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Topic: Episode 56: Excuse Me, May I See Your Water Selection?  (Read 11465 times)

Shell Game

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Hey, do you want your water to not only be pretentious, but EDGY and EXTREME? Then grab yourself some Liquid Death - if you dare!
SHAMBA~1.SBB Shell Game


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I once spent $14 on a bottle of Antipodes water from a restaurant - and yes, I'm as mad about that as anyone should be.

Also the 420 (not the fun kind) brand of water has in its product description - "Every drop of water has taken generations to filter through the surrounding landscape. That means the water you hold in your hand today actually fell onto the top of a mountain when your great, great grandmother was the same age as you are now. Which is a fabulous story to tell someone you're trying to pick up in a bar. " - so presumably the intern writing that copy has never picked up anyone in a bar.

Sherman Tank

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I once spent $14 on a bottle of Antipodes water from a restaurant - and yes, I'm as mad about that as anyone should be.
Pavlova, March 12, 2019, 05:42:23 am

This happened to me once. I ordered some water and ended up paying through the nose for some fancy shit I didn't want instead of just getting some ice water because that's the kind of restaurant I'd chosen to eat at.


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has there been a fred NFT yet