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Topic: Episode 91: Boy, You Fellas Sure Hate Frenulums  (Read 48678 times)

Lady Naga

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Cliff's Notes: emotional triggers are a bit more nuanced than simply writing it off as always bad. However, Tumblrites throw the term around because they don't really understand what a trigger is or what the experience of being triggered is actually like. They pretty much use it as a word interchangeable with "upset," which is super incorrect.

"That post triggered me so much."

"I don't want to make anyone triggered, but [...]"

"Great, now I'm triggered." (This is actually from one of our episodes!)
Isfahan, February 12, 2013, 02:39:32 pm

I once had a really awesome explanation of triggers (from a tumblr, too!) but I never managed to save it so it's been lost in the sands of time :(


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Hah! Called it. This is about an hour old from the time of this post.


Lady Naga

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Hah! Called it. This is about an hour old from the time of this post.

Isfahan, February 12, 2013, 08:39:49 pm

So I followed the original post because I had no clue what the fuck she was referring to and

Phobias/annoyances/NONTRIGGERS (but still upsetting on a bad day):

Oh my god I haaaaate you soooo muuuuuuchhh.
Noodle Matsuri


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My understanding is that the term originated in reference to graphic depictions of rape and violence.  The idea is that someone who has been a victim of those things might have PTSD, and being exposed to, say, an article describing the details of a sexual assault might cause them to have a fucking flashback.  Therefore, on sites where people like that might tend to congregate such as feminist blogs (where I have seen them used most often) you would post a warning before a link or jump to a discussion of such a thing so that affected people know not to follow it and ruin their day.

That is a perfectly reasonable thing to do I think, so of course the internet took it and turned it into something completely ridiculous.
Sherman Tank


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I actually know way more SJ terms than I ever needed to know.  I spent a month or so on sf_drama watching the wank and then quit, going "Well, that was a thoroughly unpleasant bunch of people and I'm glad I will never have to deal with this bullshit again."

Then I got a Tumblr account.

And moved to Washington.

It's a problem.

ETA: Actually, I'm going to flat-out admit that the F+ is my SJ-free zone and that it's inexplicably refreshing to me whenever I hear something being called "retarded" on the podcast.  Help me.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 06:53:46 am by Delcat »

Lady Naga

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The funniest thing is that I know exactly how these fuckers feel, and it's completely and totally not a "trigger".

When people use the word "tranny", I feel sick to my stomach. I don't shake or anything, but it's totally a gross feeling and I want to distance myself from whatever the source is ASAP. But it's not a trigger, it doesn't bring back any sort of trauma, it's just a really personally offensive word and I hope it gets phased out. I honestly don't understand why they can't be okay with that and instead have to blow it out of proportion to a ridiculous amount, you're getting Opressed(tm) either way!

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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The whole "trigger" thing started in fangirl culture. Since reading a Harry Potter or Digimon fanfiction still meant you COULD encounter a violent rape scene, authors were expected to put a warning for it at the beginning of the story. Now this kind of makes sense. To warn people, I mean, not to write torturous sexual assault into a goddamn kids' story.

Anyway, since, say, a rape survivor might not want to have memories of their trauma come flooding back in the middle of reading a cute little Secret of Mana story, it was the polite thing to do.

Then Tumblr happened, and the fangirls took it over. First you had to post warnings for posts on rape or murder. Then stuff like eating disorders and mental disorders. Then other people spoke up and said "well I uhh... I'm weirded out by descriptions of eye injuries! Can we trigger warn for that?" then "Oh hey I have a trigger too! I have bad vertigo so can we warn for photos of high places?" then "Um wait! I'm also triggered! I have a phobia of horses! Please post warnings if you're about to mention horses!"

As I mentioned in my other post, Tumblr Social Justice is a game, and woe be unto anyone who loses points for being "insensitive" and not obeying people's wishes for trigger warnings. So it snowballed.

Then you end up with otherkin warning for "human-centric language" and multiples warning for "multiplicity denial" (yes that was an actual TW for the F+ episode) and nobody even knows what trigger MEANS anymore.

Now people post "TW: ABUSE" at the top of their Tumblr posts, and the body of the post will literally just say something like "I am against child abuse." It won't graphically describe child abuse, it won't go into detail on how abusive people behave, it won't be anything like that. It will just say the word "abuse" or "abusive" in the body. MOTHERFUCKER, THAT IS NOT WHAT A WARNING IS FOR. YOU ALREADY READ THE FUCKING WORD "ABUSE" IN THE GODDAMNED HEADER. WHY IS THAT NOT TRIGGERING YOU, BUT SEEING IT IN THE BODY OF THE POST TRIGGERING YOU. THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE.

Furthermore, you get people saying "god I am SO TRIGGERED right now because you said a mean thing to me!" THAT ALSO MAKES NO SENSE. Oh I'm sure it reminds you of the time you tried to glamorbomb your math class but your wings got stuck in the doorway and everyone stared at you like the dumbass caveman you are, but that's still not a fucking trigger. Triggers are not "I am upset right now." Triggers are when you were fucking traumatized and some stimuli cause you to flash back to that moment, giving you the same feelings, making you relive that utter fear and despair. It is NOT "you said a mean thing and that reminded me of another time someone said a mean thing." It is NOT "I am very upset at you right now a nd wach as i ttyp badley to maek you tihnk im haveing a panick attck!!!!" AND IT IS NOT FUCKING "THIS REMINDS ME OF MY MADE-UP BACKSTORY AS A DEMON IN A DOOM LEVEL PLEASE SOMEONE GIVE ME INTERNET KISSES ON MY E-BOOBOO"

That's not how triggers even work. The reason people originally used them was that a scene like that could bring back that kind of pain and fear for trauma victims. Because, you see, triggers spark memories. Trauma victims can be triggered by seriously ANYTHING that reminds them of that horrible experience. You can be triggered by a dog barking if there was a dog when you got into that horrific car crash. You can be triggered by a building's layout if it looks like the bank you were in when robbers busted in and held the place hostage for a few hours. You can be triggered by a wallpaper pattern if it looks like the wallpaper in your old house where your mom used to beat you. THAT is what a fucking trigger is. It's not seeing the phrase "I had to take an alternate route because there was a car crash on Main Street."

But of course since Tumblr's in the business of collecting Anti-Privilege points, you desperately need to claim a trigger. If you don't have triggers, you're privileged, and if you're privileged, your opinions on literally anything don't matter. Even if it's on something entirely unrelated. Furthermore, if you don't respect trigger warnings, no matter how stupid, you get to be on the receiving end of a massive dogpile because OH YAY THIS PERSON DIDN'T OBEY TSJW RULES!! I GET 300 SJ POINTS IF I'M THE FIRST TO CALL THEM ON IT 8DDD

Trauma victims being triggered in real life are a fucking serious issue. Which is exactly why Tumblr ignores it and substitutes their stupid goddamned RPG points in its place.
Sherman Tank SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 01:37:27 pm by portaxx »

fruit power

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They've been doing the same thing with gaslighting. One of the most damaging forms of psychological abuse is now being equated to  telling a person that she's not really a unicorn. It makes me want to break the internet with my fruit power.


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Portaxx, you are the best.


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All hail Portaxx, you say what we want to say.

All this talk about Tumblr being like an RPG has struck a really strange chord in me. Part of me really wants to create an RPG system called The Tumblr Chronicles. We could have classes like Obsessesed Fangirl and Social Justice Warrior and they would have skills like "Trigger Warning! Player names a word which cannot be used by anyone until the player is knocked unconscious" or "Real Person Slashfic! Anyone with any taste when it comes to literature has to make a will-save or lose 2d6 hitpoints."

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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All hail Portaxx, you say what we want to say.

All this talk about Tumblr being like an RPG has struck a really strange chord in me. Part of me really wants to create an RPG system called The Tumblr Chronicles. We could have classes like Obsessesed Fangirl and Social Justice Warrior and they would have skills like "Trigger Warning! Player names a word which cannot be used by anyone until the player is knocked unconscious" or "Real Person Slashfic! Anyone with any taste when it comes to literature has to make a will-save or lose 2d6 hitpoints."
montrith, February 13, 2013, 03:28:35 pm

If you do this, I will make sprites for it. For real.


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All this talk about Tumblr being like an RPG has struck a really strange chord in me. Part of me really wants to create an RPG system called The Tumblr Chronicles. We could have classes like Obsessesed Fangirl and Social Justice Warrior and they would have skills like "Trigger Warning! Player names a word which cannot be used by anyone until the player is knocked unconscious" or "Real Person Slashfic! Anyone with any taste when it comes to literature has to make a will-save or lose 2d6 hitpoints."
montrith, February 13, 2013, 03:28:35 pm

Hopefully we can use the game system you develop to finally make that quicksand RPG.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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They've been doing the same thing with gaslighting. One of the most damaging forms of psychological abuse is now being equated to  telling a person that she's not really a unicorn. It makes me want to break the internet with my fruit power.
fruit power, February 13, 2013, 03:00:27 pm

I think one of the best (as in worst) things about wails of "gaslighting" is that they also confuse psychological abuse with harmless pranks.

For example, I once knew a guy who did what we called "gaslighting" because it also involved making people doubt their own recollection of events, yet it was just goofy pranks. So for instance, pulling the old "change someone's calendars and clocks to say it's the wrong day of the week" gag for an hour or two. Just stupid shit like that.

Yet several times now, I've seen Tumblr kiddies say stuff like OMG SOMEONE TRIED TO TRICK ME INTO THINKING I GOT AN EXTRA LOAF OF BREAD AT THE STORE BUT I REALLY DIDN'T GOD THEY'RE GASLIGHTING ME SO HARD IT'S A FORM OF FUCKING ABUSE YOU PRIVILEGED ASSHOLES. Yes, because that's totally abuse and not just a fucking practical joke.

God I need to start a "Portaxx Yells About Tumblr" thread or something. I don't know.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 04:48:52 am by portaxx »


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I have an idea for an alternate title.

Portaxx Yells About Tumblr Into a Microphone and Then Totally Gives the MP3s to Isfahan, Who Makes a Tidy Profit Reselling Them


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Now people post "TW: ABUSE" at the top of their Tumblr posts, and the body of the post will literally just say something like "I am against child abuse." It won't graphically describe child abuse, it won't go into detail on how abusive people behave, it won't be anything like that. It will just say the word "abuse" or "abusive" in the body. MOTHERFUCKER, THAT IS NOT WHAT A WARNING IS FOR. YOU ALREADY READ THE FUCKING WORD "ABUSE" IN THE GODDAMNED HEADER. WHY IS THAT NOT TRIGGERING YOU, BUT SEEING IT IN THE BODY OF THE POST TRIGGERING YOU. THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE.
portaxx, February 13, 2013, 01:33:15 pm

This one has always given me a headache.  TAG TW: RAPE IF THE WORD "RAPE" IS IN THIS POST.  WAIT WHAT

I made you a playpen, Portaxx.