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Topic: Time for a generic question  (Read 72445 times)


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Re: Time for a generic question
Amazon Recommends Years of Therapy, badly written porn? Always a wonder.
PurpleXVI, February 02, 2013, 11:44:27 pm
I can't believe i forgot this one! It's hysterical. Oh, and the Kickstarter one too.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Our Love Doesn't Need a Third Dimension is what got me hooked on the F Plus and it holds up to repeated play. I can keep finding new ridiculous crap every time I listen to it. WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS


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Re: Time for a generic question
The Yahoo Answers one is fun to listen to as well. I always crack up when Isfahan just abruptly jumps into angry-voice and growls "YOU SHOULD PUT A DILDO IN HIS BUTT AND SEE HOW HE LIKES IT!" out of nowhere.


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Re: Time for a generic question
I actually wanted to think about this for a little while because it deserved a good answer.

I don't have favourite episodes as such, but here are a few moments off the top of my head:

"before you is a gaint of a man" - Reno Iz Drest in a Kostoom
"Zis is Bunker Sirteen" - Where can I Find a Tailor...
That little riff about poop in the outtakes about False Pregnancy.  ALIENS STOLE MY POOP!


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Re: Time for a generic question
I suffer from podcast withdrawal so the newest episode is my favorite all the time.

But in honesty, the Kickstarter and TVTropes episodes are pretty great, as a Something Awful lurker.

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Re: Time for a generic question
I will listen to Garfield: Sheen Instinct whenever I need a pick me up. Stog singing "Lover and Fighter Man" cracks me up every time.


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Re: Time for a generic question
The Yahoo Answers one is fun to listen to as well. I always crack up when Isfahan just abruptly jumps into angry-voice and growls "YOU SHOULD PUT A DILDO IN HIS BUTT AND SEE HOW HE LIKES IT!" out of nowhere.
Chaz GELF, February 03, 2013, 12:09:29 am

That was actually one of the responses on the page, but it looked like we were getting ready to move on so I just shoehorned it in there.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Clearly, Episode 75: If I Could Turn Back Time, I'd Still Cut You In Half is far superior to everything else the fplus has done. I don't exactly know why, but there's just something about that episode that makes it so much better in terms of quality.

In all seriousness though, it's really hard to pick a favorite. I tend to prefer the types of episodes that feature really stupid/incomprehensible people and/or weird fetishes. Hans von Hozel is naturally a favorite, as is Storyprovider. Stand-out moments in general are Portaxx reading the part of the guy who has a Stargate, anything that's read with the "Royalty!" voice and anything Lemon cackles at.

I also have a strange fondness for the sentences "Before you is a gaint of a man" and "The pants Moron wears" from the Reno episode.


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Re: Time for a generic question
anything that's read with the "Royalty!" voice
montrith, February 03, 2013, 06:00:12 am

Oh man, aside from favourite episodes, what about favourite voices? I start grinning whenever I hear the "fat voice" that sounds so obese that it's almost drowning in its own rolls.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Anything that makes Portaxx uncomfortable.

Also, it was bizarre during the "Disliking this Episode is a form of harassment!" how there was a reference to Uhh Yeah Dude, which is another excellent podcast and was actively trying to get sued by that guy back in like 2008, I think.

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Re: Time for a generic question
The Creepy Pasta episode is great too. I told my six-year-old some of the stories, and btw, she thinks skeletons ARE scary.


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Re: Time for a generic question
The Yahoo Answers one is fun to listen to as well. I always crack up when Isfahan just abruptly jumps into angry-voice and growls "YOU SHOULD PUT A DILDO IN HIS BUTT AND SEE HOW HE LIKES IT!" out of nowhere.
Chaz GELF, February 03, 2013, 12:09:29 am

That was actually one of the responses on the page, but it looked like we were getting ready to move on so I just shoehorned it in there.
Isfahan, February 03, 2013, 01:41:31 am

Yeah, I knew it was a response, but it was just the way you managed to get it in there just as the others were getting ready to change the subject that caught me off guard and made me crack up the first time I heard it.


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Re: Time for a generic question
If we're going solely on "Number of times listened to" then definitely the creepypasta episode. It helps that I really like creepypasta to begin with and JimmyFranks and Kumquat's performances were top notch.

Another contender for top is definitely "I Can't Believe it's entirely Butter", it has just so many wonderful moments: Stupid Hotdog things, Aaron Tank, BunnyBread's Paula Deen impression, Portaxx's complete loss of composure over everything looking like "poo poo" and one of my favorite lines from lemon: "It's the police...FOR KIDS!"


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Re: Time for a generic question
All of Season 2. Every episode between F Plus Live and F Plus Live 2.

What? That's not allowed? Okay, alright, I think Any Cling You Want (You Got It) is my all-time favorite. I bought that book, by the way, and it is one of the greatest things I've ever read. At one point, he fashions a pair of pincers using cling film and uses them to pick a lock.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Anything that makes Portaxx uncomfortable.
BlueDiablo, February 03, 2013, 10:09:01 am

I think the Sissy Kiss episode would have to take the cake on that one. Portaxx wants to call off the podcast after the first line of the first reading and stays angry through the whole thing.

I'm ashamed to say that my favorite episodes are the weird sexual ones, so Sissy Kiss is one of them. The Cockrub Warrior episode was pretty funny too.