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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2018632 times)


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Incontinental Breakfast
xX_sp00ks_Xx Shigan chai tea latte


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They call it a "window" because the 'wind' goes 'ow' when he knocks his head on the glass pane tryna pass thru.
Shigan chai tea latte Frank West Shell Game Mr. Hunky Academia

A Meat

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maximum theoretical urination velocity
Dr. Buttplug


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thinking about dropping all this Social Media Discourse nonsense and exclusively look at cool pictures of fantasy characters
Shell Game Mr. Hunky Academia

Mr. Hunky Academia

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thinking about dropping all this Social Media Discourse nonsense and exclusively look at cool pictures of fantasy characters
GirlKisser420, March 31, 2019, 12:29:08 am

Same but with weird ass magickal shaw bros kung fu movies from the late 70's early 80's
chai tea latte


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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I can remember half of a post about the martial arts film "Eight Diagram Pole Fighter" where the punchline was "Prevent Tartar buildup" and the possibilities of it haunt me to this day. I have to find the actual thing and tattoo it on me.

Mr. Hunky Academia

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I can remember half of a post about the martial arts film "Eight Diagram Pole Fighter" where the punchline was "Prevent Tartar buildup" and the possibilities of it haunt me to this day. I have to find the actual thing and tattoo it on me.
GirlKisser420, March 31, 2019, 04:39:05 am

One of my favorite movies. HMU if you find the post.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Even before Tarantino, Lau Kar Leung and Gordon Liu demonstrate here an ability to learn from their past successes and Shaw Brothers classics to put together a film that celebrates its progenitors. While the plot rehashes Liu's past films, this film brings a balletic sensibility to its choreography and blocking along with a gorgeous operatic aesthetic to go even further. A quirky sense of humor tops the whole thing off wonderfully. It teaches a lesson, too: Tartar buildup leads to tooth loss.

is what google throws up for that joke
chai tea latte GirlKisser420

chai tea latte

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Idk if y'all are aware but I stream a lot of Shaw Bros stuff to the unofficial ballpit discord. Lately we've done some Venom Mob stuff and a One Armed Swordsman movie.

Next is maybe Crippled Avengers?

Mr. Hunky Academia

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PM me an invite, Crippled Avengers is dope

Shell Game

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Do people really pull pranks on April Fool's Day? In my life it's just another one of those holidays I forget.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Do people really pull pranks on April Fool's Day? In my life it's just another one of those holidays I forget.
Shell Game, April 01, 2019, 03:03:33 pm

I've pulled exactly one off at work, and it's when I sent out a hideous business card design to the whole office and said this is what they were going to look like. It worked really well, and I've rested on my laurels ever since.

And, to be honest, with the state of the world and people just being assholes for the sake of assholery, April Fools isn't that much fun.
Maslow’s Tweeds

Maslow’s Tweeds

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12 years of school and 3 degrees after high school, and my entire career was judged today by how many push-ups and sit-ups I can do in two minutes. Hm.

Shell Game

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12 years of school and 3 degrees after high school, and my entire career was judged today by how many push-ups and sit-ups I can do in two minutes. Hm.
Oedipal Arrangements, April 01, 2019, 03:41:53 pm
It all comes full circle...

Maslow’s Tweeds

  • Dumpster Firekin
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12 years of school and 3 degrees after high school, and my entire career was judged today by how many push-ups and sit-ups I can do in two minutes. Hm.
Oedipal Arrangements, April 01, 2019, 03:41:53 pm
It all comes full circle...
Shell Game, April 01, 2019, 03:51:53 pm

The Navy is an abusive spouse that likes to remind us how fat we are twice a year.