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Topic: The F Plus conquers ancient China!  (Read 34246 times)


  • Persnickety fussbudget
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The F Plus conquers ancient China!
I’ve taken to spending my Sunday afternoons at a local coffee shop playing Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV, and I feel like trying something new with custom officers. So who’s up to jump through a time portal with me to 191 AD and act as an officer as we try to take over ancient China?

Here’s what you should give me to participate:

1. Whether you want a male or a female portrait;
2. Your stat points. You have 350 points to split between Strength, Leadership, Intellect, Politics, and Charisma, with 100 being the maximum for any stat.
3. If you were the mayor of an ancient city, what would your administration focus on?
4. If you commanded an ancient army, how would you try to win fights?
5. What are three good things about you?
6. What is one of your flaws?
7. If you’d like to be a sworn sibling or spouse of someone else in the F Plus (or someone else who lived in China in 191 AD, if you happen to know any), list them here.

Once you’re entered as an officer, I’ll update this thread with our progress. Thanks for participating!
GirlKisser420 Lemon Shell Game Frank West Sauce xdaringdamselx


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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The F Plus conquers ancient China! #1
I'm game. I reckon I'm smarter than at least liu bei.

Male portrait.

For Stats, I'll take 100 in Politics and an even spread of 62 over the rest (round out the extra 2 into Intellect).
My administration will mostly be focused on control of local rivers to maintain trade and resources. I'll also get really into taoism and trying to become immortal and following astrology.
My army will rely on a tight core of heavy infantry and cavalry rather than peasant conscripts that will cause famine, and avoid direct conflict whenever possible, instead using spies and astrology to determine the best time to engage.
I'm meritocratic, fairly practical and open to new ideas.
My flaw is I trust all eunuchs. if you're gonna do that you must want to be my friend


  • Paid
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    • 813
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The F Plus conquers ancient China! #2
Sure I'll go to Ancient China! I have no idea what this is about, but I'm game.

1. Male Portrait plz.
Strength - 80
Leadership - 64
 Intellect - 80
 Politics - 63
 Charisma - 63
3. Keeping the city well supplied and the citizens happy while defending our boarder.
4. I would use the triple line where formations are based on rank and there's gaps within the line between the ranks to allow farther back troops to go forward as needed. (This was a technique commonly used by the Romans)
5. Persistent, Energetic, and Practical
6. Not the most organized
7. Befriend anyone who likes lizards cause I like lizards. And maybe frogs too. Or spiders. If you enjoy weird animals I ally myself with you.


  • Paid
  • 55
  • 23
The F Plus conquers ancient China! #3
1. Male portrait
2. Strength 100 Leadership 70, Intellect 30, Politics 80, and Charisma 70
3. Construction of edifices
4. Overwhelming force
5. Dedication, loyalty, invulnerability
6. Hubris
7. N/A

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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The F Plus conquers ancient China! #4
1. Male
2. Strength 100, Leadership 100, Intellect 0, Politics 50, Charisma 100
3. My administration is very into public works - infrastructure, monuments, anything that might require a civil engineer. We have the prettiest city.
4. Fuck load of crossbows. Also a strong focus on fortification and defensive positioning (I have other, cleverer subjects to help with this). Can't kill me if you can't touch me.
5. My best qualities are that I'm quick to recognise when I'm out of my depth and need help, I'm receptive to the needs of my subjects, and that I'm generous in providing assistance to my allies.
6. My worst quality is that I can sometimes stretch my resources too thin to cope with an unexpected emergency.
7. I'm currently single (but ready to mingle).


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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The F Plus conquers ancient China! #5
Count me in.
  • Male portrait
  • Charisma 100, Leadership: 100 Politics: 0. If Strength and Intellect can also be 0 that would be lovely, but otherwise just sort numbers however is easiest.
  • Our city needs an identity that our entire citizenry can be invested in and proud of. To that end, do you know how certain cities have specific musical genres? Like Nola Bounce or Chicago Industrial or DC Hardcore? Our city is like that, but for Ben Wa Balls. Sure, other merchants in other cities may sell some inferior Ben Wa Balls made by industrialists looking to make a quick buck, but our Ben Wall Balls. Crafted by artisans, meticulously weighted, each one forged with pride and sold with a guarantee. Our city's motto: "They Just Fit Different".
  • Surrender and hope for the best.
  • tenacious, compassionate, pretty good cook
  • frequently overwhelmed
Frank West

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
  • Paid
  • Captain, what should I do?
  • 4,954
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The F Plus conquers ancient China! #6

1. female portrait
2. Strength 8, Leadership 82, Intellect 91, Politics 100, and Charisma 69.
3. Both sides-ing every decision.
4. Convenient alliances and mercenaries.
5. Empathetic, Creative, Loves Dragons
6. Holds Grudges
7. Headmates with Frank West.
thelizzerd Frank West
« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 02:46:44 pm by Shell Game »

Frank West

  • Have you ever astraled and kicked it with satan
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The F Plus conquers ancient China! #7
1. Male
2. Charisma: 100, Intellect: 100, Politics: 100, Leadership: 0, Strength: 50
3. Walls. It starts with a few extra fortifications here and there, but gradually becomes an obsession, until eventually all possible funds are directed into making more and more layers of walls, gradually turning the entire city into a winchester mystery house
4. Mostly by going behind the walls. They can't get me if I'm behind my walls! My beautiful, beautiful walls....
5. Likable, dependable, good beard
6. Passive
7. Headmates with Shell Game
thelizzerd Shell Game


  • Common-gender prole
  • Paid
  • Screw it, I'll go with they/them
  • 585
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The F Plus conquers ancient China! #8
1. Male
2. Strength 100 Leadership 90 Intellect 60 Politics 40 Charisma 60
3. Aqueducts and cmonster cocks! I want a ridiculously intricate network of waterways. Maybe that would even extend to sewers, but who knows.
4. Supply lines and aggression.
5. Good at working in a team, persistent, loud voice that can cut through the chaos of a battlefield
6. British
7. Anyone who will have me


  • Persnickety fussbudget
  • Paid
  • 852
  • 88
The F Plus conquers ancient China! #9
Let’s say hello to our first eight officers!

It’s me, your penny-pinching leader.

Sorry, GirlKisser420, but the eunuchs all got massacred by the warlord Dong Zhuo about two years before we arrived in China.

I searched the whole text of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms for references to lizards: no luck, so you get green armor in their honor instead.

K. Thor is the first of many ambitious builders on our team.

Note: the minimum you can have in any stat is 1. Princess Diana Memorial Ballpit Poster is seen here ready for archery.

Hmm… what picture should I use for Lemon as a reminder that I absolutely shouldn’t put him into combat under any circumstances?

The Dragon Carnage technique won’t be very effective with Shell Game’s low strength, but it fits her theme.

Is this a good enough beard for Frank West?

Plenty of slots still open. I’ll take applications until the end of the day Friday.
Frank West Shell Game thelizzerd

jim and the mammograms

  • Paid
  • ah fuck my pun doesn't work now that i'm he/they
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The F Plus conquers ancient China! #10
Sure, I'll join in, why not?

1. Male
2. 100 for CHA and STR, because I approach everything like dnd, and 50 for each of the rest.
3. If my city is anything like me, we'd get hung up on some weird stuff that we're naturally attuned to and kinda let the rest fall by the wayside. Like, hell yeah, we've got an okay hospital or something, let's focus on that and whatever else happens happens.
4. Probably try and get other people on my side to risk losing as few of my dudes as possible. Then if I don't like them, attack when they're all tired for fighting my battles for me. Suckers.
5. Great hair, good at cooking, pretty strong.
6. Impulsive to a fault.
7. Whoever'll have me.

chai tea latte

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The F Plus conquers ancient China! #11
1. Whether you want a male or a female portrait;

2. 100 strength, 90 charisma, 80 leadership, 55 intelligence, 25 politics

3. If you were the mayor of an ancient city, what would your administration focus on?
Stockpiling food, and then war.

4. If you commanded an ancient army, how would you try to win fights?
Cavalry supported by archers.

5. What are three good things about you?
Swordswoman, poet, good cook.

6. What is one of your flaws?

7. If you’d like to be a sworn sibling or spouse of someone else in the F Plus (or someone else who lived in China in 191 AD, if you happen to know any), list them here.

Whatever feels appropriate.

Excited for this!!


  • Persnickety fussbudget
  • Paid
  • 852
  • 88
The F Plus conquers ancient China! #12
When Sauce says “loud” and “British,” I figure I should give him the picture that looks most like Brian Blessed.

How’s this for great hair?

Chai Tea Latte is about to wreck some dudes in duels.

Still plenty of officer slots available—the game allows me to have up to 150(!) created officers.
Sauce chai tea latte Frank West

jim and the mammograms

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  • ah fuck my pun doesn't work now that i'm he/they
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The F Plus conquers ancient China! #13
That's startlingly close to an idealized version of what my current facial hair situation looks like. Well picked.

A Meat

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The F Plus conquers ancient China! #14
Yeah sure, I'll pitch in:

1. Male
2. 40 Strength, 80 Leadership, 100 Intellect, 40 Politics, 90 Charisma
3. I would focus on agriculture and irrigation technology and building food surpluses.
4. Seeking out terrain advantages and disrupting supply lines, possibly even diplomacy
5. Know a bunch of useless trivia, can play a musical instrument, good at teaching
6. Overthinking things to the point of inaction
7. whatever you feel like, got no objections in particular

if there's an avatar with both long hair and a long beard (besides the one you choose for Frank), that's the one for me