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Topic: Episode 171: r/mystupidideas  (Read 23502 times)


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #30
I was browsing r/randomactsofgaming when I spotted one of these outside of its respective subreddit. It's a doozy:
« Last Edit: June 09, 2015, 10:38:50 pm by Sovereign »


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #31
I was browsing r/randomactsofgaming when I spotted one of these outside of its respective subreddit. It's a doozy:

Sovereign, June 09, 2015, 06:03:31 pm
I... I  don't quite know what to make of this. "Stingy troll who didn't intend to award the game" is my best guess, though some of the replies are really something. Case in point:

I admit I would like the game, but I for one feel cannibalism is not entirely a bad idea. It would do some good towards ending world hunger, but I also feel that with human flesh being as durable as it is, why not use it to make sturdy materials?ItsJustJoss


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #32
jet fuel can't melt human flesh
Puppy Time

Fatty Bo Batty

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #33
Ah man, I can't wait until they start making Solent Glue.


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #34
I'd love nothing more than a lampshade made out of my dead mother. Thanks for solving this problem Reddit

adrenochrome dome

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #35
I'll see your megaprison and raise you one nerd cage.


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #36
My god this is the most infuriating thing I've read all year.

Truly written by someone who has never experienced a single hardship in their life


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #37
(imagine gamifying prison rehab!),


adrenochrome dome

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #38
My roommate and I debated over whether it was real. His point is that no one could be that dumb. Mine is that he seems to be a legit author.

My favorite/worst element is definitely that he seems to only be able to think in terms of #brands. A network connected scale? No, a Fitbit scale!

There's clearly a bit of wish fulfillment going on with the part about spending most of your time in a gaming chair/bed. And with only seeing humans in person once a month. And with being rewarded for playing Minecraft. And with...

Frank West

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #39
let's turn prison into Ready Player One

damn man i thought we were trying to make prison less unpleasant
chai tea latte


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #40
I was just about to say, of COURSE there's a Ready Player One reference in there. And I love how the beginning of the article (rightfully) cites institutional corruption that nobody with any power has any incentive to change, but then fails to address that key part of the problem in any of his fantasies.

"Inmates will be happier, healthier, and less anti-social if we feed them grey nerd slurry and lock them in a gaming closet."

adrenochrome dome

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #41
He's got that creepy nerd utilitarianism. Sexual assault from other inmates? No other inmates! Complex logistical issues that ruin lives and drain money? Spend less money!

He's somehow so disconnected from humanity that he sees cutting costs as an ultimate solution.

It reminds me of the guy who wrote Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Full discussion would derail everything, but there's probably a thread on him already. This kind of thought process is what makes some of the tech industry personalities unnerving for me.


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #42
"Inmates will be happier, healthier, and less anti-social if we feed them grey nerd slurry and lock them in a gaming closet."
Dawnswalker, January 21, 2016, 02:55:20 pm

Just look how happy the gaming community is!


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #43
He's got that creepy nerd utilitarianism. Sexual assault from other inmates? No other inmates! Complex logistical issues that ruin lives and drain money? Spend less money!

He's somehow so disconnected from humanity that he sees cutting costs as an ultimate solution.

It reminds me of the guy who wrote Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Full discussion would derail everything, but there's probably a thread on him already. This kind of thought process is what makes some of the tech industry personalities unnerving for me.
Tao Te Chump, January 21, 2016, 03:28:09 pm

I don't think there is a Yudkowsky thread, but there totally should be. I've thought about making a Yudkowsky/Less Wrong doc, but I think it would require too much explanation up front to be funny.

chai tea latte

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #44
He's got that creepy nerd utilitarianism. Sexual assault from other inmates? No other inmates! Complex logistical issues that ruin lives and drain money? Spend less money!

He's somehow so disconnected from humanity that he sees cutting costs as an ultimate solution.

It reminds me of the guy who wrote Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Full discussion would derail everything, but there's probably a thread on him already. This kind of thought process is what makes some of the tech industry personalities unnerving for me.
Tao Te Chump, January 21, 2016, 03:28:09 pm

I don't think there is a Yudkowsky thread, but there totally should be. I've thought about making a Yudkowsky/Less Wrong doc, but I think it would require too much explanation up front to be funny.
Laocius, January 21, 2016, 08:17:57 pm
I have a Less Wrong doc like 3/4s finished but every time I try to seal the deal I just wanna go for a walk outside instead. Anyone with real doozies of LW posts should PM them to me.