the amount of loose threads visible if you're observant.

we're not even done with Goldeneye somehow

Emperor Jack Chick

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I started a blog about cut video game content #26
Oh hey, I just read your article on the Gambler and I have a minor bone to pick.

See the game to which you are referring is Dota Allstars, which was a split/remake of the original original Dota, which was developed by a dude named Eul. Allstars was a pretty radical departure, actually.


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I started a blog about cut video game content #27
Oh hey, I just read your article on the Gambler and I have a minor bone to pick.

See the game to which you are referring is Dota Allstars, which was a split/remake of the original original Dota, which was developed by a dude named Eul. Allstars was a pretty radical departure, actually.
jack chick, November 04, 2015, 12:21:00 pm
That stage of Dota is really confusing to look at historically for all these reasons. I do know that Allstars over time became the 'real' Dota, and that the Gambler's removal happened around when Icefrog got onto the project.

A lot of my research went into just trying to find out when certain things came into the game, to confirm any suspicions on what the Gambler might have influenced. I guess a few other things fell into the cracks when I did.

Emperor Jack Chick

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I started a blog about cut video game content #28
Oh hey, I just read your article on the Gambler and I have a minor bone to pick.

See the game to which you are referring is Dota Allstars, which was a split/remake of the original original Dota, which was developed by a dude named Eul. Allstars was a pretty radical departure, actually.
jack chick, November 04, 2015, 12:21:00 pm
That stage of Dota is really confusing to look at historically for all these reasons. I do know that Allstars over time became the 'real' Dota, and that the Gambler's removal happened around when Icefrog got onto the project.

A lot of my research went into just trying to find out when certain things came into the game, to confirm any suspicions on what the Gambler might have influenced. I guess a few other things fell into the cracks when I did.
Cleretic, November 04, 2015, 05:29:28 pm

guinsoo is the dude who built allstars.

the only reason i'm aware of this is 1) i have a stupidly good memory 2) i was, for a time, a competitive wc3 player. dota was "that dumb easy shit" we played when we weren't laddering

btw love your posts! :D <3

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I fell behind on reading this, but I just read the TF2 article, and I'd like to say that we do KINDA have video of the invasion version of the game. AFAIK, this is all code that was pulled during the half life 2 leak, and then laboriously made to work by a group of fans, and I think all assets other than the player characters models you mentioned are borrowed from other source games. So, we don't have video of what it looked like, but we can see roughly how it played.